Flynn's Coast

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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Flynn's Coast Unread post

Flynn’s Coast. This is a 1.05 version game of a fictitious land. Four optional AI players.

This is a classic style RT3 game which can be played multiple ways: solo with no PNW goal, solo with a PNW goal, with AI but no PNW goal, with AI and a PNW goal. You can have zero to four AI rivals.

The game goals are:
(1) $300 Million Company Book Value
(2) 30,000 Loads hauled anywhere
(3) (Optional $250 Million Personal Net Worth)

There is no time limit (no end date) so there are no silver or bronze goals.

Multiple companies are allowed, meaning that if an AI player is ousted from his company, he will probably start a new one if open cities are available. It also means that you can create sub-companies for your exclusive profit.

The map is well stocked with resources and a good selection of train engines. The start year is 1885. The player can transition from steam to diesel to electric as the years roll by.

There are four ports which offer differing goods. There are also four interior cities with warehouses of differing goods. Any of these cities is a good starting point, except one port, it requires a suspension bridge for access.

The classic format of this game offers not only lots of fun but also excellent opportunities to test and perfect different tycooning strategies and different sub-company schemes.

The AI are aggressive.

No train crashes. No maintenance sheds needed.
This map is now available in the archives: Flynn's Coast
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Re: Flynn's Coast Unread post

Flynn's Coast.jpg

Finished a test play (bit lazy 45 year run without industry or bonds, let the game run a lot without intervention later on). Interesting setup, especially how to avoid suspension bridges when connecting to the islands, I ended up building one, otherwise used normal Steel.

Also, if anyone is wondering, a no-industry play versus AI (with CBV target) is interesting because there is a strategy where maybe you let him expand more than usual because he will be buying industries (depends on character traits, some never buy industries). Also, the boosts to the AI can easily give him a favorable CBV/share price ratio, so that can be "free CBV." Here also you want them to pay good dividends. I ended up with a bit over $90M in personal cash ($145M in company fund) and left my company dividend at lowest >0 value throughout majority of the game.

Here are my notes:
CBV100 Pax price increase events don't work.

CBV250 10|%, extra character.

CBV400, message mentions 250M and wrong text.

spelling "Fertlizer is arriving..."

Inconsistent "Tallus" spelling, map uses "Talus."

New Mines
spelling "3 Iorn mines"

Is it intended for the medals to say GOLD "METAL". I assume so, but thought I would mention just in case.

I was a bit confused when the PNW100+ notices kept offering me perks when I chose not to receive them in the start and every subsequent time.

The electric track count BY COMPANY is broken in 1.05. IIRC, there are instructions somewhere how this can be hacked/fixed, but I haven't done it to any of my copies. The gamewide count works. I would just use that. I don't think the AI are going to use electric track (they will if you force them with no other engine options, but they are often crippled by the one-missing-piece-of-electrification bug).
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Re: Flynn's Coast Unread post

Thanks for this map! Did it just now with great fun in 37 years. Would be nice to have more such maps, where you (only) have to reach a CBV and/or hauling goal and first of all can enjoy to lay tracks and run trains. Finally, RT3 was designed to have fun … isn't it?
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Re: Flynn's Coast Unread post

Took me a few too many starts to realize that Rhodes had to be the way for a rail start. Quickly connected to the AI's out of Logan/Ines, Port Blev/Kirkwood, Port Anders/Nibb's Neck and went for a PAX game. Easy sailing from there. Eventually built a couple steel mills in the middle of the iron/coal (Twin Lakes and Quill) and a couple other industries to help things along. Connies at first, then some S3's, then some Eight Wheelers, then replace everything with P8's to the end, love those little chuggers, so cheap! And not slow! Gold with $280M PNW in Jan 1916. Lifetime income $382M PAX, $327M freight, $150M industry, $15M misc.
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