How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!!

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How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post


At the start of my map, the AI Company buys back all stock out standing, resulting in crashing the game.

Does anybody else has this problem?

As human company you can not buy the last stock back, i know. (i tried it before) :-D
As AI company it can! :-( , not fair

Is there a fix for this? !hairpull!
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Re: How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post

That's really interesting! I have never seen a company do that. That sounds like a bug to me, but changing the chairman to one with less tendency to buy-back stock or changing the setting for AI stock buy-back in the editor may help as a work-around.

I am glad you are making a map and would love to play it when it is ready. :-D
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Re: How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post

Falcen81 wrote:At the start of my map, the AI Company buys back all stock out standing, resulting in crashing the game.
How much company cash does the AI start with? Maybe it starts with too much cash?
Regardless, I'm not sure why a buy back of stock would crash a game. **!!!**
As human company you can not buy the last stock back, i know. (i tried it before) :-D
As AI company it can! :-( , not fair
I'm not sure I understand the problem. A player's company can buy back all of its own company stock, except for what the player holds and provided the company has enough cash to buy the stock.
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Re: How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post

Sometimes I have encounered where there is some stock left but the public won't sell it. Usually you just need to wait for the price to change.
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Re: How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post


All thank you for your reply.

The AI company doesn't have a Chairman, Pre-build the company in the map, so It can't have a AI player. If someone knows how to add it please let me know :-D
I think the hex editor can do it, but still need to try it.

With the start of the game the company buys all back, and even on the screen it gives error written if you open the stock shares and view company.
this happens with passing to the next year, I've never reached the next year without cheating, and buy 1 stock share from all AI companies.
Made a screen shot from it but i have no clue how to upload it.
Copy past doesn't work!!!!!

i bring the company cash down and solving the problem for me.
But resulting that their business will not last longer than 5 years, and start request bankruptcy, and a 5 a 6 years later you buy it very cheap, i want it profitable.

Made changes in the cities, more houses\ industries.

now busy with an event that boost the worst preforming company, the help them a bit out.

Still testing my new map, had so far already around 30 bugs, probably still more to come.
testing takes time, a lot of time, what i don't really have.

So i will be finished probably in a few months,

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Re: How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post

Falcen81 wrote: Made a screen shot from it but i have no clue how to upload it.
Copy past doesn't work!!!!!
See this thread.

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Re: How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post

Thank's Hawk,

Copletely missed it. My bad :oops:

!$th_u$! Hawk

Now for you people who are interested to see a the screen shot.
No stock out.jpg
No stock out.jpg (155.54 KiB) Viewed 12305 times
As you can see, the third from the top, 0 stock outstanding!!!!!

for this i don't know about.
by RulerofRails,
That sounds like a bug to me,
think he's right.
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Re: How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post

That definitely screams bug. You download any patches? If so what order did you download them in?
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Re: How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post

Aren't you running a Steam version of RT3 with TM installed over the default install?
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Re: How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post

I am the first to say that I am not an expert in the editor, I was wondering myself how to make AI with chairmen. I would guess there are a few ways to do it, but over here there is a way to do it: viewtopic.php?f=66&t=821#p6532.

I realize that the above isn't much help for you to keep what you have already done. There probably is a better way to do this, but you could always try using cheat codes to give the right AI player enough money to buy 51% control of "his" company for takeover. Then selling off that stock to stabilize the price again. As far as I know, the option to set player cash re-sets player cash when a game starts so no need to worry about the player having tons of cash.

PS. If you haven't seen this thread it has some tips about strengthening AI: viewtopic.php?f=66&t=346.
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Re: How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post

Falcen81 wrote:The AI company doesn't have a Chairman, Pre-build the company in the map, so It can't have a AI player. If someone knows how to add it please let me know
To pre-build an AI company without a Chairman, follow these steps:
a) Keep the map paused the whole time.
b) Make sure the human player is selected as the on-screen player (go to stock market and click on the portrait of the human player).
c) Start a new company.
d) Invest at the minimum settings ($100K/$1000K) to keep stock prices low. (If your on-screen player does not have enough cash to start a new company, then enter the cheat: fat cat to give player more cash.)
e) Name the company and give it a logo.
f) Set up territory access rights for the company.
g) Add to to the company cash through “Set Cash”. Add a zero to provide $11 million.
h) Build the track, stations, service towers and maintenance sheds for the company. AI companies will not add towers and sheds to a pre-built rail line, so add them as you build.
i) Buy trains (if this is part of the game story) and set their routes. The AI will reroute the trains, but start with a route so the trains will load at the start of the game.
j) Hand place industry onto the map and buy it for the company. Upgrade the industry if needed – the AI company may not upgrade it.
k) Issue stock if you want the AI company to wait a year before issuing stock. Take out bonds if you want the AI company to start off in debt - realize that the AI company can still issue bonds even with a 'F' credit rating. Use events to control the growth and expansion of the company.
l) Once all the building and buying is done, reset the company cash to ZERO with “Set Cash”. Use an event to set the company cash amount for this company at the start of the game. (Also reset the player's cash with an event.)
m) Sell all of your stock.
n) Resign from the company.
o) Save. Test.
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Re: How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post

