Trainmaster....what comes next.

General discussion about TrainMaster
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El Moichi
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Re: Trainmaster....what comes next. Unread post

I spent this afternoon by translating „Persian Electric“. In my opinion, this is an excellent map to become acquainted with Trainmaster, as an introduction. So, when all work is done to present a “german version”, there will be a first map to play for those german fellows who can´t understand English language. I will proceed to translate upcoming maps (…after I have played them for myself…). :-D

Regarding “Persian Electric”, I discovered some minor “hints of bugs”, and now (after looking at the events in the editor) I can describe them more precise. Maybe someone has already mentioned them before, I apologize for I have not the time to read all threads here.

First, you have written too much text for the medal events. Those are not entirely displayed, for any medal.

Second, at the start of the scenario a message should come up which lists up the scenario goals (“Brief”). The “Brief2” event is checked against “Game Difficulty < 3”, and the “Brief” event against “Game difficulty >=4”. So, for those who choose Expert level (with game difficulty = 3) this message isn´t displayed and they never get informed that they have to connect a couple of cities (for this is only mentioned at this point).

With your permission, I will fix this for the german version by setting “Game difficulty >=3” for the “Brief” event.

Tomorrow, it is "Pirates" time. In Germany, a heavy snow storm is occuring at the moment. So I´ll have a good time in my well heated "work room" tomorrow. ;-)
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Yes, these bugs have been mentioned, and I am trying to find the time to fix them and release an updated version of the map. This is why it isn't on the download page right now. I also want to include the custom pack I stated making that creates a set of rail cars for the Persian Star Railway, including locomotives. It will also include the files to replace churches with mosques, and other municipal buildings with more persian style in their architecture. Different sounds too.

Hopefully by the end of January I will be able to get back into it. I've also got a bunch of campaign stuff, and first on my list will be to post CA01 and CA05 campaign scenarios. CA01 needs some bugs fixed too.'s saturday night and while I am stuck doing intense research and writing long diatribes that may or may not be read, I would so much rather be making a movie about chimpanzees keeping up with the Jones' (see, there's those Welsh again) :)

Another thing I would like to look into at some point, and this is in conjunction with the documentation I keep promising, is to discuss with Oilcan adaptation of his RT3 manual to Trainmaster. Since I noticed that work may be done on translating that into German, I would use the same approach and highlight changes that pertain to TM. Just a thought from someone who would rather be thinking about an industry list. Maybe if I find the time....
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and this is in conjunction with the documentation I keep promising
Ned, as I said before, If you send me a revised summary of building/industry details, I'll update the existing documentation.
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El Moichi
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OilCan´s „Handbook to RRT3“ is brilliant, regarding both content and presentation. It would be worth to get translated into German, but I don´t want to do the whole work alone and I better wait until some guys jump into the project.

It´s the same thing as with Trainmaster at the moment. It seems to me that some of the german folks at Molse´s forum have some kind of reservations about this new stuff and don´t share my enthusiastic reaction (because they haven´t given it a own try). Meister Sugus has decided that to continue translating the old RRT3 maps is a project with an outstanding priority and he tells to everyone that he will neither translate other stuff nor give response to technical questions until all that is done.

So, I have decided, for Trainmaster I will go the way alone to introduce the game there by setting up a german version. This means:

- translated RT3.lng, and translated names of industry buildings and cargoes to change the *.bca-files (this work is done to 99%)

- translated maps (I have been starting up as I mentioned yesterday)

- to set up a small manual which will give an introduction to the new industry buildings and cargo types, explain the RailYardStructures (and how to use them), and translated installation hints (therefore I need your industry notes, not only for my own pleasure).

If OilCan´s handbook is supplied with new chapters containing special TM stuff, I will go to translate the new contents and add them up.

So, a german version could be issued to support the game there. And if no one wants to host the files there, I´ll have to ask Hawk to do so. Perhaps he might give us a small space for a german TM discussing thread. :roll:
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El Moichi wrote:And if no one wants to host the files there, I´ll have to ask Hawk to do so. Perhaps he might give us a small space for a german TM discussing thread. :roll:
That's not a problem, either hosting files or setting up a new forum. I can do both. :salute:
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Wolvy...those are the docs I keep promising. It's a matter of sitting down for about 8 hours and going through each bca to record the cargo and years. The only 8 hours of unused time that I have right now is when I am sleeping. :)

There is and there isn't a rush for creating a manual for TM in the same way as Oilcan's. Heck, we've waited 6 years for that one, a few more months won't hurt.

