sao miguel

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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Re: another map: island of sao miguel Unread post

While doing a search for something I came across an update by Ned for the default blue express cars that he posted on Oct 2 that I overlooked in his post, so I got that updated, then figured if I missed that post maybe I missed something else.
Sure enough I found your post Bruno. Sorry I missed it before, but I got the map added to the archives in the South America section, and I also deleted the map in your post.

Sometimes I get a little busy and don't read every word in every post so it might be a good idea, in the future, to send me a Private Message about new and/or updates for the archive.

Sorry about not seeing this sooner. :oops:
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Re: another map: island of sao miguel Unread post

Hawk, the original Sao Miguel island is part of the Azores Islands, which stand in the middle of North Atlantic, and are a part of Portuguese territory. The map should be located in "Other lands" or, more appropriately, in "Europe".

So far, my experience were that you followed all the threads - in one of the last maps I did, I even wrote that I was going to PM you the final version and then you uploaded it from the thread before I noticed I had forgotten to send the PM right away. My bad, for taking your 24-hours attention span for granted {,0,} .

You do a huge job keeping all this and I WILL NOT FORGET to send you finished maps in personal messages, to avoid unnecessary burden. Promise made!

Cheers and have fun playing it all
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Re: another map: island of sao miguel Unread post

brunom wrote:Hawk, the original Sao Miguel island is part of the Azores Islands, which stand in the middle of North Atlantic, and are a part of Portuguese territory. The map should be located in "Other lands" or, more appropriately, in "Europe".
OK! I'll move it to Europe.
brunom wrote:So far, my experience were that you followed all the threads - in one of the last maps I did, I even wrote that I was going to PM you the final version and then you uploaded it from the thread before I noticed I had forgotten to send the PM right away. My bad, for taking your 24-hours attention span for granted {,0,} .
Now that I have another couple of web sites to maintain, my time isn't as available as it used to be and I get in a hurry when reading posts these days.
I try to catch everything but lately I've missed 3 files that were mentioned in posts. That's why a PM would help because it will make me pay attention. :mrgreen:
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Re: another map: island of sao miguel Unread post

Wonderful scenario!
Gold/Expert on first try after 25 years.

Keep em coming!
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Re: another map: island of sao miguel Unread post

Everything about this is odd! :roll: ;-) Hard to find this Review as its under "Another" not Sao . Then (over to Hawk) I finally found the file - it still in South America not Europe and found the link to here :cry: :roll: !*th_dwn*! from there. Then had my umpteenth attempt at the scenario itself and finally got somewhere by ignoring milk and simply trying to be profitable. Finally managed to build an extra line from farm to port and sent 3 loads (i.e. 2.6) to port. Correctly logged as two and after next trip as 5. Hurrah we're getting somewhere.

Then asked to connect two of 3 towns and all 3 were actually connected - by 3 separate lines so merely had to connect them to each other which is where everything went wrong. Milk carryings went to zero. Told towns weren't connected and the necessary two were (though not the alternative third). No credit for cheese carryings though I'd built a very profitable Dairy Producer and - whilst I wasnt keeping check - some of these must surely have gone to the port (only place the line connected to).

Havent gone back since and certainly dont want to re-start as it must have been my 6th attempt before I got anywhere **!!!** :cry: :roll: !hairpull!
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Re: another map: island of sao miguel Unread post

belbincolne wrote:Hard to find this Review as its under "Another" not Sao . Then (over to Hawk) I finally found the file - it still in South America not Europe and found the link to here :cry: :roll: !*th_dwn*! from there.
I changed the title of this thread, but as for the map location in the archives, in my browser it's on page 2 of the Europe section.
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Re: sao miguel Unread post

hi belbincombe

I am puzzled with your comments. I see this scenario in the Europe part of the archives, page 2, just like Hawk.

As for the strange events with haul counts - they are new to me or and have never been mentioned here (as you can see reading the rest of the thread).

Gameplay in this scenario cam be a little awkward, yes, and out of the ordinary, but it works.

If one day you gather some interest in trying it again, I wish you better luck, if not, oh well :-?

