Need to know....

Topics on how to write scenarios for TrainMaster.
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Need to know.... Unread post

As it turns out, the way I want to make the menus means that it will be impractical for me to create new campaign menus each time a campaign scenario is added. So I am going to have to make them up before hand, and use a different method to indicate that the campaign is under construction...from what I first planned that is.

I've got some scenarios planned, but that still leave things wide open. If anyone is considering makking a map, in addition to the ones I already know about...please let me know so I can put the appropriate graphics on the commitent is necessary..and you have all the time in the world.

Years that I am looking for....

1860-1900 - 2 maps

1920 - one map

1980 1 map

2000s...3 maps.

But if anyone has anything on the go, please let me know either by posting or by pm.
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The map I mentioned before, may have to be moved to a later period for ...erm... 'technical reasons' but not sure just when it will be set as logically if a campaign it should be set after Monkey Business for reasons that will be clear when you see it.
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I've been looking for a reason to revisit the Panama Canal scenario I made a while ago. This looks like a good opportunity, so I'll ante up for a 1900 slot. I can even put together an introductory video to go along with it. With the new cargoes available in TM (i.e. explosives), I think it will make for a much better scenario.
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Awesome...and of course there is no commitment and you have all the time in the world to do it.

My primary reasons for asking are that the campagn menus are loopin videos, and in order to put a mini video inside the menu, I have to maually apply a background to each frame...90 to be precise. While not a big deal doing it once, if I were to do it every time a campaign map was created, I would probably get lazy very soon.

This way I can put the mini photos for the campaigns in, and just update those as necessary...since it's the swap (colour) images that I'll be concerned with, and they are all their own dds.

For the video for panama...its a 30 second video with sound. Hawk is doing the voice over, and that is an mp3 also 30 seconds. Also, there is a second voice over that plays after the capaign is won.

Panama would be the early 1900s so the slot would be CA07. The vid, map, and mp3s all have that as their name.
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