AI Loco availability tip

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AI Loco availability tip Unread post

When you write events for a scenario, write an event that makes undesirable locos unavailable to them. Some locos will just get them into trouble - like Eight Wheelers on a hilly map, or Camelbacks any time, or locos with high running costs.
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In a scenario I am working on, I wanted to prescribe the locos available to each AI railiroad, to try and differentiate them a bit and get them to resemble real life a bit. What I ended up doing was creating a board-clearing event that retires all the AI's trains every dozen years or so. This way, they are forced to upgrade their fleet, and they are limited to the engines I have chosen for them. I also give them a little extra company cash to help pay for new engines, just so this board-clearing doesn't leave them unable to get up and running again.
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