Warrington Wire as a Stand-alone map

Topics on how to write scenarios for TrainMaster.
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Warrington Wire as a Stand-alone map Unread post

Well, I liked this map so much that I have attempted to freshen it up while taking into consideration comments from the original build-up thread.

One of the biggest differences to gameplay is the removable of the requirement to get a certain cocktail of shares before the surprise. I felt that this was unfair and ruining replayability. The map is now winnable on every attempt even if you don't know anything about the surprise.

Other changes include some optional challenges for victory points later on in the game that should hopefully keep the player engaged further into the game. I did raise the points required by 10 in light of this. More than 10 extra points are available with the new schemes. Let me know if it's too much.

I have attempted to make this for players of all abilities. I'm sure there is an error or two in the coding so please feel free to try to find it!

One thing that I'm not 100% confident about is the AI strength later in the game. I added some events to penalize them if they do too well, but some of this depends on the skills of the player and how they choose to interact with the AI. Any comments/suggestions on this line would be great. !$th_u$!

Final note: I didn't touch the seeding preferences, buildings including mines, agricultural communities, and logging camps are being seeded onto the map normally. If you don't have much of one resource on the map at game start, it will show up within a few years.

Edited: updated map file.
Warrington Wire Stand-alone.zip
Small but critical haulage variable bug fixed August 7 2016
(1.06 MiB) Downloaded 286 times
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Re: Warrington Wire as a Stand-alone map Unread post

Found a goof I made. Pretty serious. :oops: Have uploaded the corrected version.

I made this new post so the 3 people that downloaded the bad version hopefully learn about the error. Sorry to all 3 of you.

If you want to fix your copy, the important change (other than two spellings: "loose/lose") is to the events "iron Count - Real" and "Steel Count - Real". In the old version the first line of the effects is "Set Territory Variable 4 to [Territory Variable 2]". It needs to be switched to "Set Territory Variable 2 to [Territory Variable 4]".
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