East Florida

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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Has anyone played Arop's Florida scenario? I'm in the middle of it right now, and so far I'm really enjoying it. It's a nice map, and the objectives are right up my alley: in 60 years, have a really high CBV and connect all the main cities. For the gold, you also need $50 million in industry profits.

And that leads me to my question...the industry profits don't seem to be registering correctly on the ledger. It says "zero", even though I've had a lumber mill and a paper mill making money since the first year.

Also, the ledger says "year XX out of 50" even though the briefing says you have 60 years.

Any thoughts? Can this be fixed easily? Is it possible it's recording my industry profit correctly but just not displaying it correctly? I know very little about event scripting.

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Yes, it can be fixed easily. The status even is set up wrong so you will need to change it. The condition should be 'on screen player's company', 'do not test against players', 'do not test against territories'.

You also need to either edit the briefing or the win events so it is all 50 years or all 60 years.

Events are evaluated in order of appearance. It is simplest if they appear in the order that is the reverse of this one. I.e. gold, silver, bronze, lose.
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I'll fix that and re-upload it. :wink:
I'm sure Anders won't mind. I'll email him and let him know.

Edit 1: I got the 'Status' event fixed. I set it for 60 years and changed the testing.
Also rearranged the Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Loose events.
I checked the rest of the events and found a couple of other errors.
The 'Miami Connected' event is set to announce a $1,000,000 reward but it was only effected to give $500,000. I set the effect to $1,000,000 as per the announcement.
The 'Gold' event was set to test at >=60 years. I changed that to <=60 years. I also set the effects for the 4 medals to 'Apply effects only once per event' and 'Apply effects...to the company / player (i.e. chairman) for which the condition is TRUE'.

I have uploaded the revised version.
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There were a lot of errors in the Event Coding, but it looks like Hawk got them fixed. I found this one really easy, even on Expert. I think I had it done in about 40 years. There was lots of cargo, but it was really localized, which led to huge price differentials, and lots of bucks for hauling stuff. I started with strategiacally placed industries, and then after a few years started building track. I just kept expanding and hauling profitable cargoes. Bought a little more industry along the way to get the required profit earlier, and made connections as money rolled in. Jacsonville to Miami hauls of military stuff was REAL profitable.

I think the scenario would be improved by decreasing the cargo/building density a lot at the start. It can always be adjusted to grow at a faster (or slower) rate with the sliders.

All in all a nice map. Well colored and nice ground cover.
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Thanks Hawk! I will re-download and start over...see if I can duplicate my success now that everything is fixed.

Wolverine, if you remember, did you opt to have any AI opponents in your game?

I opted for 2. One went under early, but the other is still going strong, and it looks like I won't be able to buy him out.

Looking forward to playing the "corrected" version. Thanks guys!
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canis39 wrote:Wolverine, if you remember, did you opt to have any AI opponents in your game?
I think I did. I usually go with the maximum number of AIs in a game since they are often easy targets for takeover. I let them get going, buy stock in them as long as the stock price is well below book value, then take them over when I want their assets. Alternatively, if PNW is a goal, I will get >50% of their stock and periodically use their cash and bonds to buy industry, or connect to my track. This usually results in them gaining wealth, which flows over to me in the form of increased stock value. I've found that I get more out of them, in terms of PNW growth, by letting them stay independent, with occasional micro-management.
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I played this too ages ago and got Gold on Expert with plenty of time to spare. Can't remember too much about it - or how many attempts it took but it was a nice scenario.
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Has anyone had any CTD's with this scenario? As soon as I get to the end of the first year & the ledger comes up, I get a CTD. It's pretty frustrating.
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I tried it out to see what happened and everything seemed to work okay for me. :?:
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I downloaded it again & now it works....Strange.
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Re: Florida Unread post

Okay, first off, I realize this posting is 3yrs old, but as others mentioned, I like this map. I have yet to include any AI's in this but will attempt to do so. One thing I like doing however with the maps that interest me, is to look around at the cities and industries, then look up history and map routes of fallen flags or current RR's that ran/run those areas. For this map, I looked up both the Seaboard Coast Line and Seaboard Airline RR's as the first one was the merge of SBAL and ACL railroads. Having Railroad Map 3 also helps as it's creator includes map routes of both current and fallen flag roads.

I either start out running a local from Miami to Palm Beach, or working my way west from Jacksonville. But if I start in JKVL I setup two stations, one on the west end of the city and take track around by the ports and build another large station there, running a train from the ports into the city station. One thing I have not done yet also as Wolverine mentioned was to buy some industry first. Just one of the great things about this site, is always finding different ways of trying out a scenario. :-D
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Well j484fan,

As you have found out, there are many different ways or systems to be used with almost any creation. There are restriction, goals, or tasks as challenges, but they tend to make the scenarion enjoyable. Just remember that it is just a game, and to be enjoyed. Oh yes, they can become frustrating, especially if there is a "bug" or a "glitch", but in that case, you have to do the same as the rest of the members. Post your findings, as there are a goodly number of great user creators who will give you advise to both what you might be doing incorrectly, or a method which is a better strategy. Again, Good Luck. :salute:
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Re: Florida Unread post

Well j484fan,

Just keep along with what ever progress you make, as it is better than my attempt. After a couple of months, the scenario crashes. Have tried it a few times, but don't know what might be the problem. **!!!** I usually will not quit attempting to play a scenario, but when the scenario crashes, there are a number of other scenarios in line to be played. At least until the problem is found. *!*!*!
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I strongly suspect that the map is missing any accessories. Maybe you additionally have to install some locomotives. If you can't contact the author for help, than you could inspect the map by means of the editor and look for locomotive related events. This way you should be able to find "missing engines", if any ...
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Re: Florida Unread post

There is one thing I have found with this map, for some reason, when I try running with AI's in the game, it crashes. If I hit F9 and play in windowed mode, no problem, but that can get annoying when I want to see the bigger picture for what I want to do next. Especially as later in the game for the long route express trains, I can eliminate water towers and maintenance sheds once I can run the diesels. They will go all the way from JKVL to Miami without needing to stop.

Wonder if there could be a few other things added to spice up the single player mode a bit? Such as certain commodities to port cities and products hauled from port cities to certain ones inland? Say goods, representing intermodal to the ports and other goods up into cities in Georgia. Something like a modern CSX version of this in 1.06 along the lines of AoS Blue Streak maybe. Maybe incorporate a built in FEC mainline that CSX could use via trackage rights, yet needing to setup the map connecting all points where CSX currently has yards or industrial service areas within the state.
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Re: Florida Unread post

:salute: I'm planning to make a new version (for RRT 1.06) or a brand new maximum size map of Florida, game start between 1865 and 1900 with game end about 1950 when diesels take over, with the ports and warehouses changed.
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Re: Florida Unread post

:-D I have just finished a new map, called the Florida Peninsula. It is a improved, bigger and more detailed map with new events and win conditions. You can download it here as a beta version. :salute:
FLORIDA, Read Me. -loco list..rtf
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Final version can be found in the map archive :salute:
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