
Topics on how to write scenarios for TrainMaster.
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Campaigns Unread post

I've settled on how to set up the campaigns, and this will allow for stuff to be added as it is created with the greatest amount of ease. Anyone wishing to create a scenario is more than welcome, and it can be included here, and added to the game when completed. This pertains to the upcoming Alpha 2.

Campaigns are hard coded into the RT3.exe file. There are 3 sets of files for each campaign scenario. The map .gmp, the video intro .bik, and then the voice over for before and after .mp3. The intros are 30 seconds, and making videos in bik is easy if you download bink, a free converter. I'm going to get me lazy ass teenager to record the voice overs as soon as I get scrips. He's got a flair for doing voices, and I am encouraging him to look at the possibility of making extra money doing it professionally. So for continuitym, the complete set of voices for the campaign rooms will be re-recorded.

I am also going to re-do the rooms themselves at some point. The are just video loops, and I haven't decided what look to give them, and I am open to suggestion or delegation. Anyone making a campagin scenario who wants to include an intro video is free to do so. I've been downloading industrial films from to cobble together stuff.


Campaign files will all have the same naming scheme- CA00. Voice files are preceded by their number i.e. 001. Campaign rooms will be divided by century, with the last room being one map each from the previous eras, but near impossible to complete. This is what is proposed, but is always open to change.

The Age of Steam (1800s)

CA01 - Birth of a Nation - 1836 - Canada's first RR. Connect Upper and Lower Canada before Condeferation.

CA02 - Black Diamonds - 1845 - Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania.

CA03 - Unnassigned

CA04 - Deadwood - 1870 - Gold Rush in the Black Hills of Dakota to the Gold Rush in the Yukon. Railroads built by Chinese Labourers.

CA05 - Unnassigned

The Century of Self (1900s)

CA06 - Athabaska 1905 - remake

CA07 - Panama - remake

CA08 - Made in America - 1940 - The story of the CIA creating a defense industry to fund black ops and fight the Cold War

CA09 - Monkey Business - 1960 - It's a jungle out there.

CA10 - Unnassigned

The Millenium (2000s)

CA11 - 2004 - Vorsprung durch Technik - Grandma Ruth's Germany scenario

CA12 - Unnassigned

CA13 - Unnassigned

Trainmaster - Extreme Difficulty

CA14 - 1800s - Unnassigned

CA15 - 1900s - Unnassigned

CA16 - 2000s - Unnassigned


Stand alone scenarios:

Persian Electric - complete.


When creating a campaign scenario, create it as a regular scenario, and only when completely done, change it to campaign scenario, then rename it to the appropriate name. There are place holders in place for the voice and video.
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Re: Campaigns Unread post

I also decided that I am making up new players for the campaigns, and some will be historical, while a few will be fictional. I am also doing the same thing for the company logos. I am going to make the default logos whatever is used in the campaigns, and then I'll have all the others as pk4 files.

The chart below lists the players and their characteristics. I have no idea what the values relate to, but I am assuming that one side relates to stocks, and the other side relates to track building. Not sure which one, nor whats in between. Nor have I figured out if these numbers can be modified.

I'll keep this list posted up to date as I create new players for the campaigns. If anyone wants a player included, then just pick a player you want to replace. I will highlight the changes so it shows which characters have changed.