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Re: sao miguel Unread post

Snowing like hell here so RT3 gets a good look in :-) :-)

Re-played this and whilst I made a pigs ear of it everything went o/k this time. This time it was quite clear that I had to connect all 3 ports so I did and everything then recorded correctly. I think it must be in the Almanac where it says "and/or" so I misinterperated the original message - apologies. Might re-try I was obviously in like for gold but my PNW was low so bought $25k just before economy went downhill and got sold off and had no save game to go back to - beginners mistake :evil: :evil:
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Re: sao miguel Unread post

Good to know you did better this time and that you did re-try, Belb.

As for your problem with PNW, I have come to realize that the goal is very very difficult. While the target values are not astronomical, the fact that the economy works differently than in all RRT3 scenarios makes it very difficult. I don't think I will use that "inflationary behavior" again.
(Just goes to show how right economists are when they worry with inflation.. heh)

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Re: sao miguel Unread post

Well I've played this at least three times since my last. Same problem every time - PNW. I've tried buying big and going into debt. Not buying until the economy goes really downhill (EVERY TIME shortly after the Steel Mill appears) and last attempt just going normally. None worked mainly because of the economy drop which rapidly puts me into negative cash and when a train crashes cant replace - 5 when I gave up at last attempt. Each time by the time the economy returns to boom I'm some $5m in debt credit F and just getting worse and worse. Incidentally I've always been able to make all the objectives - except the last time when I held off the crater connections in a vain attempt to keep cash.

Anyone any ideas? I've always had to build a Dairy Producer as no hopes of hauling enough without. Never very profitable - nor is the steel mill because the four iron mines only seem to produce 1 load each pa.
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Re: sao miguel Unread post

Yet another try - doing brilliantly - economy only went down to Normal after SteelMill arrived - built a Tool & Die making a fortune. Then suddenly I was losing money for no reason. After a couple of years of this I looked at T&D - no income - why not? Steel Mill had gone! Never had that before and profitable factories dont usually vanish even if you dont own them !hairpull! !hairpull! !hairpull!
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Belb, you have sweated your share with on the island! I have seen profitable industries vanish before, although it is rare. I feel your grief - that scenario is ****** ****** hard(and it was supposed to be an easy-haul-cargo-for-beginners).

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Re: sao miguel Unread post

You can say that again!! FINALLY got GOLD on Normal! My next attempt was also a dismal failure because although I bought the Steel Mill I didnt buy the iron mines and they vanished. So next one I bought them and steel (and built Tool & Die which is essential cos that makes money when steel doesnt) and was still losing money and shares were down from worth $12m to $7m.

Then it clicked - I had 10 trains over 20 years old. I borrowed to (a) repay $5m in red and (b) to spend $2,440,000 on new trains and there was instant turn round in profiability. I know maintenance on old trains is high but this must be MUCH higher than normal. Now I'll have to try on Expert :-D :-D :-D :-D
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Re: sao miguel Unread post

I routinely replace all locomotives (if financially possible) when they become 10 years old. For some locos that may be a little early but most of them are fit to be replaced.
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Re: sao miguel Unread post

DID IT - GOLD on EXPERT :-D :-D :-D Now will never need to play it again!! Interestingly Hotels / Restaurants were very profitable on Expert but hadnt been on Normal!

Moggie in this scenario you are right. Trains over 15 years old are a disaster. Maybe even earlier. However in most scenarios they should last 20 years. Many dont need replacing cos there's lots (and lots) of crashes.

How to get Gold. Ignore Milk / Cheese to start with and concentrate on profitable railing. Once you're earning reasonably big bucks and the rate of interest is 5% (or even 4) take bonds to build a Dairy Processor (and upgrade). Build along the south coast even though the towns may have nothing there - it will arrive as soon as you connect. Aim to get the bonus for 700 miles track as fast as possible. Buy stock as soon as you can before it splits and becomes harder. Build north from the coast towns and use Shays for the steepness. Aim to have the necessary 3 towns connected before you need to.

Keep checking for new Dairy Farms. If you get one early enough you can afford to buy it and it will make big bucks. The big crunch is steel. Save money for its arrival so that you can build it yourself - and buy the iron mines - have custom consist trains running iron and coal (from port) to it and build Tool & Die - upgrade both if possible. Maybe though you can simply ignore Steel? Oh heck - does this mean I've to try again to see if thats better??? **!!!** In my last tries (when I succeeded) I ignored the last bonus connecting to the two crater cities as in previous tries it had proved just too expensive.

