bridges to Lewiston

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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bridges to Lewiston Unread post

Here is a different concept on a scenario. There are different scenarios which require bridges to get to destinations, but this one is different in its goals.

The idea is to get an adequate amout of lIP by 1935 for the Gold, along with having connections of bridges to Lewiston. A player also has to buy access to different territories as well. If this cannot be accomplished by 1935, a Silver can be obtained if reached prior or at the deadline of 1945.

I attempted the initial play to obtain the Gold, which, in 1924, did not seem possible. It would have taken me too many years to obtain the $5M to get access to the largest territory. And if possible, to traverse it, and then the fee of $2.3M for access to an Island via a "structured" bridge. I don't remember the name of that island, but play then required a fee for access to Lewiston Island, and another "structured" bridge.

As the user creator indicated in a "text" document, industries are necessary for revenue, I had a Distillery with supply, and a Textile Mill with a supply, which was inadequate. Some of my revenue was absorbed into the 11-13% interest on bonds. That is part of the reason, I stopped in 1924.

I could attempt again, as I did attempt the scenario, to "NOT" buy any industry or farms. I did manage a Silver by connecting to Lewiston, and THEN to buy as many industries and supply farms as possible. I missed the time frame of 1935, as I only accomplished the goals by 1939.

It is possible that I could have attained the Gold, if I would have "issued bonds", in order to buy the more expensive industries, which were in successful AI depot areas. But that it a different story, which I might attempt.

I like this scenario for its concept of imagination and challengers, as believe that it is a worthwhile senario for a member to play. It is in the Archives, and believe it to be in the Other Lands. Don't quote me, as I have been wrong a """number""" of times previous. LOL :salute: {,0,} !*th_up*! !!clap!!
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Have only just come back to RT3 as since i changed computer to Windows7 I haven't been able to patch 1.06 in which meant that most of the new scenarios weren't playable. However in desperation I've been searching for scenarios which didn't require 1.06 and found this one.

Initially I quite liked it as it proved challenging but after perhaps 5 years money started coming in. The 3 AIs were initially incompetent so I bought into the worst and took it over which gave me entry to all areas without the expense of buying access. As the time for Gold approached I was rolling in cash and I had $45m IP so gold was there for the taking. Then came the problem. First I could find no way of building the bridge wherever I tried from and secondly at the deadline I was told I hadn't got $30m IP - true I'd got $45m. Then I read your post and realised that taking over AIs hadn't given me access to the Islands. So (a month too late) I had enough cash to buy access and build the bridges. Played on to the end of that year but as Silver didn't arrive packed it in.

Another really funny thing was that the most profitable AI had 4 stations and 3 trains running. When I took it over they stopped running "cant reach next station" and nothing I could do (double lining, new trains etc) would make them "move". I say "move" because on the train page they stood still and made no profit, locking onto them they stood still, but just looking down on the area there they were chugging merrily along! Most odd!

So Ray as you and I seem to be the only players have you any ideas?
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The Big Dawg
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Re: bridges to Lewiston Unread post

belbincolne wrote:Have only just come back to RT3 as since i changed computer to Windows7 I haven't been able to patch 1.06 in which meant that most of the new scenarios weren't playable.
Have you seen this post?


Also, have you seen this thread about multiple installs?

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belbincolne wrote:Have only just come back to RT3 as since i changed computer to Windows7
Weclome back Belbincolne! I wondered what happened to you. Good to know that you are still into RT3.

The first thing that comes to mind regarding your 'frozen' trains is a territory issue: that the AI was allowed into a territory which you do not have rights to. The territory could be hidden under water. The only way to find underwater territory boundaries is in the editor and to 'remove' the water.
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Re: bridges to Lewiston Unread post

Thanks Hawk/OilCan. Hadn't seen your first thread Hawk - moved RT3 out of Programme files and it still works. Copied into "RT6" and "installed patch 1.06. Still wont run as mss32.dll missing. Found this on internet and downloaded. Still wont install as AIL....callback@8 missing. Found this too and downloaded. Fatal error. Whatever site I got it from put lots of unwanted stuff on computer and changed all my IE/Firefox settings. Has taken me over an hour to remove it all. And the AIL... wasn't downloaded! So it's still not working. And (of course) this is in wrong place in the Forum!
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The Big Dawg
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Re: bridges to Lewiston Unread post

