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Warrington Wire - Spoiler, only read after playing !!!!!

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Re: Warrington Wire - Spoiler, only read after playing !!!!!

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Here's a new version of this. It should be "done." I'm happy with it like this. Interesting to play even if you know the behind the scenes. :-D

There are multiple ways to play it. I threw in an event to reward the player with 10 points if they make it through the first 15 years without any bonds on their books (Hard or Expert only). I didn't mention it so it's more of an easter egg. (There is a strat for consistent win without bonds.)

On the other hand if you play fast/loose, you will see a late game optional dynamic industry profit goal.

I have made quite a few more tweaks and fine tunings to the events to make the experience as smooth as possible. Many thanks to Grandma Ruth for help on the testing. Things get a little complicated with effectively 2 or 3 possible "paths."

Been through 17 versions, here's the change list.

Code: Select all

Implement a simple <= 1840 test. Drop # of companies check.

Notice of Ind. Task
Added +2 reliability

Industries restored

wasted with mis-click disable all industries.

Industrial Bonus
Now checks End of Year

Notice of Ind. Task
Now has code to setup 1st target. GV3*130/100

PNW more points
Dropped check for player ID. (Was wrong). Doesn't need it with "on screen player."
text: "fortune exceeding 100 million"

Notice of Ind. Task
Now test >= 1841, in case 

Now checks for a company with ID #1.

debt check
upped limit to $499,999

Midlands offer
text: grammar/punctation Holyhead port

now check for more than 1 company.
text: say = stay

no cheat - curb abuse
two new events to stop players from stockpiling Iron/Steel on trains in Warrington.

Fix slip click

183211 reduce pax - shouldn't be status!!!

reward for no debt (expert/hard only).

1840 check ID1/1840 check ID2
Firefly deny/Beuth allow was for wrong company. Now British Rail.

Removed -10% stock. Loss of cash is big enough hit.

Stat - cities <5
Added test for TV1 (L&M) = 0, so it can't reappear.

Express Point award
text: () added for clarity

Steel Mill renabled so that steel is a usable cargo. Removed it from Abersy... and King's Lynn seeding recipes.

text: "can trace its history"

No Cheat Intro.
text: Made it a "Gameplay Note" 
removed "introduction"
Clarified 2nd station message, removed reference to Large.

1832-11 / 183211 -hint Warr
text: Grammar/ clarity. "Naturally, this requires you obtain"

text: "Historic Note"

General text usage:
Went back to L&MR acronymn

"Breweries that bear his name,"

"1961. Archive issues"

Reduced Company Overhead to 25%.
Added: Stock price -10%

1840 check ID1
Forbid buying the Firefly
Allow Beuth instead

AI - poor economy
New event, stabilizes poor economy. TV1 (England) -1.

Adjusted AI scale events for correct sequence. Active 1841 ->.

No Cheat Intro.
Now fires at start of March

1830 L&M
"The L&M ran from"

Apply to "for which is TRUE"

Dialog Text:
Standardized to "Historic Note:"

Midlands offer
text: it's = its

Bangor status
Added a ` for format.

Cities 5
Now checks >=5 to match weekly testing instead of when track/station is built.

Cities dialog format: Split last line.

set of TV2 (Anglesey) moved to Holyhead-1. So that ledger is instantly correct.

space removed "save your game"

Iron/Steel EoY notice. Small format change.

1841-ches & 1841-lanc
Now test for Company ID = 1. So they don't appear if you aren't head of L&M.

Express Gauge
Game Year/Month >184111. So that CV1 is correct when Intro trigger at EoY.

text: mention year. Remove reference to George Stephenson who seems to have been involved in building rather than running the Grand Junction Railway. (?)

text: it's = its

Steel status moved above divider

Stat - seaforth
Now checks >=185905 so that it shows up once the Docks are built.

Checks = 185905 so that it wont trigger after connection is made.

Stat - bakewell
Removed check for connection. Because reward is not awarded immediately (End of 1862).

Start up1
Tacked on Increase of Paper and Hides for L&M and Manchester to boost Hides (+150%) and Paper (+100%) production.

Spell check done


- apply effects for various as discussed.

stat - ******
Now tests OR TV1 (Wales) = 1

X2: restored original connection behavior, check for proper Warrington city connection.
Removed test for TV1 (Warrington) = 1. So it can work without connecting to Warrington city proper. (Part of restoring original connection behavior, this is the only access given without connection to Warrington city proper).

Changed these to check for connection to Warrington city proper instead of Warrington territory.
Wales offer
Midlands offer
Midlands offer Anglesey

Holyhead and Holyhead-1
- Not changed

183211 reducepax
ADDED new event. It applies passenger production -5% in all cases. (In case player is already in Wales because I put test for TV1 =/= 1 on "183211").

Now checks for connection to Warrington city proper. Effect removed.
Now handles if Chester isn't connected to Warrington city proper OR Warrington territory. Effect removed.
183211 -hint Warr
ADDED new event. It will give a hint if you connected to Chester, but haven't connected to Warrington proper.

Express Point max
ADDED new event. To wrap up express market share without CV3 going above 100 (%).

Tweaks to status and counter events to check for CV3 <= 100

Changed city connection points events to test weekly (End of Week). Connections obtained via merger will be handled better. (Could still get multiple messages appearing simultaneously, but not worth the effort to fix).

1848b remove George
ADDED new event. Will get rid of George if he is still in the game at the time of his death in real life.

X1: small corrections:

YS and SM victory
- couple format changes, add ?, some line breaks, captilization.

These are the changes I've made (Grandma Ruth changelist):

YS victory offer added condition - connect Warrington to Sheffield
TM victory offer added condition - connect Warrington to Sheffield
This puzzled me for a bit, but I see a change to match briefing requirement. :) 

Seaforth added condition - connection Warrington to Seaforth is FALSE
Duplicate event Seaforth -connected condition - connection Warrington to Seaforth is TRUE
Didn't understand this one. Maybe there is a way to get access rights to Seaforth that I missed? As far as I can tell none of the AI have that access. Seaforth is the event that should open it. . . . .

183211 added condition - connection Warrington Territory to Chester is FALSE
-ADDED check for TV1 (Warrington) =/= 1
To check if player got access to Wales through an AI aquisition.

Stat - holy delete condition for connection
Stat - holy added TV1 = 0 (Anglesey)
Stat - holy changed text as appropriate
- REMOVED effect set TV1 (Anglesey) to 1 from a status event. Changing to use TV2, see next note.

Holyhead added effect - TV1 = 1 (Anglesey)
I messed up with using TV1 (Anglesey) twice (stat - Bangor and my suggested use for stat - holy). stat - holy will use TV2 instead. 

Duplicate event Midlands offer Anglesey no text, effect to set TV1 to 1 (Anglesey)
Good. I had done this with the last event called "Bridge TV1 for holy." That worked, but there was a delay (until next time the player builds track/station). Bridge event removed.
Warrington Wire
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