If you're running custom train for Milk keep checking farm is still there - two of mine vanished. Never known a scenario where so many industry disappeared!! Pay big buck divis ($1m +) as soon as you have over a third of the stock. Finally stop the game immediately you reach the last December. Buy loads of stock on credit. Then buy back as much stock as the company can afford and hope that this will take PNW over $20m cos I've always found thats the hardest target to achieve.

Ayway you'll gather its a very enjoyable scenario or wouldnt have played it so many times :-D :-D :-D Thanks Brunom
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Re: sao miguel Unread post

6 smiles in one post and a gigantic cheerful tone throughout the text...

Belb, you have made my day!

Thank YOU (0!!0)

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Re: sao miguel Unread post

Sorry Brunom,
I was so involved with the "This is Home" with Aakel, that I completley forgot about your scenario. And after I was able to get Gold, but a lot of problems with the beta, I just got off on a different tangent of testing another scenario of which I was having a considerable amount of problems, even though it was not in beta format.

But I see that your comment of not getting any comments to your updates, that the membership testers gave you an adequate amount of suggestions and comments. And I see now that the scenario is in the Archives.

This is a very interesting and challenging scenario, and although I have not yet played the full fledged scenario, I enjoyed its concept. The terrain is somewhat challenging, but of a sufficient nature to make play do able. :salute:
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Re: sao miguel Unread post

I shouldered through this one, stubborn to the end, satisfied with low profits (or nonexistent!) working towards haulage goals, and slowly towards PNW. April 1911 gold on Expert, but only by going -23M on margin in the last month! :mrgreen: Worked at buying back stock late (after issuing a few times) as rail network was developed early, and industry is not really an option, I didn't think. Then picked my battle point, and came out on top at the end of the month! (I'd been holding about -$2M of personal debt before going all in.) Yes I extended myself with profitless extensions to dairy farms, and even hauled corn to them. Slim profits late. But haulage goals met easily, and stock market manipulated as planned. A bit of a close call with just 3 years to spare, so either I could tighten up my play considerably, or this is a fairly challenging/well balanced scenario.
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Re: sao miguel Unread post

You probably moved on, but thought I would check this one out too. As far as being balanced I would agree, with the exception of the price outbreaks. On islands such as this, they are less disruptive to play, often occurring in vertical stripes, but if you are paying attention to your resources flows they will still cause you grief. !facepalm! Thanks to these and plentiful express (largest of the 3 revenue sources) I'm not quite sure why you were struggling, probably just going a bit too quickly/focusing too much on the haulage early on? The supply port at Ponta Delgada provides freight haulage potential to get the company off the ground. Also, only take $900k from investors when starting your company so you can grab an extra lot of shares on margin before the clock starts. Try to go quickly for the bonus for 700 miles of track. This helps a lot with the PNW, the good credit will help with expansion too.

Took it easy on my run too, well after the first 3 or so years more or less just let auto consist distribution do it's thing. Decided to not build countryside stations here. So, the haulage was in no way "optimized." Completed it in 1902, with PNW of $100M (boom). Granted, some seeds are probably not as good as the one I had. Had a working Lumber Mill in Covoada, with the "stream" from one ranch passing through, so first connection was Covoada to Ponta Delgada via Costa Velha.

I like the concept of inflation as a mechanism to slow the players expansion/growth, but I will state that it seems like since it accrues with the years it will penalize a slower play more (to keep everybody the happiest should be reversed, penalize the faster players more severely, they need it). Overall, the map is of a good quality and enjoyable for a quick play. !*th_up*!
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Re: sao miguel Unread post

I suspected it was more likely that I could have tightened up my play a lot. After many previous players seemed to struggle so much though, I wondered. And yes the inflation caught up to me. I had a very slow start with rail only, slow but steady, but only cracked $1M in annual profits in maybe the 4th or 5th year. But despite the slow start, I was reasonably confident of victory, so I didn't restart. I did notice some annoying price behavior, but didn't alter my play in any way because of it. The events could be reworked a bit as you suggest, but all in all one of the better ones from brunom, I think.
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