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Rainy Days in British North America

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by RayofSunshine »

Will make this short so as to just get posted. My system doesn't seem to like much input in posting. *!*!*! **!!!**

Got by the 1st step. I was unable to find a thread, and it was also a surprise to find the scenario in the Archives, considering that I had never seen any beta. **!!!**

step 2. The challenge of the terrain in distance to cnn BOS to St.John's and haul 2000 loads. !facepalm!

nbr 3. Has any one ever played this scenario? Just look at the map and you can see my problem. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by Sugus »

I gave this one two tries today.

In the first one I stated in Montreal and - after a few years - didn't make any progress.

In the second one, I got access to the United States and began in Boston. As you can see in
RDiBNA.jpg (160.08 KiB) Viewed 7752 times
I was not successful once more. Also, I was wondering, that -after more than 25 years - I was not told to be a loser.
A short inspection of the map by means of the editor revealed, that the winning conditions are not setup correctly.

Nevertheless, it's a wonderful map - so I'll try to make it playable within the next days by correcting the medal conditions but also extending the time range. (The screen shot above showns, that connecting St.John's is nearly impossible within 25 years - and for Silver or even Gold you have to haul 30/50 loads of coal to St. John's. Ok - I'm sure that there are better strategies to eventually reach these goals, but I'm a "normal" player and like to have both: fun and success. :-D )

And, of course, I hope that the author (Big John) will agree ...
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Re: Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by Sugus »

Ok, here is my slightly modified version. I corrected the winning events and extended the time range to 35 years.
To avoid confusion i.e. to distinguish it from the original, I named my version "Rainy Days in BNA".

(EDIT: attachment deleted)
I've played the map on easy and got Gold after 34 years. So, it's up to the tycoons to do it faster and on expert. :salute:

Please, Hawk, move it to the archives.
Last edited by Sugus on Sat Sep 27, 2014 8:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by RulerofRails »

I saw this thread after Sugus's first post, and took a few minutes to load up the map then. I was mainly looking for where the challenge was in this one. Seems to be the start (time period and less than average route selection choices) if one cannot build any new industries, a briefing condition, but I noticed I could still build them. Did you fix this in your update? There is always the chance that the creator decided to turn building new industries back on, but forgot to change the briefing. **!!!**

BTW, Sugus, interesting track laying in your screenshot! Minimal but effective. Also, I intend to give this a proper go when I get time. I hope it isn't seeding dependent, but there should be a sweet spot for a nice start strategy to get the job done in the original 25 year time frame. Will let you guys know once I complete it. Maybe next week . . .
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Re: Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by Hawk »

RulerofRails wrote:Seems to be the start (time period and less than average route selection choices) if one cannot build any new industries, a briefing condition, but I noticed I could still build them. Did you fix this in your update? There is always the chance that the creator decided to turn building new industries back on, but forgot to change the briefing. **!!!**
I'll hold off on adding this update to the archives until Sugus responds about this matter.
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Re: Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by Sugus »

I left it the same way as in the original, i.e. corrected the briefing text, which means, that you can build and buy industries.

Heres' the updated version.
(EDIT: patch 1.06 version deleted, see below)

Thanks for the hint, RulerofRails (0!!0)
Last edited by Sugus on Sun Sep 28, 2014 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Good. If corrections are made, may as well correct everything we see. Unfortunately, the latest version you uploaded must have been made in 1.06 as I can't see it in 1.05. If it is saved 1.05 format it can played in 1.06 too, even though I am fairly sure this map was made before 1.06 came around so it would be safe to assume that it is designed for 1.05. A small thing again. I noticed it because I was going to start a serious attempt at it. I will revert to the earlier version you posted and adhere to the no building industry option by choice. Will let you know how I fare. Thanks for fixing the events.
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Re: Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by Sugus »

Upsss - obviously I was not carefully enough!

Here's the patch 1.05 version:
(1.05 MiB) Downloaded 336 times
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Re: Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Rainy Days.jpg
Rainy Days.jpg (96.82 KiB) Viewed 7647 times
This is what I managed this time, the last Coal train is about to arrive in St. John. To start I bought a Lumber Mill in Montreal. In the beginning of the third year a new Dairy popped up right near Montreal under my nose so I snapped it up. Then once I could take out some more bonds I upgraded my Lumber Mill, and after I saved some more I bought a access and a newly seeded Paper Mill in Ottawa. That took about 5 years of game time, and then I took the plunge into real railroading. I connected Montreal to Ottawa with a cheap wooden bridge straight across the river and started service with the Firefly. At this time the Textile Mill in Montreal was producing well, so I had plenty of Textiles and Lumber to haul. As soon as I could and before all that cargo migrated up the river, I connected to Huntington. Then I ran all trains to Huntington and bought as many more as I could fill. This gave me a million or two. I used this money to expand south to Toronto with the goal of buying and running the Tool and Die I had in Hamilton. Huntington had only one house, so after around a year the prices of the Lumber, Textiles, and Milk that were sitting there had dropped considerably. It was time to connect to Sudbury, allowing for great profits and also giving me a collection point for Iron to use down in Hamilton. Once all this money came pouring in, I could issue lots of bonds at next year end (around 4M worth, I was issuing as many as I could except when I was in industry only mode at the beginning when I would wait for a good investment to eventuate). I used this money to expand east over the mountains to Boston, and worked towards the haulage goals. Before making the long stretch over to St. John, I built up western Canada and connected to Detroit and bought and supplied both Tool and Dies there. But that should give a general idea of my expansion strategy. All the logs, pulpwood, wool, and iron in the north west of the map are the best idea I can see here as everywhere else is hilly and has few resources with the exception of the US coast, which is hilly but has some resources.