Depending on how things go, I am really hoping that by the beginning of March there will be enough maps and campagin scenarios completed, and bugs fixed, and docs written that TM can go from a temporary download page to a real one. That may garner a broader interest in the game, where people who aren't following this thread, or may not even realize that TM is still RT3 just better :-D aren't even aware of it. In a sense, I still think that it is evolving at a good pace and it's really stable, despite a few minor bugs, and after my hiatus, it should pick up speed again and burst onto the train world in a blaze of cargo micromanaging glory. :)
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Something I meant to post earlier regarding the language file....the headlines for newspapers are just a collection of silly headlines that have actually been published in newspapers...translating them my not have the same humourous effect, however, you could do what I did and just search the net for silly german headlines that have been published.
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Hawk wrote:For whatever it's worth, I've been told I have a good voice for commentary type stuff.
I usually play with the sound off, but to hear your voice, Hawk - what an experience! I wonder if you sound like I imagine from your picture and so on.
Sorry, I'm just catching up, I'm quoting from what was said a long time ago. :lol:
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Well, I did the voice commentary for Monkey Island (the TM version). I think it's available on the TM page or in a post somewhere.

Ah, what the heck. You have a PM. :mrgreen:
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Wow! Ned, I do hope you will use the voice. It's better even than the original voice, I think, because it's obviously genuine where the original was clearly an actor. But the possibilities are endless - El Moichi, Molse for the European games, your good self for the Canadian ones, my compatriot Belbincolne for England ....
The whole area of sound is completely wasted on me, I'm afraid, I'll have to start turning the sound up. It's the songs that annoy me, I love the sound effects but I don't like background music at all, either on the computer or at work or whatever.
(Except a little Sinatra with sherry on a Saturday night, of course.) ;-)
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You do know you can use your own music, don't you?
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You can also turn the Music off in the Settings panel.
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El Moichi
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Re: Trainmaster....what comes next. Unread post

Grandma Ruth wrote:Wow! Ned, I do hope you will use the voice. It's better even than the original voice, I think, because it's obviously genuine where the original was clearly an actor. But the possibilities are endless - El Moichi, Molse for the European games, your good self for the Canadian ones, my compatriot Belbincolne for England ....
Well, I think that all at merry old England would be proud if they could listen to YOUR voice... :-D :-) :shock: :lol: ;-) :oops:
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El Moichi - thank you but the only "character" I could play would be a Yorkshire mill-girl, there just weren't any working class, northern, female railway tycoons. (Somebody will immediately come up with one, I know!)
Wolvey - thanks, why didn't I think of that! :salute:
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And the really good news is that starting this weekend, I will be back on TM until at least May when I will have to take another break...but by then it shouldn't be too noticeable since I should have a lot accomplished so taking a couple of weeks off won't impact anything. Yay!
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Just an update on what's left on my to-do list.

Still working on the cargo icons file. These are the symbols that will appear on the sides of some rail cars.

Still have to fix the profile images for the GP7 and GP 7 double.

Still have to make a guide for the plater characters, with bios and portraits.

Still have to sort out which company logos to include as separate files.

Can't figure out what is wrong with the organge box car skin that wants to disapear at certain angles.

That's peretty much it for the main Trainmaster files. Once I have all that done, I will repackage everything as a final version.

Then it's just maps and campaign files, and custom paks, and car sets, and cargo icon sets.
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Re: Trainmaster....what comes next. Unread post

Hiya Ned, I have been away from RRT for a while, but I have recently been tinkering with it once again. From what I have gathered you have built into this Mod(Game) many of the complex industry features I have tried to build into scenarios(adding machinery or explosives to mines to increase output, more complex formulas to produce items- etc). I have been away so long I am going to have to re-learn the installation procedures and file locations all over again, but I think it will be worth it to give your great work a try. If all goes well, and I can figure out the new game dynamics, I would even like to produce a scenario or two for your new rail/industrial system. Keep up the good work! !*th_up*!

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