
Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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The Big Dawg
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Pandaimonia Unread post

The following text is a compilation of what was salvaged from the old Gathering Forum. It contains postings from several different people.
Thanks goes out to Wolverine for putting this all together.


There is a new map, which will be available soon at the sites H&P RR ( and The Terminal (
I will list direct links here once it has been uploaded to these sites.
Edit: Now available here:
H&P RR: ...
RT Info:
The map is set in a fantasy loaction. The player, as a mythical hero, is in charge of an army of knights on iron horses. He has to defend a Kingdom against an evil overlord by delivering weapons, troops, and ammunition; and by going on a quest to find a magical Chalice.
If you like this mix of genres, you might enjoy this map, which works slightly differently from other RT3 maps you might have played.
If you download it, be sure to read the entire readme file, especially the hints at the end.
I'll practice up with Age of Mythology this weekend.
I just got done looking for this map, but it doesn't appear to be up yet.
How is it going?
you should be able to post the game yourself at the Terminal. If you post at Railroad Tycoon Info, you can manage all your postings yourself, including the teaser images.
Thanks for the hint, I didn't know I could do that.
The map is now downloadable from Railroad Tycoon Info, here:
Wow, great picture! You must have gotten wet waiting for the right moment
Took me weeks to get the water out of my ears
This map has me stymied.
I've found a few of the quests and over all it's a great concept.
I've just not been able to beat the evil duke. I end up getting smoked.
Finally found what I need to do to get the chalice (rescued the princess and that was a real joy) but just couldn't get the money together in time to get the rail laid and then meet the requirements.
And this was on NORMAL!
For a guy who loves playing on the hardest setting, this map is a great humbler.
Well done!
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Here are some ideas on strategy, if you want to try again:
If you play the map a couple of times, you'll figure out what artifacts you need to go into any of the mythical places or to face the monsters. It pays to be prudent and to not pick a fight until you're ready. That way, you save your strength for the big battle. Meeting the declassed elven princess early on is a plus. Spoiler (highlight to read:) If you use up her elixir, she'll offer you another batch.
Of course, it helps to be lucky with the random distribution of artifacts and monsters.
I rely on industry early on to get a good financial base. Before I even build track, I'll place a paper mill in Pandaimonia. With that income, plus one bond and stock issue, I lay the first track to Ouh, which tends to be a profitable line.
I put the first trains into service one by one. Often two are more than enough at first, one of them waiting for a full load of ammunition in Ouh, the other with a custom consist of general + 1 troop car.
Then I usually buy the ammunition factory in Ouh, all available iron mines in the brimstone fields (to keep them from shutting down), and perhaps a destillery. I always issue all possible stock.
My next expansions are south to Trollbridge and west to Dair Bedreggins. These lines also pay well. If oil-wells pop up, I'll buy those before building more track, especially if they're near a warehouse.
Next I connect Nethergate, which tends to have a weapons plant, and then on to the lumber-producing regions. After 5-10 years, I am usually on track with the delivery goals to Pandaimonia, and can concentrate on connecting cities and buying or building more industry.
Waiting for capital to build tunnels and bridges can take a while, but if I wait to go into any of the mythical places until after I've found the most useful artifacts for that purpose, I'll usually beat the duke.
Well have to say this is the most original scenario yet on RT3. Played it two or three times and finished up dead so shall be noting your ideas and trying again.
Thank you for your kind comment
Most testers took at least five tries before they won any medal.
It gets easier, the better you know what's coming. A bit like those first-person shooters where you trudge through a dungeon, and at some point you just know that when you turn this particular corner, there'll be something uncouth with tentacles and fangs lurking in that corridor.
There is a lengthy section in the readme file which has FAQs and hints, if my reply here to JR still leaves you stumped.
Good luck with defeating evil! Hope you'll make it next time.
Well I managed to connect every city and get every magical aid there was but I'm not very good at micro managing (plus I forgot that if you haul 1 load of, say, coal and its only 99% full it doesn't count) so didn't meet any of the main carry targets in the last 5 years - I was well ahead for ammo and soldiers and only just behind on weapons at the 25 yr stage.
Result another 0 although the dragon was nearly slain.
And was it hard connecting to the Ice Palace and the other hilltop castle!!! Oh and I reckon building a textile mill in the north-east is a much better start than a paper mill.
Great fun and its another try after the hols, if I cant find time before.
Glad to hear that you haven't thrown in the towel, yet!
You still get a huge break (in terms of the rise in the Duke's strength) if you make only the haul requirements for two of the three load types at any given interval, but fall short on the third.
The Abbey and the Ice Palace are hard to build to (start from). I laid out one route downhill from each, but in the maps the testers sent me, I saw they had discovered other solutions, too. It is always going to be expensive, though - otherwise, it would just end up being a game of 'connect the dots'.
Hope you make it on another try.

Re: Pandaimonia Unread post

This Scenario crashes either reboots computer or throws me out of the game.

Other than that is an interesting scenario
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