RTC 3 on Windows 7 (Steam)

Tips & suggestions for a good RT3 playing environment.

RTC 3 on Windows 7 (Steam) Unread post

Wow do I wish i found this site before I paid for and downloaded RTC3 from Steam, I paid $9.95 for it just about 3 hours ago and it has been driving me nuts. I tried the patches you guys have provided with NO relief what so ever and now it says (NO DISC IN DRIVE), SO i have a LEGAL copy of the software i purchased but now i find out that POP does not even exist anymore so getting tech support from there is impossible. Does anyone have a DOWNLOADABLE copy of the FULL retail version of the software I can ask for? I am not sure how to prove that i own a legal copy, maybe a screen shot of my steam account or something.. I just need help here.. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this game but,. I have windows 7 on a 8 core 32 gig 2 gig video machine and want to run it and.... of course it does not like that ... too much power i guess. Like playing the old SOPWITH game on a 8 core.. he he he that would be funny .. I am sure some of you remember that DOS game.. DOS??!?!? whats that anymore.. anyways.. If anyone can help me find a download of the IMG file or something so i can play it i would be so happy.. Thanks in advance..
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The Big Dawg
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Re: RTC 3 on Windows 7 (Steam) Unread post

Texas Historian
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Re: RTC 3 on Windows 7 (Steam) Unread post

I have a different problem with Steam, having done what the OP did and bought before discovering this site. However, I have what I have, and my steam version works just fine. However, I want to add the 1.06 patch. When I go to install it, though, I get the message that my RRTycoon does not have an .exe that can be patched. Is there a workaround to this that anyone knows about?
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The Big Dawg
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Re: RTC 3 on Windows 7 (Steam) Unread post

You can't patch the Steam version. It would just get overwritten the next time you connected to Steam.

What you could try is to create a new folder on your hard drive somewhere outside of the Program Files (86) directory or the Program Files directory, since Microsoft won't let you make changes to any files in that directory. Then copy all the files from the Steam version (only the files in the RRT folder). You should be able to then patch it to 1.06.

It might be though that the Steam RT3.exe is proprietary and the 1.06 patch won't recognize that exe to overwrite it. I don't know for sure.
If you try this and the 1.06 patch doesn't recognize that exe, post back.
Texas Historian
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Re: RTC 3 on Windows 7 (Steam) Unread post

Thanks for your help, Hawk. It appears you were correct in thinking that the steam.exe is proprietary. I moved the RRT3 stuff to a new folder, and got the same message trying to install the patch- not a recognizable .exe. I appreciate the effort, however! :-D
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The Big Dawg
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Re: RTC 3 on Windows 7 (Steam) Unread post

You have a PM. :salute:
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Re: RTC 3 on Windows 7 (Steam) Unread post

Hi I haev the steam version now bc the play disc of my old dvd is cracked. I installed the maps but they dont' show up when I load the game. Any help?
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The Big Dawg
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Re: RTC 3 on Windows 7 (Steam) Unread post

It could be that you downloaded maps created for version 1.06, and they won't show up in a 1.05 install, which I think is what you get from Steam.
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