African Dreams

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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African Dreams Unread post

This scenario is a beautiful graphics of colored terrain. However, it is full of mountains, which I realize is in reality of the Aftrican continent. I have made an attempt to play it, but it is just not my type of challenge, in both that of trying to navigate the terrain, as welll as the goal requirements. The supplies are spread out for the demand, and then to be hauled to the seaport of Mumbasa.

Although it is not to my liking, I know that there are a couple of "Tycoons" of which, this scenario is "right up their alley" of challenge. I am sure that they will agree with the imagination of creation, and find it an interesting challenge. Good Luck to anyone. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: African Dreams Unread post

Just want to further comment on your comments @Ray of Sunshine - because truly this map is extremely beautiful. With a fantastic mix of coloured terrain, floods, mountains, volcanoes, the ocean - everything. It got it all - and funny monkey sounds too! !**yaaa

Normally this type of challenge definitely isn´t me either. But just like with drums of war, there´s something about this map thats just so enjoying, dispite me hating it when i first saw it - but thats how it usually is, you end up loving what you hate *!*!*!

The challenge was alot easier than drums of war. Played it like always on expert/gold. It was very straight forward. I loved setting up the industy hubs, and watching the trains go through the terrain, it was just such a pleasure. I only wish there was more. A huge thanks to the creator of this, it was the most fantastic experience due to the fact that i usually too don´t like these maps or hardcore challenges. So darn well job done! Love love love this scenario! !$th_u$! {,0,}

Ps: in order to beat mountainious terrains, i either go cheap track buildning, or go so huge on the money so i can say @$!* the terrain, and just tunnel right through it! *!*!*! (I wish there was --- tunnelvision in this game now that would be epic! yum!!!!
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Re: African Dreams Unread post

I don't know if the author, Paul (Petunia) Graf, is checking this forum ...

There are several problems with the END OF YEAR REPORT. All of the YTD reports have been ZEROED by the time the STATUS page is displayed.

If anyone is interested I will repair this map.



Simple fix: Added 2 EVENTS and modified Status 2. TESTING ...

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Re: African Dreams Unread post

To fix this, i just checked in december, then that was solved :)
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The following are the changes I made to correct the problem for V1.06:
  • EVENT: YTD Reporting 1
    X * Monthly (End of Month)

    [Export Cities]
    * On screen player only
    * Single Player
    ... Current Game Month = 12 TRUE AND
    ... Force test against territories is TRUE AND
    ... Force test against players is TRUE AND

    * to the player \ territory for which the condition is TRUE
    Set Player Variable 1 to [YTD Automobiles hauled to Terr.]
    Set Player Variable 2 to [YTD Clothing hauled to Terr.]
    Set Player Variable 3 to [YTD Goods hauled to Terr.]
    Set Player Variable 4 to [YTD Toys hauled to Terr.]

    EVENT: YTD Reporting 2
    X * Monthly (End of Month)

    * On screen player only
    * Single Player
    ... Current Game Month = 12 TRUE AND
    ... Force test against territories is TRUE

    * to the player \ territory for which the condition is TRUE
    Set Territory Variable 1 to [Game YTD Electricity Produced]

    EVENT: Status 2
    X * Status in (Anual Report Ledger)
    * Annual Report/Ledger

    YTD autos exported = Player Variable 1, LTD autos exported = [LTD Automobiles hauled to Terr.]
    YTD Clothing exported = Player Variable 2, LTD clothess exported = [LTD Automobiles hauled to Terr.]
    YTD goods exported = Player Variable 3, LTD Goods exported = [LTD Automobiles hauled to Terr.]
    YTD toys exported = Player Variable 4, LTD Toys exported = [LTD Automobiles hauled to Terr.]
    Moved Electricty to Status 3

    [Export Cities]
    * On screen player's company only ... * On screen player only
    * Single Player


    EVENT: Status 3
    X * Status (In Annual Report/Ledger)
    * Annual Report/Ledger

    YTD electricity produced = [Territory Variable 1] gigawatts

    ...Force test against territories is TRUE

Last edited by Shamough on Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: African Dreams Unread post

antso22 wrote:To fix this, i just checked in december, then that was solved :)
But it won't be displayed in the Annual Report/Ledger.
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Re: African Dreams Unread post

OK ... After two tries and random seeding ... the game relies way to heavly on OIL, RUBBER, IRON, & COAL to be won (GOLD).

The designer needs to seed 2 random areas with COAL & IRON and 4 other areas with RUBBER and OIL.

I fixed the reporting EVENT logic ... game design and objective goals I don't mess with.

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Re: African Dreams Unread post

Paul (Petunia) Graf isn't a member here. Whether or not he checks the forums I don't know.

You can check whether or not someone is a member here by clicking on the link near the top right that says 'Members'.
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Re: African Dreams Unread post

OK ... I'll add in a seeder that'lll drop 2 of each for the first 5 years ... 10 total each after 5 years.

If it's too much let me know and I'll dial it down.

BED! NOW!! Will post later.

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Re: African Dreams Unread post

Shamough wrote:OK ... I'll add in a seeder that'lll drop 2 of each for the first 5 years ... 10 total each after 5 years.

