Missing Building and cargo types

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Missing Building and cargo types Unread post

I have just loaded TM and noticed that the following Building and cargo types are missing

Building Types
Dairy Processing
Cattle Farms

Cargo types

There might be more.

If I copy from RRT3 the game crashes when starting a scenario or campaign. I was able to copy over the Cattle Farm and the game still worked but any other it does not. Just crashes while building the maps etc.

Any suggestions
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Re: Missing Building and cargo types Unread post

TM has a lot of different cargoes compared to the original RT3 or RT3 1.06 version.

There is no cheese in TM and no dairy processing plant. Instead there is broad cargo of food and a creamery.

Also there is no clothing in TM, it's replaced with the more encompassing cargo of textiles.

You may want to look at the supply chain guide on the TM download page. It might give you a better idea of what the cargoes are, what they represent, and the interactions of them all.

Re: Missing Building and cargo types Unread post

Hey, not sure whether it's more kosher to start a new thread on this same topic or just grab the same thread from not too far back. I have just installed Trainmaster and get a similar error for "Farm Sheep". This occurs when trying to start any new scenario or campaign. I am unable to start any map in Trainmaster. I tried copying FarmSheep.bca from my RT3 installation, but with no change to results.

Here's what my installation process looked like. I hope I'm doing something wrong here; I can't figure it out and I'm getting quite frustrated! !hairpull!

1. Copied my existing RT3 1.05 installation into a new folder called Trainmaster

2. Deleted all files inside the following folders:
a. \data\BuildingTypes
b. \data\CargoTypes
c. \data\EngineTypes

3. Unzipped trainmaster.zip into the main Trainmaster folder

4. Unzipped
a. Trainmaster_ExpressCars_DefaultBlue into the \data\3D folder
b. Trainmaster_Troops_CDN into the \data\3D folder

5. Setup a desktop shortcut pointing to \Trainmaster\RT3.exe

6. Unzipped the following campaign folders in their respective order, overwriting files as prompted
a. Trainmaster_Campaign_Files_1a
b. Trainmaster_Campaign_Files_1b
c. Trainmaster_Campaign_Files_1c
d. Campaign_Files_2
e. Trainmaster_Campaign_Files_3

7. Unzipped Trainmaster_No_Apes, as I felt I would prefer seeing humans to Apes :-)

At this point I launched the game. Again, the menus work, but no scenarios or campaigns. I didn't mess with Trainmaster_Patch1-1, as the readme implied that it was for developer use. Judging by the error I'm receiving I don't believe this would have any impact.

Has anyone else seen this and perhaps know of a fix?
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Re: Missing Building and cargo types Unread post

The whole supply chain has been drastically changed in TM. As BH suggested in the post above yours, the TM Supply Chain Guide will explain a lot about it.

You shouldn't need any sheep farms or dairy farms in TM, unless you're trying to play a map that wasn't created for TM. Only maps made specifically for TM will work in TM. Maps made for any other version of RT3 will not work in TM.

I guess the installation instructions should also say to delete the files in the maps folder.
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Re: Missing Building and cargo types Unread post

Both the .BCA and corresponding .BTY files are required. I had the sheep farms experimentally resurrected in one of my Trainmaster installations, although as said above they are not particularly meaningful. Actually, single-product farms aren't meaningful for any RR Tycoon version at all and wool production would better be shifted to other facilities, with more integrated production chains that prevent trains from unrealistically and unprofitably "waiting for more cargo".
Maps made for other versions of RT3 (that is, the. GMP files) will load in Trainmaster, albeit with a limited functionality, since they will only display the industries that have remained common between both versions. See here some related observations. Percentages for the additional industry types will have to be defined from scratch for every city and region. Understandably .GMS saved sessions are a different story. They are not transferable between versions and cause the program to crash. That's quite annoying, because after repeated modifications in the production chains, one cannot remember which saved sessions correspond to which particular industry setup. With the experience gained I might suggest that if one is particularly fond of a specific saved session, it is a good idea to create a zip-file of the building types directory in order to resurrect the whole setup later on in a dedicated installation and continue the started scenario.
Enriching an installation with additional industry types and varied production chains does add much interest and variety, however it greatly increases processing time for each scenario. With about 120 business types at present, it takes me about 27 minutes to add a new city or region in a freelance, fictional base map. When modelling a real-world situation, it will take more than 1 hour to research and define each one.
Update:A step to address the above matters is the following attachment: A generic animal farm compatible with all Tycoon distributions, producing livestock, fertilizer, milk and wool (the way it was in RR Tycoon 1 if I remember correctly). Production rates are still questionable and subject to discussion. It is built upon the cattle ranch, but it is suggested to rename it "Animal Farm" in the language file. In general, it is better to rephrase as many things as possible through the language file, not through filename changes, in order to keep transfer of stuff between versions as smooth as possible.
Of course it isn't as versatile as the Farmstead cooperatives (which are strongly recommended for all Tycoon versions), yet as a farm it is buyable, and that's why I wanted to include it. It is intended to eliminate sheep and dairy farms, helping also to save much map-making time.
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