Monopoly (TM)

Topics on how to write scenarios for TrainMaster.
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Re: Monopoly (TM) Unread post

It's obvious that I haven't edited enough events because I didn't know that you could use CTL+C to copy out the entire event without the need for selection. That's great to know.

I just tried it, and I would add that there is no need to delete the old text. CTRL+V will replace all the text for that event with the new stuff.

When I tried it I couldn't get line feeds entered in-game (via CTRL+ENTER) copy out if using Notepad. (The text seemed to copy back in fine so is probably still fine for smaller corrections, might be some way that you could delete them thoguh.) I checked that Wordpad and Open Office Writer can be used and they seem to work just as well and keep the line feeds entered in-game in tact throughout the whole process. I don't know if it's just me that has that problem with Notepad?

This is good info. I learnt something useful today. Thanks. !*th_up*!
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Monopoly (TM) Unread post

I'm not sure what you mean by line feeds, but Notepad does strip out any formatting, so in that case Open Office, MS Word or Libre Office would be a better choice.
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Re: Monopoly (TM) Unread post

Line Feeds.jpg
Line Feeds.jpg (6.35 KiB) Viewed 8703 times
The game refers to them as "Line Feeds". The symbol the game makes seems to be the same as what can be referred to as "Line Break."

Seems that if we copy text with Paragraph breaks (normal Enter function) into the game they are automatically converted into these Line Feeds/breaks. I am sure you know, but in most programs a "line break" is entered with Shift+Enter, and I tried it to find that "line breaks" made in OpenOffice will not show up in Notepad either. Those made in MSOffice do. Go figure.

If you noticed the "(" character being for dynamic text when it should be "[", opening RT3.lng in another program will display the correct symbol "[" which is funny. **!!!**
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