Readjusting Scenario Conditions

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Readjusting Scenario Conditions Unread post

This has been discussed before, but I think it got lost with the last Forum.

The question relates to how to readjust things in the game to get back to "normal". For instance, if you reduce production by 75% (i.e. to 25% of normal) in an event, then do you have to increase it by 75% or 400% to get back to normal? Likewise, if you increase cargo prices by 50% (to 150%) then do you reduce it by 50% (150% x 0.5 - 75%) or only 33% (150% x 0.33 = 100%)?
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I had lots of trouble with this issue and can't remember the answer. Try using temporary changes to avoid the problem. It sets up a reversing instruction and that instruction can be looked at to see how they do it. (I think that you have to go back in to the game and have the temp instruction triggered, then go in to the editor to see the reversing instruction).
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I use normal math. Increase by 50% then decrease by 33%.
Even then, there seems to be some other factor that comes to play
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It's not percentages, but "levels."
Production -50% = 50% production level
Production +50% = 100% production level
if you do instead
Production +100%, you arrive at 150% total.

See here for the details ... .php?t=271
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