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Northern Plains/Upper Midwest Map

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
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Northern Plains/Upper Midwest Map

Unread post by Bcbuhler »

I've decided to make my first full map (I've made one before for Trainmaster but it was mostly flat and I gave up on it quite quickly). I've got the terrain and painting done as well as lakes, rivers and cities in their proper locations (but I haven't changed sizes or industries yet) and territories painted. I was just look for some people to have a quick look to see if anything should be changed before I get the map done. The scenario I'm planning for it will be a long term competition with pre-constructed AI as well as hauling missions (thats also the reason for some of the high density towns in ND). The file name is just the code I've been using to keep track of which version I'm on and has nothing to do with the actual name. So please have a look and let me know what you like about it so far and what should be changed.
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Re: Northern Plains/Upper Midwest Map

Unread post by OilCan »

Very nicely done. I like the image map colors. !*th_up*!
I did not see problems or issues with the map except the flow direction of a river or two.
There is a large number of cities but this should work well if there are going to be a large number of AI.
The hard work is still to come: setting up & balancing the industry on the map and setting the industry mix for each town.
This is a large map. You may want to consider adding 10-15% to train speed if hauling is a goal.
I am interested in testing the beta version when it is ready.
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Re: Northern Plains/Upper Midwest Map

Unread post by Hawk »

For those of us that have multiple installs of RT3, it would help if you state that this map is for 1.06. !*th_up*!
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Re: Northern Plains/Upper Midwest Map

Unread post by Bcbuhler »

Post by OilCan » Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:17 am

Very nicely done. I like the image map colors.
I used your RT3 Map from Digital Data tutorial it was very easy to follow good job.

I've got the industries fairly well organized for the towns there are 7 different industry patterns and in towns where in my encyclopedia set it said they had a specific industry I just built them in the editor. I test played the map from 1920 to 1964 and found that the best scenario for it would be to start right after World War 2 as a rebuilding of delapitated rail lines to connect major cities. Because it would take alot more time then I have to create enough events to keep a player busy for 100 years. The ending will be around 2015 because the ultamite goal of the scenario is to move oil from North Dakota to Chicago just like the boom that railroads are having today as well as the initial goal which is to connect the major cities on the map.
This map is meant to be a high traffic level map thats why there are so many industries and AI. For the final scenario I plan on building basic AI to represent Great Northern/Burlington Northern/BNSF and another for Canadian Pacific. Also does anyone know if you can set an event to change a companies name?
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Re: Northern Plains/Upper Midwest Map

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Good to see you are making another map! My time has been a bit limited lately, but had a few minutes to take a look at the latest map you posted (industry test).

As you said the map is quite dense with industries. I am a little concerned that over a long time-span I can saturate demand on probably the entire map for some of the cargoes. For example Alcohol (this is assuming that industry building is enabled). If you want to have Chicago as a link to the East you could consider putting large demands such as 250 per year of Alcohol and other cargoes in Warehouses there. Wolverine@MSU, I believe, had this idea and he used it with success in his Panama Canal map. Essentially, cargo is removed from the map as fast as it can be hauled in and reach that Warehouse. (Panama is a good map BTW, been playing it trying to max out the points and see how much past the Platinum Medal (280 points required) I can get.) Just an idea, I don't know what challenge you intend to give the player. Will know more after I play it.

I would be wary about including the warm weather farms such as Rubber, Rice, Sugar (could represent beets, but the crops look like cane), and Coffee. They aren't very realistic for this climate. Up to you, though.

Any more info on your plans for the story-line of the map and the challenges the player will face, so I can steer my play in that direction?
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Re: Northern Plains/Upper Midwest Map

Unread post by Bcbuhler »

Ruler of Rails industry will be build able but not affordably till sometime in the 70's and then it will cost twice as much as normal probably to try and discourage the player from building industry. The first goal at the start of the game will be to connect Chicago to Regina, Minneapolis, Thunder Bay, Winnipeg, Minot, Fargo, Sioux Falls and Rapid City. And then in the eighties or nineties (currently it is set to 1985) when after a 25 million dollar investment fifty oil wells appear in North Dakota at locations that have facilities to load cars with oil and a warehouse in Chicago to consume all of the oil (the figures might change after some testing). Also like the alcohol I'll probably make a grain hauling goal to Thunder Bay and one other city. I might also make Rock represent frac sand which be a hauling goal to North Dakota as well as machinery. Maybe as a requirement to make the oil wells appear as well as the money.
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Re: Northern Plains/Upper Midwest Map

Unread post by RulerofRails »

I see no one replied to your question as to whether a companies' name can be changed. I am not the best person to answer this, but, I think you may be able to use a work-around involving a shell company and confiscate event. Hopefully, someone who understands exactly how to do this will drop by soon.