If it's too much let me know and I'll dial it down.

BED! NOW!! Will post later.

I tend to think that seeding is something that the creator will have picked for the difficulty and flavor of that particular scenario, as they have to actively chose where to set the sliders in the first place. Change the seeding, change the scenario's character. That's my view. Even in the event that some of the seeding wasn't changed from the PopTop original (since this is a redo), that says to me that the creator knew and tested it even better as he would have played the original as well. Isn't the growth rate high enough here that seemingly missing resources will be seeded on to the map naturally over time? Wouldn't having a seeder make a narrow strategy range likely the best as a player will learn to expect and exploit the same resources each game? I fear this may remove interest and re-playability from this game.

I have played this to a gold medal, but I need to jog my memory as it was awhile ago. I remember it was a refreshing challenge, but no recollection of problems with random seeding. If you find a bad seed that you think is completely unwinnable I am curious to see it. Zip it up if you wish and I will take a crack at it when I get a chance.
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Re: African Dreams Unread post

I've attached African Dream

The seeding happens over the first 5 years of the game.

Let me know if it's too much and I'll dial it back.

African Dream
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Re: African Dreams Unread post

I just played this one again. Loved it as before. Enjoyed the heavy industrialization required.

As soon as I looked around the map, I remembered that last play I bought up all the Bauxite mines at game start to prevent them from disappearing. As the introduction says, this map is rich in resources. There are plenty enough to get the job done. I think that this map was intentionally made so the player needs to work out a strategy to balance the need for Oil and Coal in the Power Plants with production of Steel and Plastic. This is a master stroke and one of the best features of this map.

I don't know if my strategy was necessarily that good. I took 21 years with a single company. I set out to make money before focusing on the goals and didn't run a train for the first 5 years. Then I did a mix expansion of rail and industry, but got the Auto industry up and running pretty quickly with two upgraded plants pumping out almost 400 loads in the subsequent 15 or so years. I used Oil to make all the Goods and Toys for the medals. I only used Steel for my Auto Plants. For the Autos and Goods I did Trainmaster style industrial complexes in the countryside. (For ease of play, I think this map requires building stations outside the cities, and I built a few.) Except for Clothing, I had all the capacity I needed on 1 or sometimes two side-by-side map squares. Clothing was the only hard pick-up. Everything else was just a question of how many trains for that route. Because of the ease of spamming the haulage counting system, one of my personal goals was to make sure my production sites produced more than the required loads. I had this before the medal due to some cargo loss and delay before I connected to the sites.

I used solely Red Devils with 8 cars even on the direct line run over the mountains via Nairobi which has a maximum grade of 6%. I tried to prevent haulage count from within the port zone by only running express between Tanga and Mombasa. I was happy with what I did with electricity. I think the tyconnatrons will fire the plants up naturally in time, but I was careful not to steal their resources. Around year 10 I hit full production when I bought and upgraded a plant in an area of the map I wasn't planning to use. A few more plants later on kept full production up even in depression.

Hans, even though I don't see why you want more resources, I tried to load your zip out of curiosity of where you are trying to industrialize, but it isn't visible in 1.05. Were you playing this in 1.06?
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Re: African Dreams Unread post

RulerofRails wrote:Hans, even though I don't see why you want more resources, I tried to load your zip out of curiosity of where you are trying to industrialize, but it isn't visible in 1.05. Were you playing this in 1.06?
I thought it was a v1.06 map ... yes I used V1.06. Just checked ... MY ERROR ... it didn't say v1.06 !

As soon as I wake up I'll fire up RT3 V1.05 and make the changes on a clean v1.05 map. Just checked ... V1.05 can't handle the logic required. Needs to be V1.06 to correct the game logics.



I looked at several starting maps and none of them had any Bauxite that I noticed. The oil and rubber were loosing $$$ and I didn't have the $$$ to support money pits and by the time I needed them they were mostly gone.

I playeed the map twice ... once unmodified Year End Reports and the 2nd time after I had modified the Year End Reports to correctly display the YTD values. Both games were resource limited preventing me from achieving GOLD.

I Added the "Seeder" EVENT to compensate.

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Re: African Dreams Unread post

Shamough wrote:Just checked ... V1.05 can't handle the logic required. Needs to be V1.06 to correct the game logics.
The warning about less than true compatibility of 1.05 and 1.06 is all over this site. I am trying to slowly school myself in events as well, which events changes you proposed wont work in 1.05? I would also point out that Big Valley isn't a 1.06 scenario either in case you hadn't noticed.
Shamough wrote:I looked at several starting maps and none of them had any Bauxite that I noticed. The oil and rubber were loosing $$$ and I didn't have the $$$ to support money pits and by the time I needed them they were mostly gone.
This I agree with. Rubber and Bauxite do disappear if they are unprofitable. In RT3, these two are comparatively lower priced than other cargoes and have less possible demands, so it makes sense that these would disappear first. Thankfully more Rubber farms spring up over time. I don't think this area is supposed to be rich in Bauxite. I got a seeding with 5 mines and didn't buy them until 2 had disappeared. I ended up using the two I bought a bit later in the game for fun. The one I didn't buy down in the rift valley stayed throughout the game putting out Bauxite to the market at $0. Trying Drums of War which has substantially fewer resources than this map, but the bauxite seems similar as I got 2 mines in almost identical places.

