no values in Effects drop box

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no values in Effects drop box Unread post


I'm new here and am fiddling with my first scenario, for RRT3.. So far so good: landmap turned great (it's a world region still unseen around here), economy balanced (play tested a few times now, and tuned it) but working the events is killing me.

It's either a bug with my Win7 64bit or a problem with installation, i reckon, but here what my problem is:
- When i try to set effects on any event, the variables are always set to zero. The drop box where i could select what happens to them is always empty and i can't find my way around it!
Am i just being dumb and missing the obvious or do i make any sense to you experts?

Also - in this scenario, i want to count total produce+meat+bauxite hauled to port cities - any suggestions about how to best do it?

(And where the .. is the "attach" button in this post editor?. i would like to send my work so far, for your thoughts on it)

Many thx

... THIS IS A TEST EDIT, DONE IN 16/09/2010 ... testing for Hawk ...
Last edited by brunom on Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:06 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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and... i forgot...

Is there any way to reduce the produce demand from houses/cities? I don't want my player to make money by carrying produce around instead of exporting it...
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Re: no values in Effects drop box Unread post

brunom wrote:(And where the .. is the "attach" button in this post editor?. i would like to send my work so far, for your thoughts on it)
You should see it now. All new members are somewhat restricted in what is available to them in the forums until they make a post or two.
I do this to try and fight unwanted attachments being posted and spammers getting into the private message system and spamming members.

BTW! If you plan on attaching a zip of your 'not quite ready for prime time' work so far, it would be a good idea to start a thread in the RRT3 Reviews forum. That's where that kind of stuff is more likely to be seen. :salute:
brunom wrote:When i try to set effects on any event, the variables are always set to zero.
Just click in the box where the zero is, backspace to delete it then type in your own number.
brunom wrote:The drop box where i could select what happens to them is always empty and i can't find my way around it!
Maybe I'm being dumb about this but which drop down are you talking about?
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Make your port cities their own territories. Then set the price for produce lower in the main territory. This will make the demand for produce higher at the ports. Another way is to place your ports on the map and then just make the port itself its own territory. This way you can set events to affect just the port and not the city itself. This is how I am doing it on the map I am working on. I want certain cargo to be exported, and only the price at the port affected.

But if you want to count exports...make the city the territory and count loads to that territory.
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Re: no values in Effects drop box Unread post

Thank you for quick replies

I attached the PrintScreen of "my problem", if it makes sense to you.

I will post on the reviews forum what i accomplished so far. Feel free to grab, comment and correct.

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Okay, first of all, you are using 1.06 so what you are trying to do is use features from that. The new math operators don't all work. Division will work with a variable, not a value. So you have to work your math around that.

What are you trying to accomplish on this effect? Knowing that will make it easier to explain how to get there.
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Re: no values in Effects drop box Unread post

Am i using 1.06 ??

Main menu still says 1.05, Coast to Coast. I downloaded 1.06 from here a month ago or so, but after installing i had some crashes and re-installed 1.05 and coast to coast. I wonder if version files are mixed up now and that is the actual problem.

Anyway - i want to reduce produce price by 50% everywhere but in Export area (taking on your idea).

And once i get any good with working events, i also want to set a date to forbid steam locos alltogether, or at least make them hugely expensive to run, because Coal is an import and Electricity (in real life) is an export from Mozambique.
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Re: no values in Effects drop box Unread post

If you want to reduce the price of produce then your best bet is to do it as a start up event.

Always true

Set the even to apply only to the territory that isn't a port. Effect will be to reduce produce prices 50%, apply only to territory that is true.

If you have more than one territory, then still a start up event but..

Force test against territories.

Territory ID = , and do this for all the territories you want to affect (same as above)

For your other thing, its very easy. Set the event to trigger on that date you choose.

Make it always true and apply to player's company. Effects are:

Make all the steam locos unavailable that you have in the scenario.

Set the costs for steam locos for everything listyed higher.

This will accomplish both the things you want to do.
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I must point out that the price for cargo is set globally- you can't set it for 1 territory. The events definition sequence Ned outlined is the way to define things to be set per territory, player, company etc, but this will only work for Cargo Production(and some other game variables), not Cargo Price. When you change a cargo price it will affect the whole game no matter how you try to limit it to one entity. Also, when denying Locos to a player, there are some bugs in the editor. If you select "All Steam Locos" in the editor and make an event that sets this value to false(denying all locos) , it always leaves the Consolidated as still available for some reason. If you then set Consolidated to unavailable it makes another available - etc etc. To get the players locos buildable to zero you have to set each loco to unavailable separately. _Edit-the Loco availability bug might be a 1.06 issue, I have never checked 1.05 to see if it is the same

Edit to add: Here is the link where we had this exact same discussion about cargo prices effects a couple of weeks ago Ned. viewtopic.php?f=72&t=2414&start=0
Last edited by Stoker on Sun Mar 21, 2010 10:29 am, edited 2 times in total.

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nedfumpkin wrote:Okay, first of all, you are using 1.06...
Just for clarification, I downloaded the map from the other thread and it does show up in 1.05, so - apparently he's not running 1.06.
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I'm not 100% convinced on the cargo prices issue. I think it really depends on how you set up the event.

Only 1.06 has those operators in the event effects...that's how I know.
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I'm not disputing you Ned, but maybe he does have a little bit of 1.06 in his 1.05 install because 1.06 maps won't show up in 1.05. **!!!**
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They show up, but crash if you try to load them.
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Ned, If your not sure about something then why are you instructing this guy to do something your "not sure" about? The fact is that Cargo Price changes affect the whole game and you are giving this guy the wrong advice.

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I've loaded it in the game and the editor in 1.05 and no crash. I was just looking at it in the editor and I can't reproduce the screen he showed in one of the previous threads. **!!!**
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Re: no values in Effects drop box Unread post

Stoker, I'm not giving the guy wrong's what you are saying about cargo prices that I am not 100% convinced about. The effect changes the base price of the cargo, how it translates into the supply deand price will vry depending on the circumstances of the game.

So in one scenario there may be no noticeable effect, whereas in another scenario if may have a signficant effect. I know the effect works because I have used it with success.
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That's right, it changes the base price of the cargo GLOBALLY. You can't make the effects apply to only one territory, player or company, which means that the advice you gave about how to apply cargo price to a single territory is wrong.

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Says you. I looked through the discussions and it's just something that is stated. Yet, I have previously been able to achieve price changes on a regional basis.

Let him try it and see if he can achieve the desired effect.
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Try it for yourself then Ned, don't listen to me.I don't think your suggestion that brunom should "try it and see" makes any sense as he is already confused and can't even figure out how to enter values into the boxes, let alone trying to decipher the workings of the game engine. Why should he spend his time trying to validate one of your wrong assumptions? Try it yourself. Do anything you want as far as setting price for a specific territory, start the scenario, hit shift+E and look at the cargo prices. There is exactly one set of cargo prices no matter what.They apply to the WHOLE GAME.

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Re: no values in Effects drop box Unread post

I tried it, and I stand corrected.
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