Moor Express

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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Moor Express Unread post

Sorry Hawk,
As I could not find any post in the 'search'. And I know that there was a post, as I remember the problem with it, as well as with my present attempt of play.

The 'introduction' indicates for that of lots of "peat" (coal), to be hauled to Bremen. And that was the problem with my 1st attempt some time ago. A player cannot run tracks into either Bremen or DR. I even tried to connect and operate a train into Bremen, over their track, without any success.

I thought that maybe by this time, that the problem might be corrected, but guess I will put it into my "bad" folder again, hoping for some correction to be made.

OR even someone who has played this scenario, and have some comment of which I could use, or what problem I may be encountering. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: Moor Express Unread post

As far as I know, there are no problems with this scenario. But - as a map created by Lama - it is a really hard one! I haven't been successful with it ... till now. :-D
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El Moichi
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Re: Moor Express Unread post

You must not lay track within the territory of Bremen, and you also are not allowed to build own stations at the DR track. If you do so, the stations/track will be destroyed by event. You'll have to use the DR track to run trains to the DR station of Bremen.

I don`t remember whether you have access to Bremen from the beginning of the game or you otherwise will get it later.

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Re: Moor Express Unread post

WOW! I can see that it has been a time since I viewed this thread. Been busy with other projects, but at least I have a "suggestion" as a possible avenue of play. Thanks much. Moichi. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: Moor Express Unread post

Just tried this today... I'm liking these small concept scenarios, Mecklenburg & Pomerania the other I tried today. Unfortunately, I don't think I played this one as intended, lol!

After attempts starting with rail from both Osterholtz and Bremervord which failed miserably, I did the math on the points to see how much room I had, decided plenty, and went for an industry start. Textile mill north(?) of Karlshofen, with a stream of wool coming down the river already (towards Bremen...) As the 5 sheep ranches become profitable, snap them up, too. The furthest one away disappears, oh well. Caught a new logging camp next to Bremervord (which had a lumber mill.) I'm grabbing a few points early by operating without debt (still taking a bond but paying it back,) and waiting as my credit builds. Economy improves a notch and in the fourth year I start issuing bonds I know I can't repay. Bremervord to Karlshofen, with a pair of S3's custom consists and routes micromanaging. With the industry behind me, and the economy going Boom, I take out many more bonds, upgrade the textile mill, stick a furniture factory in Bremervord on top of the lumber mill, and buy into Bremen and DR Trasse. Prematurely as it turned out, as I wasn't able to connect all the way to Osterholtz immediately. Worked for another year, as the economy turned south, to finish the connection in 1913. Then ran two S3's from Bremen to Karlshofen and another all the way to Bremerhaven. That was enough to start generating the Bremen points. I was $7.5M in debt, at 9% or so average, and not really that profitable, and I knew I needed to clear that up soon to start getting points for no debt. Took about 5 years, issuing stock each year, as the economy crashed, but eventually I got out from under the bonds. From there it was just amusement. Double tracked a bit when I realized I couldn't build into Bremen for the shortcut (and loaded up the old Autosave...) I had Bremervord, Karslhofen, and Osterholtz as my hubs, with a single direct train going between each, and another train going one-by-one through each little village between and back. I replaced all my long hauls with P8's and gave them priority, and copied and upgraded the "local" S3's into Atlantics, so at the end I had 9 locos. Oops, no I had 8, I wasn't running a direct loco from Osterholtz to Karlshofen. Economy was improving as well. The year I replaced my locos and copied the two "locals" profit went from $1.2M to $2.1M, so that was fun! Got the Gold on Expert in Jan 1929.

I'm thinking to add some drama to the final years that a PNW goal would be best, enabling the stock market. I essentially didn't touch a thing after 1913...
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Re: Moor Express Unread post

Well, it has been years since any attempt to play. And after reading the posts again, as I didn't have much success on the last attempt, I see that I failed to buy the Bremen DR, to get access to the town itself. Any way, now that I do have access, I have initiated running a number of trains into Bremen, but "NOT" getting any credit for the hauls, as so stated that there wasn't and "track connections" or some thing to that affect. AND what amount is this 50'000? Just a guessing, but want to make sure.

Any way, any suggestions will be appreciated. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: Moor Express Unread post

Hi Ray,

Good to see that you still check in from time to time. :salute:

I checked this one out to see if I can give you some suggestion. The target is $50,000 yearly delivery revenue to/from Bremen main station (Bremen-Hbf.). However, there is a catch. You are forced to use the AI tracks from Osterholz-Scharmbeck (OHZ), this means that they take part of the delivery money. How much depends on the percentage of the journey that was on your tracks versus how much was on the AI track. So you want to make those runs as long as possible. Remembering that during the course of the journey cargo is decaying, some cargoes decay much more rapidly than others.

I think the intent was for the most part to haul Coal to Bremen. Coal obviously doesn't decay very fast, so it's suitable for long journeys. Other reliable cargoes would be Lumber and Paper.

Goods and Alcohol are probably the best cargoes to pick-up in Bremen.

What I did was manage a couple trains from Gnarrenburg and Bremervörde. I would say I microed them. It would also be possible to do a higher volume approach with shorter trips leaning more heavily on express. But I feel that would raise my anxiety more. WIth just a couple trains, I pause a couple times a year to manage them, then I could watch things run in peace.

PS. You can "inflate" a train's trip length, using one or more waypoints. Remember of course that revenue decay is based on time, while on the "sight-seeing" part of the journey delivery revenue will still be dropping.
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