Farms, mines, wells etc. that lose money can be converted to your advantage. If you place an industry among a few of them (best on the same cell as one of them, I did this with all my Plastic Factories) or haul the cargo in by rail (only needs a $2k price difference), your factories will make tons of profit. Here, I covered 3 Rubber Farms with a large station and the price didn't rise out of deep red for around ten years. You must buy the farms for this to work. Any loss at the farms will be easily covered by the profit at the factory. I did it with Rubber because I could ensure immediate production to make Autos which were making me tons of money (2 factories each making as much as the Steel Mill), I would have been happy if the price rose faster as the farms will produce more when they are making money themselves. In most games I aim to only build industries that will be profitable immediately. Also, build the industry, buy the farms make sense in many other cases as well. Mostly it is an insurance policy for those industries built on top of stacks of super low priced cargo, as the game doesn't think they are useful. A good example where this is especially good is the Meat Packer next to Cattle Farms. Livestock has a really reactive price and in the end the farms around a Meat Packer will end up making at least as much profit as the plant itself with lower initial cost. This is simpler sort of strategy stuff. Forgive me, if you know about this stuff already and I am preaching to the choir, but I thought I would mention it just in case.

I had an idea if you end up making a modified version, use the seeder for the less difficult settings, Easy, Medium and maybe reduced at Hard. Expert should be a challenge and the seeder will make the map too easy, IMO. Already there is plenty of profit to be had, in some ways the seeding affects the difficulty more than which difficulty level you chose. I don't suggest making a 1.06 version as the haul at a loss function could make the haulage goals seem like a joke for some. BTW, I didn't find the reporting bugs too bad. I only really care about LTD as I didn't see a reason to specifically focus on YTD. The important one Electricity has a dedicated newspaper so I had that fresh in my mind before looking at the newspaper. This didn't annoy me. I don't have time to give to a modified version, but if I was to make a change I would make the port demand levels high, maybe 30 per year for each cargo (see what Wolverine did in the 1.06 map, Panama Canal for reference) as I had sustainable production of over 30 of each cargo per year. There may be some consequences with the demand map and it may make running the trains more profitable, but hopeful frustrate less players into trying to beat the games weak haulage system as I trust that all players will intend to get the hauls honestly. If the Ports actually consume the cargo from the map simply running trains on auto consist in that area wont be such a risk to inflate your load count with questionably honest hauls. This is only IF a new version is to be made for another reason (a case for one seems weak to me) and IF you are making it, you like this idea. It would require testing something I don't have time for.
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Re: African Dreams Unread post

RulerofRails wrote:I had an idea if you end up making a modified version, use the seeder for the less difficult settings, Easy, Medium and maybe reduced at Hard. Expert should be a challenge and the seeder will make the map too easy, IMO.
I think, don't know for certain, that the game already manages the seeding based on game difficulty setting.

As for which logics that V1.06 offers that are not supported by V1.05 ... Anywhere you see:
Variable (operation) some other Variable
Set Player Variable 1 to [YTD Automobiles hauled to Terr.]
See my suggested changes above in this thread.

AND because I played the game using V1.06 I don't know if V1.05 handles STATUS reporting correctly and only V1.06 has the problem of not executing the year end STATUS as the last operation of the year and locking the YTD values that are displayed.

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Re: African Dreams Unread post

RulerofRails wrote:I would also point out that Big Valley isn't a 1.06 scenario either in case you hadn't noticed.
I hadn't !facepalm! ... I went back and made the suggested changes to BIG VALLEY V1.05 friendly. THANKS! :salute:

Last edited by Shamough on Thu Nov 13, 2014 1:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: African Dreams Unread post

I haven't played a game on less than expert difficulty for years and years. When I did, I didn't know enough about the game to notice something like this. I remember the difference in revenue most. I never read or saw an indication that this is true. Do you have some evidence of this?

The YTD values display as 0 in my year-end ledger in 1.05. I just went and checked the scenario called Baghdad Railway that also uses some YTD figures in the ledger. These reset to zero as well. That's not to say there isn't some clever way to fix this. Since you know how to make events, if you don't just want a rough idea by checking in December (which I believe is the best solution overall as some players don't like any extra game messages) you can easily make a Dialog message set to year end that will display the exact YTD hauls at year end before the ledger and reset.
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Re: African Dreams Unread post

I corrected the logic so it reports correctly in the STATUS ledger for the previous year.
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Re: African Dreams Unread post

Shamough wrote:I corrected the logic so it reports correctly in the STATUS ledger for the previous year.
I didn't know. That's great. I only knew about the scripting for 1.06 that you posted. I was trying to figure out how this could be done in 1.05. My doings in the editor often end up being work-arounds, proper methods are obviously better, and I am glad you found one. :-)
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Re: African Dreams Unread post

The version of African Dream V2 has to remain V1.06. The necessary changes can't be done using the V1.05 EDITOR nor will the game recognise the new logics.
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