0 Unassigned 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1 Otto Von Bismarck 20 100 100 120 150 30 175
2 Gerson Von Bleichroder 50 75 55 150 100 40 175
3 Isambard Kingdom Brunel 200 25 25 100 175 200 80
4 Jay Cooke 80 115 100 150 200 100 100
5 Charles Crocker 200 100 10 200 100 200 135
6 Henckel von Donnersmarck 100 115 125 180 105 90 145
7 Daniel Drew 140 180 180 150 85 100 35
8 Sir John Forrest 125 85 75 100 140 175 40
9 James Fisk 170 185 145 165 100 100 160
10 Sir Sanford Fleming 100 100 100 120 200 100 20
11 John C. Fremont 180 70 70 60 170 135 100
12 Jay Gould 20 200 200 200 90 55 110
13 Adolph von Hansemann 45 200 100 155 100 65 150
14 Edward Henry Harriman 170 185 190 160 120 180 185
15 James Hill 200 100 100 50 200 200 140
16 Sir Francis Hincks 100 100 100 100 100 120 75
17 Cyrus K. Holliday 165 40 35 100 125 135 100
18 Mark Hopkins 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
19 Collis Huntington 190 70 70 105 155 120 170
20 J.P. Morgan 100 130 100 200 100 100 200
21 George Platner 140 100 100 100 115 165 100
22 Cecil Rhodes 200 100 100 100 100 200 155
23 Thomas Scott 130 100 100 100 145 170 100
24 Leland Stanford 100 100 40 185 120 100 140
25 Sir George Stephen 100 100 100 100 100 100 50
26 Lord Strathcona 100 100 100 100 100 100 20
27 George F. Train 160 100 100 100 100 100 200
28 Cornelius Vanderbilt 100 100 100 100 100 100 190
29 Emperor Meiji 140 100 100 100 100 100 100
30 George Hudson 135 200 200 120 140 70 100
31 Napoleon III 100 100 100 100 100 145 160
32 Philip Thomas 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
33 Thomas Durant 100 115 100 100 175 100 165
34 Jawaharlal Nehru 35 100 100 35 100 165 145
35 Clement Attlee 35 100 100 50 145 100 135
36 General Gentaro 25 30 30 100 100 180 100
37 Mao Zedong 20 20 20 100 140 145 100
38 Chiang Kai-Shek 145 120 115 120 20 55 100
39 William Wheelwright 120 120 80 100 100 115 170
40 Minor Keith 130 100 100 155 100 120 175
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Re: Campaigns Unread post

The Seven Columns are as followed for Chairmen tendencies:

The higher the number the more likely the chairman will do this.
These are carry overs from RT2. All tendency numbers may not be used in RT3.
There was a lot of cutting to get RT3 out the door faster.

1. Start a company
2. Buy on margin
3. Sell Short
4. Investing in others
5. Issue bonds
6. Expand rail
7. Invest in Industries
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Re: Campaigns Unread post

Thanks Gwizz....I've got a spreadsheet going so this will help out tremendously. I'll also keep digging to see if these numbers can be modified, and if all are being used.

I want to have at least 3 or 4 fictional players representing a range in characteristics. Then also introduce new historical players based the scenarios. This will help.
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Re: Campaigns Unread post

Message moved to is own thread....viewtopic.php?f=70&t=2049
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Re: Campaigns Unread post

I just saw that on August 14, 2009, a container train began its journey from Islamabad to Istanbul. It's a 4000 mile trip and I figure that this would make for a good scenario. Pakistan exports to Turkey: rice, sesame seeds, leather, textiles, sports goods, and medical equipment. Turkey exports to Pakistan: wheat, chickpeas, lentils, diesel, chemicals, transport vehicles, machinery and energy products.

If anyone feels inspired to create such a scenario, by all means feel free, otherwise it will just go on my list of things to do, eventually.
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Re: Campaigns Unread post

Just updated the list in the first message.
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Re: Campaigns Unread post

Are the campaigns still being worked on?
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Re: Campaigns Unread post

I'm not sure what's going on with Ned. He hasn't logged into the forum since June and has not replied to emails I've sent him.
I hope everything is OK with him and he's just too busy to participate right now.
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Re: Campaigns Unread post

Hawk wrote:I'm not sure what's going on with Ned. He hasn't logged into the forum since June and has not replied to emails I've sent him.
I hope everything is OK with him and he's just too busy to participate right now.
I hope he's ok too. Hopefully he's it's just something that's kept him away for awhile. God knows that i've had extended periods where I couldn't get on any of the forums i'm apart of.
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