In case you were wondering: I didn't use any hauling tricks including bait and switch in any form. I only built one station in each of the cities I connected and none out in the country to gather resources (my latest stipulation, that others may have been doing for ever). I did no real micro-managing of trains but when I had less than 20 trains I did shuffle routes to deal with expansion and get some one time high-value runs to a newly connected city. I was playing on Expert difficulty, like I always do. Of course, I have more ideas now with potential for an even better/faster strategy, but hopefully, this gives some ideas on how to win this map in the original time frame.

I like this map and the ideas in it. I have some minor complaints: some rivers flowing the wrong way, there are a couple of spelling errors, and the ground is rough around St. John. The bumpy ground around St. John seems totally unnecessary. There are plenty of geographically challenging areas on the journey there which I can see fit into the story idea here with the difficulty of slow acceleration and poor climbing abilities of the locos. But, that last little stretch of Newfoundland on mainly flat ground seemed too jarring for my liking at least. Enough of the negatives, the good news is I liked everything else! :-D

I like the way that passenger production has been subdued. I also like the hamper put on industry production in the beginning along with the gradual increase. I just took a look in the editor and am surprised at how simply this is scripted, but still enough to give a good game experience and mix up strategy. I like the engine cost increase. This helps me think more about how many trains to buy late in the game when I normally buy too many, and gives an incentive to buy them earlier a bit like industry. The concept of the connections and the goals is setup nicely and is lots of fun. Nice map. Thanks to the creator for all his efforts and thanks to Sugus for the event fixes!

PS. Sugus, if you want to tackle the spelling mistakes I can let you know what I saw.
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Re: Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by Sugus »

RulerofRails wrote:PS. Sugus, if you want to tackle the spelling mistakes I can let you know what I saw.
From my point of view it would be best, if you directly correct all these spelling mistakes and thereafter upload your corrected version.
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Re: Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Ok. I will. I may have a go at fixing the rivers a little, including where they flow up and over humps. Maybe smooth a little around St. John's also. But only if others support this also. I don't want to make changes only according to what I think. Let me know if you support this, or I wont do it.
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Re: Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by Sugus »

Remember that it is not my map - the author is Big John. But I think it's ok, that you go on. :salute:
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Re: Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by Hawk »

RulerofRails wrote:But only if others support this also.
Go for it. (0!!0)
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Re: Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by RulerofRails »

I fixed the spelling, but wasn't picky with grammar. I did the best I could with the river connections and I think they are improved a lot. I wasn't really fussy with rivers flowing over slight humps, just the excessive ones. Smoothed the peninsula approaching St. John's. Please take a look at it before uploading.

Edit: Attachment removed, as the corrected map is in the archives now.
Last edited by RulerofRails on Sun Dec 07, 2014 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by Hawk »

So: Is this now ready for the archives, or is more testing in order?
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Re: Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Since Sugus has played the map recently, I was hoping that he would load the map for a quick check of what I did, to make sure it loads nicely as well. I put credit to myself also, simply so that I can bare the blame of any mistakes and landscaping (river-scaping) where the author would have done a little differently. I also tried to get rid of the polygon shapes where tiny pieces of land are poking up through the rivers. I tried to do it just enough and was wondering if this works for others also or if more smoothing is really necessary. Anyway, what I did has very little potential to cause bugs so it should be all good. A second set of eyes would be better yet.
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Re: Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by Hawk »

I'm trying to decide whether I should replace the original (with all the proper credits) or add this one as a separate download. I think this one should replace the original, since it is just basically corrections/fixing.
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Re: Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by RulerofRails »

That's a tough call, but I think you are on the right track. Maybe say "corrected by Hawk & Badger forum community" (if Sugus agrees). Overwhelmingly credit is due to Big John as he probably put days, weeks and possibly months into it, and our names are currently at the end of the briefing. You could keep the original name when doing this also. My !#2bits#! . Let's see what Sugus has to say.
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Re: Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by Hawk »

I would keep it as it is on the web page. Then over on the right in the comments box add that it was edited/updated by you and Sugus.
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Re: Rainy Days in British North America

Unread post by Sugus »

I think it's done now.
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