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Haul Load Counts in Territories

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Haul Load Counts in Territories

Unread post by OilCan »

Others may have figured this out long ago, but it has taken until now for me to fully understand it. And, I thought I should share it in case there are some who had the same questions I did.

The game counts the number of loads of a specific cargo type which is hauled to and from a territory. This is simple enough to understand (*), but it becomes a little more complicated when a sub-territory is embedded or remapped into a parent territory. It was the sub-territory which took me some time to figure out.

(*) Recall that all movement of cargo within a territory counts as being ‘from’ or ‘to’ the territory, and that RT3 displays only full load counts in the status ledger, yet continues to count partial loads to sum towards a full load.

As an example, let’s use territory ‘A’ with sub-territory ‘Asub’ hidden in A, plus an adjacent territory B, as shown below. Solid line indicates the load is counted, dashed line indicates the load is not counted.
TerrA.JPG (9.86 KiB) Viewed 2601 times
When the event condition is set to ‘from territory’ with A defined as the territory, then loads are counted if moved from station to station:
a) within territory A
b) to Asub
c) to territory B

Loads from territory A are NOT counted if moved within Asub, or from Asub to A, or from Asub to B.

When the event condition is set to ‘to territory’ with A defined as the territory, then loads are counted if moved from station to station:
a) within territory A
b) from Asub
c) from territory B

Loads to territory A are NOT counted if moved within Asub, or to Asub from A, or from B to Asub.

The same is true when the event condition is set to ‘from territory’ or ‘to territory’ with Asub defined as the territory – as shown below.
Asub.JPG (10.98 KiB) Viewed 2601 times
The take home point is that a sub-territory, or hidden remapped territory, acts as an independent territory when haul loads are counted. This is important to remember when events are written to count loads to or from a large territory which has cities in hidden sub-territories.