Replace one warehouse with another?

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Replace one warehouse with another? Unread post

For my Disneyland scenerio I'm working on (see here) I start in 1955 with a warehouse I call Disneyland demanding 3 passengers, 1 clothes, 1 toys, and 1 goods. Every ten years I want to increase each demand by 1 load. Is this possible? Can I modify the warehouse's demands directly, or do I need to remove the existing one and replace it with another? I see a place in the editor to add a warehouse, but nothing to remove one.
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I think you might have to remove and replace. I would suggest you have a little territory around your warehouse and do an event to "destroy buildings", immediately followed by another event to build another warehouse there. A bit cumbersome but I can't think how else to do it.
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The Big Dawg
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That's about the only way I know of doing it.
You would have to make the territory small enough so nothing else can build in it but large enough to allow a little shifting of the coordinates when the new warehouse is placed.
You could create the new territory just outside the area reserved for the city, have the edges of both touching. That way a large station could still overlap that territory along with the city, but it night take two stations.
I've been working with this very idea on a map I'm working on and so far it seems to work pretty good.
The new territory is for a port but it would work the same for a warehouse. although you'd have to make sure you get the right warehouse built with the right recipe which can be a bit testy



A trial and error situation at it's best. :D
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Re: Replace one warehouse with another? Unread post

I cant find a setting in the editor to remove a building. I found destroy all buildings but it didnt give me the choice of which one. Did I miss something?
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No, you didn't miss anything. That's why you have to create a small territory so you can destroy all only in that territory.
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Re: Replace one warehouse with another? Unread post

I looked for the effect in the editor to place a warehouse, as I would like to do that in my next scenario. But I can't find it. All the industries seem to be there except ports and warehouses. Is placing a warehouse a new thing added in the 1.06 patch, or am I missing something :?:
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Re: Replace one warehouse with another? Unread post

I found it all the way at the bottom of the add building list. It gives you a "Add Port" or "Add Warehouse" ten or twelve times in a row. That corresponds with the ten or twelve different recipes you can create for the ports and warehouses. I dont know how to do the picture thing with the arrows Hawk does to make it clearer though, sorry.
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Re: Replace one warehouse with another? Unread post

Canadian Viking wrote:I looked for the effect in the editor to place a warehouse, as I would like to do that in my next scenario. But I can't find it. All the industries seem to be there except ports and warehouses. Is placing a warehouse a new thing added in the 1.06 patch, or am I missing something :?:
You might not have scrolled down far enough. ;-)
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Re: Replace one warehouse with another? Unread post

I have gone to the very bottom of the list, and ports and warehouses are not there. I thought maybe they didn't show up because I had not programmed them to supply or demand any thing, but even after I did that they still don't show up on the add building list. Is this a feature that was added with the 1.06 patch - which I have not installed?
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Have you checked to make sure they are checked in the 'Industry (Overall)' list?
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Canadian Viking
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Neither one is included in the Industry (overall) list, so how can I check what isn't there? Verrry puzzling. **!!!**
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Re: Replace one warehouse with another? Unread post

Are you saying that you don't see this
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and this
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in the editor?
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Canadian Viking
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No, I do not see either of those lovely lists. And my screen says I have 29 of 43 industries available, so obviously my list is much shorter than yours. :-(
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Now that's weird. :-?
I do have the 1.06 patch installed but even with the 1.05 patch the ports and warehouses should be there.
As a matter of fact I think even the default install had the ports and warehouses listed.
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I have a 2nd copy of RRT3 installed on a laptop (from a 2nd cd), and it too has Coast to Coast and the 1.05 patch. I tried the editor on that, and still got the short list of 43 industries with no ports or warehouses. I had thought maybe my main computer might have missed something when I installed the game, but evidently that is not the case.

I used the editor to go into other games that did not use the same restrictions in Special Conditions that I have, in case that affected the list in Industry (Overall), and that made no difference.

Can anyone confirm that you do NOT have the 1.06 patch installed AND you are able to add a port or warehouse in the editor effects? I am stumped on this one, and adding warehouses during the game was supposed to be a key feature of the new scenario on which I'm currently working.
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Canadian Viking
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Re: Replace one warehouse with another? Unread post

I notice that KevinL's Disneyland warehouse demands 3 passengers. I programmed docks and warehouses for my new scenario on the weekend, and discovered I could not demand or provide passengers from either of those two buildings. Is this flexibility something that came with the 1.06 patch, or is my game's editor malfunctioning in that regard?

I've read the documentation on the 1.06 patch and I notice that one new thing it allows is for the player in a game to build a dock or warehouse. That is not possible without this patch, so I am wondering if the change which alows that to happen is also what allows the scenario designer to use the editor to place a dock or warehouse in a new location during the game. :?: :?: :?:
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Replace one warehouse with another? Unread post

With the 1.05 patch, and I'm pretty sure earlier versions, you can designate that a port or warehouse be placed in a city by the computer but you couldn't place them yourself.
With the 1.06 patch you now have the capability to place them yourself and/or place them with an event.
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