
Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Hawaii Unread post

OK! Here it is. I've set the goals to 20 years.

Edit 1: Deleted zip from post. Added to the North America section.
I was going to try and split this thread up so the two versions, Mobius' and Semmy's, had their own threads but there's too much interweaving about the two - so - let's get this thread revolving around Semmy's and maybe we can talk Biker Tim into starting a new thread about Mobius' version.
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Re: Hawaii Unread post

After all the talk on what is now Hawaii2 (which is a good scenario but I've played it so many times this last week I'm rather jaded with it) I'm returning to Biker Tims original question i.e. is it possible to get Gold on this scenario.

Have to admit my conclusion is that it isnt although I've no doubt someone will prove me wrong.

Being a bighead my first try was on Expert and I got nowhere.

I then tried on Normal and got all the gold requirements except PNW where I wasn't even up to Bronze. Good fun though.

Then I tried for the third (and last for a while) buying some produce farms with a short length of rail only and then every time I could I bought stock back. A meat proccessor appeared in Hilo and I bought and upgraded it with bonds at 13% which I was soon able to repay and everything seemed to go smoothly. Then the second (third, 4th?) earthquake removed the processor / station / half my trains and the end was nigh as I'd little money coming in and although I could buy stock cos it dropped to 21cents it was pretty worthless and never recovered. I still only had 35% of the stock at the end. O/K I was unlucky but I still have great doubts that gold is attainable.

Come on - who can do it??? :-) :evil: :-)
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Re: Hawaii Unread post

Gold in 16 years on Expert (and I could have done it in 14!) ;) Gotta love RRT3.

Btw, you dont have to connect all islands to themselves, its enough to create 4 pairs of islands,
even though I fear its not the original intent of the scenario, so I connected them all.

It is enough to build a station on an island with no city to have it connected.
I was lucky enough to have valuable resources on those empty islands.

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The Big Dawg
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Re: Hawaii Unread post

Ishay - Are you talking about Semmy's version or Mobius'?
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Re: Hawaii Unread post

Semi's new version from 1/19
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Re: Hawaii Unread post

The version that I first wrote about has just one island, the big island. Hilo, the key city on the map, gets hit with two tsunamis. The first is about 1946. The other is about 1960. I just do not build anything around Hilo before the first tsunami. Between the tsunamis, the profits on hauling to and from Hilo are too big to pass up, so I just consider the loss from the second tsunami an added expense. In addition to the tsunamis, there are occassional volcanic eruptions. But these are not overly damaging, nor would I say that they occur too frequently.

That being said, is there any advice on reaching the PNW goals?
Life is not fair, but it is still good.

Re: Hawaii Unread post

I've just managed a bronze on this scenario, the single-island Hawaii/Hilo scenario, on expert level. The personal net worth goal is very hard - at Dec 1975 I had $42m CBV, $36M ILP (meeting gold requirements) but PNW only at $13.5M - given another game year I could have made it to the silver requirement of $15M PNW.

The key tactics seem to be:

(1) Never ever issue stock. Every stock issue decreases the worth of stock you hold, and that's more stock you'll have to buy back later. Conversely, buy stock as soon as you can afford it, whenever you can afford it. Every time there's a recession, or your stock splits, check and see if you can buy some more.

(2) Keep the dividend up! Don't let it sit at zero. You can't buy on margin, so you need that constant trickle of cash into your net worth, so that you can buy more stock. I tried to keep it above $0.50.

(3) Get the industry profit up as early as possible! I had $1M a year by 1960 but left it a bit late to hit the $2M per year target, my first year with $2M was 1970, so I barely had time to sustain it for the 5 years required for gold. Also keep an eye on it - in one year, a new brewery appeared right next to mine, halving my profits from that business. The result was a year with just $2.01M profit, barely scraping above the target.

(4) Resist overdeveloping. Once you have your $2M per year industry profit (with a safety margin!) and your $40M company worth, don't keep spending money. Pay off your bonds and then use all your profits to buy back stock! Try to buy-back in bigger chunks rather than little chunks and let the stock price drop again in between.

I think to get gold on this scenario, the key will be to take less investor money at the start. If you take half the investor money rather than all, you own a higher percentage of the stock to start with. It means a slower start, but a bigger share of dividend cash and less frantic buying-back at the end. I'll give it another try in a couple of days. :)

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