I played this long enough to get the connection goals, and was awarded a Silver medal. I am guessing you plan to use the ports for the pre-built AI? This could give them a good base to make some serious cash. If the player is kept out, they could be used to make some good competition, adding some challenge for the player.

If you are determined to keep the high number of industries, I would consider some steps to relieve congestion. Especially on long runs such as ND to Chicago where maintenance spurs are of no benefit. Including maintenance stops and costs in stations as was done in Michigan 1830 is an option. Also, there will be a large risk that over 70 years some values such as company cash will overflow past 2.3 Billion. I would consider some tax or other event to keep cash from building up. For an example of a tax you could look at Crystal Cotton Revisited.

I noticed that some of the small towns like Virginia and Moorscroft don't have any houses, at least in my particular seeding. Also the ports at Chicago and Milwaukee are not at lake level, but are strangely elevated. Best of luck working on this. Looking good so far. I recommend Oilcan's guide to writing events and checking out what has been done in other maps as the best ways to figure out how to make good events.
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Re: Northern Plains/Upper Midwest Map

Unread post by Bcbuhler »

I found out that I will be away from home until near the end of August so I won't be able to work on the map till then. If someone would like to work on the map I could help with explaining what I would like to do if not it will probably not be finished until sometime in September.
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Re: Northern Plains/Upper Midwest Map

Unread post by RulerofRails »

I have other projects that are unfinished, so I don't personally have time for this. Best of luck on your trip.
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Re: Northern Plains/Upper Midwest Map

Unread post by Hawk »

To be honest, the original creators personal touch on the first release of a map is generally best.
You know the old saying; "The best things some to those who wait." ;-)

I hope your time away from home is enjoyable. (0!!0)
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Re: Northern Plains/Upper Midwest Map

Unread post by Blackhawk »

I don't think there is a simple event to change a company's name.

As others have said, your work would be best done by you rather than someone else. I know I tried to help someone put their ideas into a map and in the end it didn't really turn out as they intended. So generally, maps are best done by the original creators if possible.
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Re: Northern Plains/Upper Midwest Map

Unread post by RayofSunshine »

Well Bcbulher,
As OilCan indicates, the terrain of the map is well done. Actually I like this type of scenario best of all. Oh I play the rugged and mountainous terrain scenarios, but that is a choice of each player.

There seems to be an adequate amount of industry, but being that the time duration is in the mid 1940s, I would believe that towns would have at least 4 homes, so as to get some revenue to and from them. I expect to have a minimal amount of residence in the 1800s, but not during the booming times of the 1940s.

To change a company name? There is that option right at the beginning, when a selected screen gives the option of the financial basis. That as well as logos which can be changed.

Later in the game, there is a ledger which has the option to change a company name at the bottom of the right page. The bottom of the left pages gives the option of changing "managers". Hopes this helps.
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Re: Northern Plains/Upper Midwest Map

Unread post by RayofSunshine »

Well Bcbuler,
As I was checking the scenaios which have not either been updated/upgraded, I find that nothing has been done with your scenario since July, even after what would be called "vacation time". LOL Thought I would just put in a reminder to see if you have had any further ideas for its completion.

I did do some testing, and other than the amount of industries, I did find that there is such a conglomeration of buildings in Chicago, the there is not an 'avenue' for a "thru" North-South routing. I do realize in reality, that there are more than 1 railroad serving CHI, so the density of buildings are not really a problem. Just that a player will have to build more than 1 depot. 1 serving South, and another serving West and North. Or 3, with 1 serving West and North separately. Which again, is probably more in reality.

To be sure, I believe that other members are looking forward to some further beta updating, as I am. Hope to see more of the completion of this scenario. Good Luck. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: Northern Plains/Upper Midwest Map

Unread post by Bcbuhler »

Yes I'm sorry I am currently going to school in Mexico and I'm 2500 miles from my computer. I am going to Africa in a little less than a month for two months but when I get home in February I want to work on it. I also have a second scenario idea that I want to do as well.
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