Connecting Certain Cities

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Connecting Certain Cities Unread post

In my most recent map (using the original Coast to Coast map), it has victory conditions that force you to connect certain cities, for Bronze you need to connect New York to Los Angeles, silver you also need to connect Chicago and New Orleans, for Gold you must also connect Toronto and Dallas. I have it set up so you connect the territory "New York" to the territory "Los Angeles" for one Company Variable, so you only need 1 point to get bronze (no more or less), where silver has you getting 5 points (no less) and gold where it makes you have 11 points (no less also) (the silver cities have 2 points and gold ones have 3). I know you can cheat to silver (connect one silver city and one gold city) or gold.

Anyways, when you do connect to a city a newspaper event is supposed to pop up, which gives you the points, so when I do it, the newspaper doesn't pop up. (to get three points I connected Austin to Dallas, no newspaper) So I'm thinking of a different way to do it, but I don't want to force someone to start in a selected city so you can connect Chicago from any city you want not just New York (or LA). But I'm not to sure if there is a way to do it, either than the way I'm doing it now.

If your wonder what I'm doing, I have it set up so that you connect America to one of the cities (ie Dallas or Toronto, although I am thinking of changing the Toronto one to Canada), except for the one where you need to connect two specific territories (New York and LA).

Thanks in advance!
Grandma Ruth
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Re: Connecting Certain Cities Unread post

Why are you using territories instead of cities? I don't know if it would make any difference, just curious. I don't understand the problem. For bronze, connect city X to city Y, for silver, connect city X to city Y and city A to city B, for gold, connect X to Y and A to B and C to D. So why not use simple events with those conditions? :-?
Are you saying you want these cities to be connected to the railroad, not particularly to each other? I'm not getting it.
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Re: Connecting Certain Cities Unread post

If the newspaper doesn't report, then there is a problem with either the conditions or the effects of the event. Can you post a screen shot of the conditions and effects?

You can use cities to confirm connection events. You don't really need city sized territories unless there is something else going on in the game, like counting loads hauled to or from the city. In this case you will need a territory. In cases of connection only I use City connects to city, or Comp. stns. connect city to city. There is no need to track points if all you want is connections. You can put all three connection tests like the one below in the gold event, two in the silver, one in the bronze.

Comp. stns. connect city to city (32 New York, 89 Los Angeles) is TRUE AND
Comp. stns. ... is TRUE AND
Comp. stns. ... is TRUE
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