Around Cache Valley

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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Around Cache Valley Unread post

Well Fellas,

I don't see any thread on this one, but ran into a problem right at start-up. On selecting "OK" to the "new company" menu, the program crashed. I tried changing the "revenue" and "logo", but neither of them helped. **!!!**

I would like any comments of this one. Someone put too much time into its creation for me to just "trash" it, from my files.

Appreciated. !$th_u$!

Ray of Sunshine
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Re: Around Cache Valley V2 Unread post

Well Fellas,

It has been 6 months since my initial thread to get some comment on what might be the problem. Well, my problem, as either nobody has tried to play the scenario, or they are not having a problem with it. I would just like to know if the problem is within my computer system on downloads of "extras" of which I believe that I have all of them, and hopefully in the right folder. Any comments would be appreciated. :salute:
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Re: Around Cache Valley V2 Unread post

It seems that I have the same problem! Just tried to start it: CtD after hitting the OK button to create the company. Because I have played this map two or three years ago under XP, I'm now - running RT3 under Vista (64-Bit) - very surpised! At the moment I have no time to look for a solution, but I will do that at least some time in spring.
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Re: Around Cache Valley V2 Unread post

I have the same problems as described, but only by running it on my 1.06 version. Trying it with patch 1.05, it works fine. :?:
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Re: Around Cache Valley V2 Unread post

Thanks, El Moichi, that's an important hint. Actually, I've no explanantion ... maybe in spring?
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Re: Around Cache Valley V2 Unread post

Thanks for the info fellas,

As I am running XP and 1.06 batch. Although I don't know much about computers, I would believe that as long as the 1.05 batch in downloaded, that the system would relegate to that batch. Anyway the explanation is at least a start. :salute:
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Re: Around Cache Valley V2 Unread post

Ray of Sunshine wrote:I would believe that as long as the 1.05 batch in downloaded, that the system would relegate to that batch.
Huh? I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. **!!!**
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I agree - it's not clear what Ray exactely means. First of all, it's "Patch", not "Batch". Also, the map is a "before Patch 1.06" one, and for this reason, it shouldn't be an RT3 patch related problem. As I mentioned, I'll look at that in (possibly later) spring, because I remember, that it is a really fine map. And after all, I've played it some years ago ...
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Re: Around Cache Valley V2 Unread post

Well Fellas,

I guess the fingers don't work as well as when younger, but it seems that neither does the mind. So I stand corrected on both accunts, and I thank you for the corrections.

What I was trying to indicate, that seeing that the game was played using the 1.05 PATCH, (finally got it right LOL) that I would believe that, seeing that I have both the 1.05 and 1.06 patches downloaded, that the system would search for the patch in question, and hence not be a problem. However, it is possible that there is some other problem which could be in my operating system. Anyway, I will just wait until Surgus has the time to get more in depth to find the reason for the problem. And we all thank him for the efforts which he is doing to give more enjoyment for the rest of us to enjoy

:salute: {,0,} !*th_up*! !$th_u$! !!clap!!
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Re: Around Cache Valley V2 Unread post

Your statement still doesn't make sense.
Do you have only one install of RT3, patched to 1.06. If so, then you no longer have a 1.05 version. Your install is 1.06 and not 1.05.
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Re: Around Cache Valley V2 Unread post

Yes, If you have updated to the 1.06 version, all maps will be running in the 1.06 version. To run a scenario (or campaign) under the 1.05 version (or patch), you would have to have a separate installation where RT3 was updated to that version and no further. I just a couple of weeks ago I went to some effort to understand how to have 2 installs on one machine. There were comments in Grandma Ruth's section of the forum that helped me on that. Now I can run the older maps with the 1.05 and the newer maps with 1.05. Without having to switch computers.
As I discovered when running the 2nd map in the Campaign, there were significant differences in running it under 1.06 . It would appear that the use of some of the variables or flags were changed. Such as available buildings in the Add Building button. If the building is not checked in the Industries list (this is Editor stuff), then in 1.06 it won't be available in the drop-down list for Add Building. So in this case I did not have the Hotel, Tavern, Restaurant, or Post Office available in the scenario unless I edited the map. Also the use of the custom consists which can be made to run at a loss makes the level of difficulty much easier if it's based on loads of a certain cargo.
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Re: Around Cache Valley V2 Unread post

Okay Fellas,

I did not get back to the particular thread, or just believe that I forgot about it. *!*!*!

