Review Of British Miracle

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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Re: British Miracle Unread post

My bad......I forgot about how Forums are layed out and that each scenario is a thread not it's own separate forum. The idea of an editable initial post is a much better idea if it's possible.
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Re: British Miracle Unread post

The original poster can edit the first post in a thread. I'd have to check the settings to see how long of a time that is allowed. That can be changed but I'm not sure if I want to allow it permanently.

Edit 1: I just checked in the Admin section and it seems I've had the option to limit editing a post set to 0, meaning that is disabled, which means the first post in a thread can be edited at any time, or for that matter any post in the forums as there's no way to limit it to just the first post in a thread.
Anyone please feel free to check this and let me know. As an Admin I can do that no matter what the settings for the board are.
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Re: British Miracle Unread post

Hawk wrote: As an Admin I can do that no matter what the settings for the board are.
All those ideas to make it so people would learn about a potential error, without creating more work for Hawk, and it might all come down to being more work for Hawk anyway. :-|
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Re: British Miracle Unread post

This is going off-topic pretty bad, or at least it has fallen into the wrong board...

Still, just writing to say I just edited my first ever topic in this forum (which is just under 6 months old anyway)... I left a line with the edit in there:

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Re: British Miracle Unread post

!$th_u$! Bruno! I appreciate you posting back on that. :salute:
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Re: British Miracle Unread post

Blackhawk wrote:All those ideas to make it so people would learn about a potential error, without creating more work for Hawk, and it might all come down to being more work for Hawk anyway. :-|
OK! Here's my !#2bits#! on this. :mrgreen:

As the Administrator of this web site and forum, it’s my job to keep it active, functional and try to maintain a friendly atmosphere.
Without the forum members and the contributors to the archives, what would this place be? Nothing!
As a matter of fact, due to the greatly appreciated donations, this site’s server time is paid for until Nov. of 2012. For that I want to humbly thank everyone that donated.

You folks have made this site. The forum members and archive contributors have built this place. Again – I humbly thank you.

During the four years this edition of the Hawk & Badger Railroad forum has been in existence, along with the couple of years before the hack, and including the old Gathering forum and Railroad Tycoon Info, it seems to me that when a member had a problem with a scenario, 2 or 3 people (sometimes more and most times including the creator) would jump in and try to help to get it resolved. For the most part, they were successful.

The problems with old software on newer computers has been the bane of game players since the invention of the computer. I’ve read so many stories, and experienced it myself.
I have a dinosaur hunting game that I like to play every once in a while. There were 3 versions released, and I have to make some system changes to play the first two versions.
There are quite few posts over at TrainSim about having to downgrade a video card and/or drivers to get Microsoft Train Simulator to run. Same thing with older versions of Trainz.
I will say though, I can play all 3 versions of Rollercoaster Tycoon on my rig just fine. ::!**!

4 gb RAM (I know about 32 bit systems and the 3+ restriction)
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4600+ Processor
Nvidea GeForce 8600 GT 512 MB On-Board RAM Video Card

Then there’s the original Railroad Tycoon that needs to be run in a DOS box, and we have to consider the nanny attitude of Vista and Win 7, but I digress.

I’ve offered to place a comment about this issue on any and all pertinent pages of the site, found here and quoted below.
Hawk wrote:Instead of applying a warning to just one map because some people have a problem with it, maybe it would be easier for those people to apply that warning to all maps, because until the problem shows up on the minority of systems, we don't know which map is going to be problematic. ;-)

Then again, I could post a warning at the top of every page stating something like

'Those with newer systems and/or the latest video cards may experience problems with some maps.'
I’d be more than happy to create a link to a general ‘Warning’ type of read me concerning this issue (I’m not going to write it :roll: ).

The ultimate decision is on you, the community members. I will add - if it involves a lot more work for me, you’re going to have to be pretty convincing. ;-)
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Re: British Miracle Unread post

Just coming back to the glitch I found when playing Britsh Miracle for a moment.

I would like to publicly express my thanks to MisterHinton for the time and effort he has put into to investigating and finding a solution to the glitch.

While I am here can I also say thank you to Hawk for mainatining his excellent site and forum that has enabled me to greatly increase the enjoyment I get from Rail Road Tycoon 3.

Thanks, guys
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Re: British Miracle Unread post

This will be extremely brief- (due to real-world considerations):

After long testing a second glitch emerged:

If you give an AI company disconnected track it becomes schizoid. This insanity-glitch is the part responsible for the extra services and also can duplicate track (weirdly).

It is not by itself enough to slow and freeze the game (even after 50 years+), it will just act weird. (Confirmed on a different test map).

However, it triggers the previously discussed graphics glitch in this case and the two together create the stoppage. Continental has two separated lines; if connected, or if split into two companies, the video glitch (though still lurking) won't trigger. I recommend using the station replacement fix just to be safe, and then addressing this issue.

I now have two COMPLETE games under the old graphic config with no problems. (The first was a "fast" test game; the second- I lost, for the moment.)

HurstLama- you're welcome. Thats what we're here for. Thank EPH for a great scenario in the first place- well worth the effort of debugging -even if it only will affect a tiny number of players; unfortunately he has a "good" system. Off Hawks post- let me add my system is a Dell C640 Laptop; Intel P4-1.7 GHz (when not on battery); 1.25GB Mem; tons of open hard-more than I can use, but a tight ATI Radeon (laptop=Mobility card) 32 MB (using catalyst drivers); OS is XP sp3. That makes it just perfect for low-end problem testing. (I so miss my desktop :roll: ).

Hawk: I've edited my posts before, several times; sometimes it says "edited x times" on the page but sometimes it doesn't. I don't know if that has to do with how soon; not my area. Just saying.

