ICUS scenario

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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ICUS scenario

Unread post by RayofSunshine »

Let me first make my comments, as I believe that this is a well created scenario. Terrain, concept, and imagination. The bonuses go well with the play of attaining cities, hauls, etc, to keep the revenue "rolling in".

However, although I do play scenarios with the combinations of LIP, PNW, and CBV, I usually do not have much success in attaining much in the way of medals. Such combinations bury me in trying to attain the goals. They just overwhelm the way I play. Sort of a 'Catch 22", as a player has to allot revenues to 3 different goals. Now I did manage to get 5 of 8 'credits', but felt short with only 1/2 the required amount for my PNW, of which was necessary for at least a BZ medal. I wil take that into account on a future attempt.

Overall, some of the more talented Tycoons will find this a great challenge, as there are lots of challenges. And I also do believe that they will find it an enjoyable scenario. :salute: {,0,}

OH, welcome aboard as a member and user creator Petunia (I hope I got the correct). *!*!*!