Just thought that 1.05 patch remained in the system, and 1.06 was in extension. There I go thinking again, but now understand the reason for Cache Valley not working. So, are there a number of scenario with this particular agenda, as I also would have the problem of installing RT3 separatly with only the 1.05 patch. **!!!**

But thanks for the info. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: Around Cache Valley V2 Unread post

On my way to get a medal in each scenario known (by me), I hopefully started this one - after three years - under patch 1.06 once again ... and got the CtD (Crash to Desktop) immediately when hitting the OK button to create a company. Remembering some problems with Gilligans Isle, I tried a new start with a Patch 1.06 clean install - i.e. without any add-ons (locos, logos, buildings, etc.) installed. Same story: Ctd! Now I started the scenario under Patch 1.05 ... and it worked! One of the starting messages was "decorated" with a slight earthquake - and again I remembered having problems in some (1.06) maps concerning earthquakes. Next step was to run the editor and investigate for that. Event "Beginnings 2" is the bad guy! If you erase there the earthquake effect, everything is ok and you can enjoy the scanario under patch 1.06.
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Re: Around Cache Valley V2 Unread post

Yes- I can! Did it just now within 66 years. The real challenge are the $100 million industry profits in one single year!
Enjoy the map ... (0!!0)
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Re: Around Cache Valley Unread post

This map is truly beautiful and spectacular. Although I'm playing on Medium, it's easy to make company and Industry Profits, (I'm making around $4M at the moment from Industry Profits per year in Prosperity I think), although 100M seems daunting !*00*!). I'm only in around 1870 (started in the default 1850), but so far there have been no events which is my only problem with this map. I don't know if there'll be any for WW1 or WW2 etc, but I thought there'd be something for the Civil War. **!!!**

Also, is there any bonus to connecting cities with a *, or is it just for fun to follow the original CP/UP line? I actually did name my company Union Pacific Railroad and am trying to link up all those towns. And one thing I do like about this map, is because you can't just tunnel through, it forces you to be creative with winding routes, and the scenery is thus spectacular. :)
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Re: Around Cache Valley Unread post

There are very few events in this map. Nothing historical. You can see for yourself if you enter editor mode "Shift+E" then lowest icon (Control Panel) on the editor menu on the LHS, then Events.

Personally I don't mind low events on occasion, but the reason why I couldn't get into the map when I tried it is the multitude of farms and industries in the desert. I really don't know what the creator was thinking with this. :-?

The cities with "*" sign show the historical transcontinental route. There is no bonus or whatever attached to that, it's just for fun.
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Re: Around Cache Valley Unread post

Right, thought so. Still it's an interesting map, very scenic. I'm enjoying it thus far, but yeah a few more events would be nice. I'll try and build the historic route though. :)
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Re: Around Cache Valley Unread post

While this is a beautiful map, it really would shine best if somebody clipped out the most interesting 1/3-1/4 of the map and built a historic scenario around that. Great for early locos since the creator spent a lot of time carving low-grade routes through mountain ridges, rarely needed above a 3, ideal for Eight Wheeler, too.

But the tedious truth is that this scenario stinks. Yes, you can get over $100M industry profit in a year, by buying every profitable industry on the map, after waiting for furniture and cheese and toys. The sheer tediousness of scouring the entire map for every coffee farm and grain farm and cattle ranch etc made the final few hours playing this almost painful.

While it stinks, it's probably worth playing once, just for the novelty of it. But definitely don't go after the $100M industry profits, quit when you get bored. The vast empty desert that has farms and industries and military camps and warehouses and houses popping up like crazy just begs you to colonize it! I ended up building maybe 60 "rural" stations, no base cities for growth, running Baldwins, Dukes, and Eight wheelers, 200+ locos towards when I quit in the late 1890s at $89M industry profits. I guess the creator tuned rural growth to provide ample industrial opportunity to attain $100M in a year while also generating enough demand that prices don't completely crash and farms/mines/industries disappear... It was certainly strange dealing with rural lumber mills, meat packers, steel mills, etc, even near urban centers. While I started in 1850 and expected Express to be my moneymaker, Freight actually outperformed Express the entire game, despite a hotel per station. I never tried networking the rural military bases, but man there were a lot of them out there! Overall a fun map to explore, but in desperate need of a re-write on the story...
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