To create an AI company with an AI Chairman, follow these steps in the Editor:
a) Keep game map paused the whole time
b) Go to the stock market
c) Click on the portrait of the AI tycoon who will be the Chairman of the AI company
d) Hold Control key and click on AI tycoon portrait again. Now you control the AI tycoon
e) Start a new company
f) Invest at the default settings unless you want the AI Chairman to hold more than the default of 10% of the stock. To increase the AI Chair’s stock holdings, increase the proportion of the Chair’s investment to the other players. To fine tune the holdings, buy or sell stock once the company is started.
g) Name the company and give it a logo
h) Set up territory access rights
i) Add to company cash through “Set Cash”
j) Build any track, stations, service towers and maintenance sheds
k) Buy trains (if this is part of the game story) and set their initial routes
l) Hand place industry and buy it for the company. Upgrade the industry if needed
m) Issue stock if you want the AI company to wait a year before issuing stock. Take out bonds if you want the AI company to start off in debt - realize that the AI company can still issue bonds even with a 'F' credit rating.
n) Once all is ready, reset the company cash to ZERO for start up with “Set Cash”. Use an event to set the company cash amount for this company at the start of the game.
o) Go back to stock market and reclaim control of human player (Control-Click on portrait)
p) Save. Test.
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Re: How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post

How does one make a double post nearly an hour after the first post?
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Re: How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post

Hello all,

I'm trying to keep live interesting, with my new map.

Had a error, not Buying back stock, from 26 march. :-(

Made an error in the map, after I corrected the AI company Cash, i bulldozered a city with mistake. :-( :oops:
Never noticed it, for a few hr's :-D

But now!
by AdmiralHalsey » Fri Mar 28

That definitely screams bug. You download any patches? If so what order did you download them in?
by Hawk » Fri Mar 28, 2014

Aren't you running a Steam version of RT3 with TM installed over the default install?
I got a original PC cd-rom, it's now arround 10 years old
i installed the original, backed it up,
installed all patches like the release date they came out.
all my versions are stand alone. got 8 or 9 folders with Rt3. and some without add on's (extra buildings/ loco's and rolling stock)
And TM is also stand alone.

I don't know if it is version 1 bug. **!!!**

by RulerofRails » Fri Mar 28

I am the first to say that I am not an expert in the editor, I was wondering myself how to make AI with chairmen. I would guess there are a few ways to do it, but over here there is a way to do it: viewtopic.php?f=66&t=821#p6532.

PS. If you haven't seen this thread it has some tips about strengthening AI: viewtopic.php?f=66&t=346.
!$th_u$! RulerofRails, the last one I did not look for yet. !$th_u$! for the link :-D
by OilCan » Sat Mar 29,

To create an AI company with an AI Chairman, follow these steps in the Editor:
a) Keep game map paused the whole time
b) Go to the stock market
c) Click on the portrait of the AI tycoon who will be the Chairman of the AI company
d) Hold Control key and click on AI tycoon portrait again. Now you control the AI tycoon
That's what i was looking for {,0,}
!$th_u$! OilCan (0!!0)

Thank you all who helped, With some stock owned by the AI player the error will not come any more, I hope :!:

!$th_u$! !!howdy!!
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Re: How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post

AdmiralHalsey wrote:How does one make a double post nearly an hour after the first post?
If you're talking about OilCan's two posts, apparently you didn't read them. They are not double posts.
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Re: How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post

AdmiralHalsey wrote:How does one make a double post nearly an hour after the first post?
:lol: They may look the same but they are different. One creates an AI company with a tycoon chairman, the other creates an AI company with NO chairman (ex: a national run railway system). Posting the same thing twice would be senseless, wouldn't it? :-D
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Re: How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post

AdmiralHalsey wrote:How does one make a double post nearly an hour after the first post?
:lol: They may look the same but they are different. One creates an AI company with a tycoon chairman, the other creates an AI company with NO chairman (ex: a national run railway system). Posting the same thing twice would be senseless, wouldn't it? :-D
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Re: How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post

Now that's how you make a point OC. ^**lylgh
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Re: How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post

Yes, but shouldn't his "post count" be reduced from 603 to 602? I think there's a term used to describe those who post repetitively just for the sake of incresing their count. **!!!**
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Re: How it is possible that AI buy all stock back!! Unread post

Wolverine@MSU wrote:Yes, but shouldn't his "post count" be reduced from 603 to 602? I think there's a term used to describe those who post repetitively just for the sake of incresing their count. **!!!**
I'm guessing you missed the point of his double post above. It started with this post and the one right after it, followed by AdmiralHalsey's post after that, followed by mine at the bottom of Page 1.
The double post above by OC was intended to be a joking reply to AdmiralHalsey's post. I seriously doubt it was done for the reason you mentioned.
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