Gotta run.
Last edited by MisterHinton on Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: British Miracle Unread post

MisterHinton wrote:
Hawk: I've edited my posts before, several times; sometimes it says "edited x times" on the page but sometimes it doesn't. I don't know if that has to do with how soon; not my area. Just saying.
I think generally it will only say if you've edited the post, if someone posted below you. Or if you are Hawk he can edit things "secretly" so it won't say it's been edited. (at least I think he did that once, maybe not)
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Re: British Miracle Unread post

I want to apologize to everyone for my absence from this discussion. I was called out of town on somewhat short notice for work-related issues and have just ow returned. I was not able to respond to MisterHinton's prior PMs because I wasn't able to duplicate his glitch before I left. I have played 'British Miracle' a number of times over the years without incident.

The scenario was offered for testing, and was publicly tested by players. I do try to offer that for every scenario I design, along with input into the design process and decisions, but I never seem to get enough takers. :-) Volunteers are always welcome! :-D

I haven't checked, but I think I have my cursor set to black & white. I have noticed messages about connecting to Copenhagen, but I've never had any issues playing the scenario.

Two more considerations here: the scenario is a large one in area, trains and cargo, and it very likely puts a burden on our beloved but old and creaky RRT3. Secondly, I wonder if turning ocean into land to set up the 'steamship' routes is a part of the problem. Has anyone ever noticed this behavior in a land-based AI? Perhaps I should have left the 'steamship' routes trackless and let the AI build its own. Ah, well... done is done.

Any warning or notice the community wants to put up is fine with me. If MisterHinton wanted to provide a 'corrected' copy of the scenario for Hawk to post, that would be fine with me too. I very much appreciate the thought and effort everyone has put into this, and I apologize again that I couldn't help with the process.
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Re: British Miracle Unread post

MisterHinton is no longer a member here.
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Re: British Miracle Unread post


I have to wonder.... can't the person who logged in as MisterHinton join this forum again and again, under different names?.. Can you really ban a person from joining a group in a internet forum.

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Re: British Miracle Unread post

I have the IP address, which seems to be in - his case - static, so that's a help, but yes - it is quite possible. It just requires a little diligence on my part. ;-)
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Re: British Miracle Unread post

brunom wrote:??

I have to wonder.... can't the person who logged in as MisterHinton join this forum again and again, under different names?.. Can you really ban a person from joining a group in a internet forum.

If this forum is like a forum I once ran, if a person has enough desire you probably won't stop them. If they have a static IP it's easier than if they have a dynamic IP. Although many times with dynamic IP's they will often start with the same general numbers and you can block a range of IP's but then if someone else with an IP in that range may become banned as well. Even if you block an IP, it won't stop someone from attempting to use a proxy server to get access. I had an issue with disruptive people joining the forum I was on admin on, so ultimately I ended up having to trace IP's and see if they seemed like a proxy server or a person's actual IP.

Back on topic, EPH I have a saved game where a month or two after the save it freezes for me. I don't know if you want to bother looking at it or not. If so just let me know. I suppose if needed I could make the changes to Copenhagen (since MisterHinton is no longer a member, although I guess that doesn't mean he won't read this), I'll just have to put it on a list of things to do.
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Re: British Miracle Unread post

Blackhawk wrote:If this forum is like a forum I once ran, if a person has enough desire you probably won't stop them. If they have a static IP it's easier than if they have a dynamic IP. Although many times with dynamic IP's they will often start with the same general numbers and you can block a range of IP's but then if someone else with an IP in that range may become banned as well. Even if you block an IP, it won't stop someone from attempting to use a proxy server to get access. I had an issue with disruptive people joining the forum I was on admin on, so ultimately I ended up having to trace IP's and see if they seemed like a proxy server or a person's actual IP.
I actually wasn't going to give out that much information - but what the heck. :mrgreen:

Like you said, if their intent enough, they can always get around whatever I do, until they start posting. ;-)
I hear tell ya' can't change a leopards spots. !*th_up*!
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Re: British Miracle Unread post

Feel free to remove that if you'd like. I suppose some of the things mentioned were probably best left unsaid.
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Re: British Miracle Unread post

Weeeell, I like a challenge every once in a while. :twisted:

'Sides, anyone can find all that info on the great electronic highway, if they were so inclined. ;-)
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Re: British Miracle Unread post

Most people know enough about IP's and the stuff, Blackhawk. And like Hawk said it, "anyone can find all that info on the great electronic highway, if they were so inclined".

My question is more rhetorical than technical, really. But since I am not an administrator and have no intentions of becoming one, it was just making conversation... Is it better to ban a member or to try and bring him into the "bright side of the light"? (in all fairness I don't know why that lad isn't a member anymore and I don't really want/need to)

Anyway, this goes way off-topic and just tell me to shut up if you want.

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Re: British Miracle Unread post

Let's try and get this thread back on topic , shall we. ;-)
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Re: British Miracle Unread post

Since MisterHinton disappeared I decided I would work on creating a fix for this map.

Rather than just move the Copenhagen station back a few squares, I decided I would bulldoze it all and lay new track and stations. Then in a test run i went the entire time without it freezing, but there were still the occasional messages saying Continental Connected to Hamburg or Copenhagen and the pieces of the track beyond the station would be changed/skewed/curved. So to prevent this, I created another territory with the "end" of the Continental lines in that territory, and then I removed their access to this territory. So far I'm about 20 years in and there hasn't been any issues and no "Connected to Copenhagen" messages. For anyone who was having issues with this map, they may want to try this version and see if it works for them.
British Miracle-Fix.rar
(1.82 MiB) Downloaded 464 times
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