Events not being processed

Tips and Tricks on Events, Economy, etc.
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Events not being processed Unread post

Hi all

I'm just beginning to mess around with events to get to understand them. I've read Oilcan's (as usual :-D ) excellent guide to writing events.

I'm not doing anything very complicated (e.g. with variables): just trying to make one thing happen on a certain date. I'm enjoying laying track in the Sierras after Gold on CPR, and just trying out things to spice up the situation. Getting Baldwin 0-6-0s back (why do they disappear so quickly? Great, reliable little engine for hauling industry raw materials over short distances), giving myself Shays etc.

So I managed to get two time-based events to fire. The third one, for some reason, just refuses to even be processed, let along fired. I've attached a screenshot. Originally this was timed for Monthly (start of month), like the others. I tried Yearly, testing Game Year, then back to Monthly, testing Game Month YYYYMM, then to Weekly. Whatever I do, this event just doesn't get processed: the Event Debugger shows that it doesn't even get processed (0).

Is this a known weirdness with events? I tried moving the event up and down the list, but that made no difference.

thanks for any ideas!
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Re: Events not being processed Unread post

Update on this mysterious problem:

NONE of the regular periodic events are being triggered, not even the pre-built ones that came with the campaign. I checked this by finding a pre-built event which was set to Monthly (start of month). This was processed 212 times since the start (Event Debugging screen). Exited the editor, let about 6 months pass on Fast speed. Back to the editor: that event had still only been processed 212 times.

Really weird. Would love to know if this has happened to anyone else, and if there's a cure.
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Re: Events not being processed Unread post

undertoad wrote:I'm enjoying laying track in the Sierras after Gold on CPR.
Your problem is that once one of the medals have fired, no more events will be processed. Like it or not, that's the way the game is. This is why I normally save a game just before I get the Gold Medal. That way if I want to keep playing the map, I can disable the medal events by either changing the date or just removing the effects (Set Game Won (Bronze, Silver, Gold) to true). Also, I remove the Game Lose effect from that event.

PS. You are testing your sample event Weekly. But it's triggers only include a specific Month. This event will fire 4 times in that month unless you set it to only get processed once. Better practice would be to test start of month. This also gives the computer less work to do. Events with Weekly checks can be processed thousands of times over the course of a game.
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Re: Events not being processed Unread post

RulerofRails wrote:
undertoad wrote:I'm enjoying laying track in the Sierras after Gold on CPR.
Your problem is that once one of the medals have fired, no more events will be processed. Like it or not, that's the way the game is. This is why I normally save a game just before I get the Gold Medal. That way if I want to keep playing the map, I can disable the medal events by either changing the date or just removing the effects (Set Game Won (Bronze, Silver, Gold) to true). Also, I remove the Game Lose effect from that event.
Brilliant! It's that simple. I'm not going crazy after all. And that's a great workaround.

I was looking all through the Control Panel screens for some imaginary box marked "don't process any events" that had somehow got ticked!

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