Does anybody know how to fix this issue?

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Does anybody know how to fix this issue? Unread post

I can't access my web site from my end because of this Java thing.

That first line with the Error in it is telling me that the graphics won't load. That second line is telling my why. What's wrong with my Java? I can't load any graphic pics to my web site and therefore can't access it at my end.
I've uninstalled then reinstalled the latest Java but to no avail.


Does anybody know what's going on here?

a.k.a. Rick

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The Big Dawg
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Re: Does anybody know how to fix this issue? Unread post

That looks more like a problem with Yahoo's Page Builder than anything. I don't have any trouble accessing your site, and viewing the source code for your Home Page, I don't see any use of Java on your site, other than this last line which is JavaScript, different from Java, and it's outside of the html tags.

Code: Select all

<!-- text below generated by server. PLEASE REMOVE --></object></layer></div></span></style></noscript></table></script></applet><script language="JavaScript" src=""></script><script language="JavaScript" src=""></script><script language="javascript">geovisit();</script><noscript><img src="" alt="setstats" border="0" width="1" height="1"></noscript>
It may be that the Page Builder you use requires Java, for some reason **!!!** , to function, and it's possible your install of Java is corrupt or something.
Personally I don't have any experience with those site builder utilties so I can't really say for sure what's going on. I would contact your ISP about this, or the hosting company that hosts your site.

Edit 1: I did a Google search on this and didn't come up with a whole lot, other than it looks like it might be a server side problem with their Java.
I would suggest contacting the folks that host your site and the Yahoo Site Builder. My guess is the problem is there.
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Re: Does anybody know how to fix this issue? Unread post

FWIW, I uploaded java when one of my e-mails would not load pictures and asked for the update. It didn't help that e-mail. I now have a problem on a few of my normal e-mails that come daily, with pictures being blank Grey squares. Most e-mails do work correctly. My ISP could not identify the problem. I reloaded every thing without any luck. I'm still looking for a solution.

It is a similar problem. I hope it helps
Last edited by Gwizz on Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Canadian Viking
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Re: Does anybody know how to fix this issue? Unread post

I'm no computer expert so this is just a shot in the dark. Could the problem be that you are using the latest version of Java? I recently had a game program quit working for me that I had used many times. Discovered that it could not handle the latest version of Java which I had recently updated. I deleted the new version of Java and downloaded an older one, and my game program worked again.
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Re: Does anybody know how to fix this issue? Unread post

Thanks Ed, I was figuring along the same lines.

Surprisingly enough, I really think this is the problem,
Discovered that it could not handle the latest version of Java which I had recently updated
that Yahoo hasn't updated yet. Thanks Canadian Viking.

a.k.a. Rick

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Canadian Viking
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Re: Does anybody know how to fix this issue? Unread post

You're welcome. Probably 90% of the posters here know more about solving computer problems than I do. But even a stopped clock tells the correct time twice a day, and this was one of my times! :lol:
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Re: Does anybody know how to fix this issue? Unread post

Well, I formated my hard drive and reinstalled everything. I sent about a half dozen 'HELP!' e-mails to Yahoo. Between the two, it's now fixed.

Thanks, guys... !*th_up*!

a.k.a. Rick

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The Big Dawg
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Re: Does anybody know how to fix this issue? Unread post

Pretty drastic step for that small problem, but at least it's working again. !*th_up*!

Just curious, what did Yahoo have to say about it?
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Re: Does anybody know how to fix this issue? Unread post

Every letter from Yahoo said, 'We're sorry for the inconvenience and we're looking into it'. Nothing else. **!!!**

The system needed a good 'cleaning' and I wanted to set up a second partition, anyway. No problem doing it, just a lot of time. It's back to running like a raped ape again. :salute:

a.k.a. Rick

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Re: Does anybody know how to fix this issue? Unread post

That's about what I would have expected from Yahoo, but your statement; "Between the two, it's now fixed" gave me pause to think that maybe they actually helped some.

OK! I'm out of pause mode now. ^**lylgh
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