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Vid/Monitor issue I cant figure out

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Penn Minuteman
Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:39 am

Vid/Monitor issue I cant figure out

Unread post by Penn Minuteman »

Pardon me but could someone possibly help me out with this problem?

I have a samsung syncmaster 955 DF monitor running at a refresh rate of 75 hertz. My old vid card blew it's capacitors and I had to install a Radeon HD 2400 pro vid card. Everything worked fine till I tried to play RRT3 and when on game screen. The whole screen was shifted about 1 inch to the right off edge of monitor. When I leave game windows desktop is fine. It is only when I play games. Tried it with a few other games and they all do the same. I have to set refresh rate to 70 hertz which causes the screen to be convex on monitor, then set it back to 75 hertz when done playing. At 70 hertz in game the monitor is centered but convex with the corners rounded in. I have installed the latest drivers from Radeon to no avail.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Penn MM
Aesir Rising
Posts: 11
Joined: Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:39 am

Re: Vid/Monitor issue I cant figure out

Unread post by Aesir Rising »

It's not a defect or anything. You need to synchronize your desktop settings with settings for games that you play in full screen mode. Use the monitor horizontal and vertical sync controls to shift the image to where you want it to be while in the game(s). You may also adjust height and width of the image on screen to eliminate black bars. Look for buttons or on-screen menus for you monitor named something like Horizontal and Vertical Size and Horizontal and Vertical Position.

Some Details - (or, "Beware - dragons lay here." Continue reading only if you want to delve deeply into this):
When you play games in full-screen mode, you are likely playing at a different resolution than what your 2D desktop is set for - at least from what you describe. You are probably also playing at a different vertical refresh rate (implicitly, this also changes the Horizontal refresh rate) - resulting in an image shifted out of center, and sometimes shifted partly off-screen.

If you play a game in full-screen mode at 75hz v-rate (like you said you have your 2d desktop at) and the exact same resolution as your 2d desktop, I bet the image doesn't shift in game.

If you play your game at a different resolution, different resolution with a different aspect ratio, or different vertical refresh rate, the image will shift in 3D mode - until you configure your monitor for that resolution/v-rate. Most (all, probably by now) CRT monitors are 'multi-sync' capable. Meaning that the monitor supports multiple modes (combinations of resolution and refresh rate) and once you set the monitor up for a given mode/resolution, it will 'remember' that setting until you make a system change (like install a new video card, or install a new card driver or monitor .inf file update).

For your monitor, the optimal (best combination of screen real estate and image/text clarity) is probably 1280x960. Special individual needs may modify that recommendation - e.g, poor eyesight or a bloody-minded desire to look at distorted images :)
That 1280x960 is a 4:3 ratio and your monitor's tube is also a 4:3 tube (alternately described as "1.33"... same difference) . Optimal resolutions for anything on that monitor, is going to be a resolution that maintains that 4 to 3 ratio. So, try to play your games at either 1280x960 or one of:
800 x 600
1024 x 768
1152 x 864
1600 x 1200
Your video card is part of this puzzle, but your radeon supports any of these resolutions at appropriate refresh rates. Some older or lesser cards might not. Your monitor's bandwidth limitations will also preclude having great image/text clarity at 1600x1200.

Many (too many) folks use 4:3 aspect ratio monitors (yours) at other resolutions... and the result is distorted/stretched images. Amazingly, the human brain compensates over time - and when presented with a properly tuned monitor/display see that correct aspect ratio as being distorted. It takes a few weeks to un-learn. These are examples of resolutions that are not 4:3 (they are 5:4 or "1.25"):
1280 x 1024
1600 x 1280
These resolutions will 'squish' or fatten the image on your monitor - if you've adjusted the monitor to reduce the black bars. But if you've been using those resolutions, by now you probably don't realize it.

If you really want to run non- 4:3 resolutions with undistorted images, then you will have black bars along the sides. That's ok, it won't hurt the monitor, but for some it's a visual annoyance. LCDs have a single fixed ('native') resolution (a technology limitation) and work around that with LCD "scaling" or "zoom" features in order to completely use the entire display area. But that just interpolates pixels and makes image color and text less clear and accurate.

To test whether or not your image is correctly proportioned ('aspect ratio'), cut out a perfect square piece of paper.. say 4" x 4" in size. Open a program that has rulers along the top and side.. like an an image editing program.. and 'draw' a 4" x 4" square. See if the paper is the same proportions along all four sides as the image you drew. For extra credit, those in desktop publishing and page layout where they must produce stuff that is printed out, will actually set up their screen size so that the paper square matches up exactly with the image on screen in terms of both size and proportions.
Last edited by Aesir Rising on Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Vid/Monitor issue I cant figure out

Unread post by Bonneville455 »

Penn Minuteman wrote:Pardon me but could someone possibly help me out with this problem?

I have a samsung syncmaster 955 DF monitor running at a refresh rate of 75 hertz. My old vid card blew it's capacitors and I had to install a Radeon HD 2400 pro vid card. Everything worked fine till I tried to play RRT3 and when on game screen. The whole screen was shifted about 1 inch to the right off edge of monitor. When I leave game windows desktop is fine. It is only when I play games. Tried it with a few other games and they all do the same. I have to set refresh rate to 70 hertz which causes the screen to be convex on monitor, then set it back to 75 hertz when done playing. At 70 hertz in game the monitor is centered but convex with the corners rounded in. I have installed the latest drivers from Radeon to no avail.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Penn MM
The 955DF is a CRT and with CRTs a screen adjustment is needed for each of the resolutions that the video card supports. Just go into your display properties and, for each resolution available, do a screen adjustment to center the image. After that, all of your games at any resolution should be centered.
Penn Minuteman
Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:39 am

Re: Vid/Monitor issue I cant figure out

Unread post by Penn Minuteman »

thank you for the support. will try different refresh rates. the full screen game resolution is the same as the desktop screen. and it happens to shift. will try other refresh rates.

Penn MM
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