Adding buildings with events

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Adding buildings with events Unread post

So, I have an event to add churches. The event happens every year, but I want the church placement to be random, so I set the placement to the middle of the map with a wide radius. However, it would be nice of course if the churches only landed in cities. I'm wondering if this will be the case, since the region doesn't normally seed churches, but the cities do. If not, is there anything else I can do?
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As far as I know, you have no possibility to exactly place a church (or any other building), when using a wide radius. Will hope for you, that in those days the responsable RT3 programmer wrote a special "church placing subroutine". :-D
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Grandma Ruth
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Why not do it differently? I haven't exactly thought this through, but you could generate a random number, then place your church (I hope it's Tycoonarist!) in a random city using the random number.

So, perhaps:
Event 1 - generate GV1= random 1-100
Event 2 - GV1 = 1-10, place church in City 1
Event 3 - GV1 = 11-20, place church in City 2
. . . . and so on

This would be a lot of events, maybe, but they can be copied, it's not too big a job. To put the buildings in the city, you need to use the co-ordinates of the centre of the city and make the radius as big as the city will be - which is a bit trial-and-error but maybe somebody already knows what radius to use. If so. I'm sure they'll chime in!

To answer your original question, as far as I know, an event over-rides all the usual default values of the region or city so they wouldn't automatically land up in the cities as you hoped.
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Re: Adding buildings with events Unread post

Based on Ruth's method of using variables, you could accomplish exactly what you want, however, the question begs...why would you want to add churches via event? As a municipal building they will spawn with the city, but they really serve no real purpose other than to generate 3 loads of passenger passenger traffic.
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Re: Adding buildings with events Unread post

Thanks Grandma Ruth, good idea!

And I want to do this for two reasons, both for the passenger traffic bonus, and as part of the scenario theme, which tries to highlight the significance of the Roman Catholic Church in Latin America. If you tithe, the Church builds churches. And EVERYBODY goes to church. And shrines. And although buses are very popular nowadays, trains are still used for passenger traffic a lot. Not as much chance of plummeting to your death.
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Re: Adding buildings with events Unread post

That makes sense, although you do realize that the game will add churches on its own. You might be better going with a different building, or creating one for this purpose.
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Re: Adding buildings with events Unread post

It would be nice if there was a Great Cathedral or Religious Shrine building to add which would strongly attract traffic from everywhere (like 10 or 15 consume/produce), but alas, I don't see them in the building list... though I hear there's some way to make buildings, that would mean you'd have to add user content to the appropriate directory when downloading my scenario, and I'm not sure how to make buildings anyway. Oh well, maybe someday. For now I'm calling it a day and have asked Hawk to post my scenario, Ecuador. Check it out.
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It's available in the South America section.
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