Start a new thread Belbi in the Win 7 thread - viewtopic.php?f=82&t=2302 - and we'll get you going. :salute:
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Re: bridges to Lewiston Unread post

Well Beib,
I read your thread, but did not have a problem with being able to construct bridges as you mentioned. It has been a time since I played this Lewiston scenario, and the only suggestions or comments I have, are those which I stated in my previous thread. I did not get back to make another attempt, as I was having some problem with another scenario, in trying to find the last city which needed to be connected for a bonus. But that is another story.

Try reading the previous suggestions and see if they are of any help. And good luck. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: bridges to Lewiston Unread post

I'm really puzzled. My last 2 plays on this have both been on Expert and each time I've had a better start than on Normal. To get into the other territories rathen than keep paying the fees I've taken over an AI (with varying success but thats not the point). All three times I've done it the identical problem has occured.

As soon as I re-route a train - either within it's existing lines or onto a new track to an extra town they stop running saying "Cannot reach next station". After that they've had it - even if you return them to their original route. Sometimes (maybe always) you also can't run a new train on these lines. I've actually taken over all 3 AIs in one game or another and it's the same with each one. Yes - all the lines are connected properly. The first time on Normal I had enough cash rolling in to just stop using the original track but the last 2 tries on Expert I hadn't and, of course, it's bankrupted me.

Whilst it's quite good fun watching in close up one of the trains shuffle at lightning speed along the track to the first junction and then back to the station some ten times a minute and the other stand still it does ruin the game. And - if you're watching at longer range - both trains are running the full route - although making no money. Very weird. I assume no-ones an explantion?
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This sounds like an interesting challenge. Please send me a saved version of your game and I will try to figure out why the trains can't reach their destination. You are welcome to either send it as a PM or post it here (in a zip or rar format, of course).
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Re: bridges to Lewiston Unread post

Attach it. Train 2 runs o/k but 5 is stuck. When I took the AI over I altered the consist from 0/5 to 2/6 and re-routed them. I can't remember how as when they stuck (both at one time) I kept changing them to see if it made any difference. This is the only save I have as all the others have been ditched.
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I downloaded it and will look at it.
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Re: bridges to Lewiston Unread post

I see what you is a puzzler.

I downloaded your game and it behaved exactly as you said. I bought out another AI company and yes, the trains became stuck. I bulldozed the line and rebuilt the line but the trains still sat unable to 'reach their destination'. I built a new loop of line between the stations...same problem, trains could not reach their destination. I bought new trains, or at least tried to, but could not because a message came up saying the route contained a station not on the route.

When I build new stations in each city on a new line, the trains I bought ran with no problems.

Very odd.

I looked at the territories and checked the events to see if I could find something out of place. I found nothing out of place.

So, I started a new game on a freshly downloaded version and bought out an AI. Trains ran with no issue. I changed the trains' destinations. No issues. I built a new line to a new city and rerouted the trains. No issues. I did this three times with a new game each time. I bought out all three AIs each of the three games. No hint of a problem in any of the games.

I'm not sure what that says. Maybe my install of 1.05 is fresher than yours, maybe the fresh download of the game makes a difference (does your version have a note attached by Sugus?).

The game starts with each of the three AIs already established on the map, each already connected between 2 cities. There is no way to know how the map creator set that up, but I suspect that somehow this may be contributing to the problem. Nothing else seems to be out of the ordinary.
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Re: bridges to Lewiston Unread post

Sorry for not replying earlier but for some reason I didn't get a notification of your reply - also been on holiday. It's all very odd isn't it? It may be something to do with Windows7 and my problems in getting the 1.06 patch to work. (I've tried all the hints on the Forum including installing outside Programmme files). I'll try again once I've cleared off 2 weeks of workload!
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