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Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak For Your Comment and Review

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak V2_3 For Your Comments and Review

Unread post by Shamough »

The 75,000 loads hauled msg is only shown once when you reach the goal ... loads hauled don't dissapear.
INSTANT GOLD info should appear in the Status after 1920. (After the city speed tests are over.)
INSTANT GOLD values for: $1B CBV & avg Frt speed can change so they will appear each year they are TRUE.

A PIX of your Status page would be nice ... :-) I'm interested in how your key city deliveries/pick-ups are coming.

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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak V2_3 For Your Comments and Review

Unread post by RulerofRails »

For some reason, the game triggered 75,000 loads (the event in my last post is right), when I had only hauled 70,000. I got Instant Gold half a year later when I actually reached 75,000 loads. I was happy with my run and had 48mph average speed that was climbing at that point to 55mph over 270,000 loads as I was watching the commodity events till 1942. (Let the game run on fast doing nothing except some engine upgrades.) As I said, I am inexperienced with the best routing setups and I didn't build any industries simply to try to get more loads to haul. It would be easy to use the supply and demand of Rubber in the Warehouses to ensure that trains have to haul it and this could be used to keep trains always full. All my stations bar one (my second one) were covering the towns also.

(Read your post,) Here is a screenshot of the status page from my save directly after the 75,000 loads event fired. Must be a game bug :-? .
follow-up definitely NOT 75,000 loads.jpg
follow-up definitely NOT 75,000 loads.jpg (89.88 KiB) Viewed 201703 times
NOTE: I put ZERO effort into making any of the loads hauled counts. Obviously, I could have easily done it using more trains and some dedicated routes right across the map. I couldn't be bothered, instead after having to take a little break from playin, was enjoying watching my network running really smoothly with little of my effort compared to the setup. Ignore what I said about lowering the load count. I was too pessimistic on this, sorry. It seems that these goals are pretty equal in time limit possible, and there is room to get the instant gold faster (except for the start, most of this game I was operating in a below normal economic state), so that's nice. !*th_up*!

About the commodities event. I deleted the Instant Gold event and ran this on high speed to test this event over 20 years. In 15 of those years the event fired. I got a bit suspicious though when nothing fired for the first 3 years, but as time went by they were more regular. This is the distribution I saw:
Commodities event over 20 yrs.jpg
Commodities event over 20 yrs.jpg (12.88 KiB) Viewed 201703 times
Event 2 is firing much more than the others. I did some calculation, to find that around 30% of the time NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. As wsherrick did it originally, even though the scripting is obviously incorrect for what he wanted, that number is lower at 14% of the time NOTHING WILL HAPPEN.

PS. The yearly LTD average freight speed message is still spelt wrong (INSANT GOLD).
EDITs: removed example using borked math and a few other corrections.
Last edited by RulerofRails on Sun Nov 30, 2014 2:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak V2_4 For Your Comments and Review

Unread post by Shamough »

V2_4 is HERE !

FIRST: How are you viewing the COMMODITIES? I don't know how to scroll the triggers down.

Second: The EVENT: Bad Business will only trigger IF you selected to go into COMMODITIES and NOT the LONG TERM MUNICIPAL BONDS. There is nothing random about it.

in V2_3, COMMODITIES Random Rolls 1 to 100 WAS rolled once for each EVENT.
1. 19%
2. 33%
3. 15%
4. 24%
5. 9%
6. 5%

Note: Looking at the COMMODITIES I need to roll once for all of them and use the >= & <=. I'll use the same numbers that William used in his version. V2_4 rolls random ONCE each year for the COMMODITIES.

I don't know why your Commodities are out of order ??? **!!!** Something in the game loader is messing up the order of the events.

Last edited by Shamough on Sun Nov 30, 2014 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak V2_3 For Your Comments and Review

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Shamough wrote:FIRST: How are you viewing the COMMODITIES? I don't know how to scroll the triggers down.
I use AZ Rail Rat's workaround of deleting a bunch of events until I can see the ones that I want. I save the game, then for a snapshot delete the ones I need to in order to see the other ones. To continue playing I reload the save which has everything as original. I don't play the game without all the events except for a dedicated test where I am testing only one specific thing. You asked about the Bad Market event. I fudged Event 6 (changed the event to set CV4=4) for the purpose of the test, also the frequency I set to weekly, this is why the cycle never stopped and the Bad Market event didn't fire.

Using a variable is the best way to set up the probabilities. !*th_up*! Any other method is sensitive to the event order and when this gets changed by the game, even doing the math can't make it really accurate. (I was missing the inclusive part due to the equal sign. :oops: I had events 2 through 6 one less than I should have. So was adjusting Event 2 (+5) to 28% without checking this out. So all my math is put off by this.) I removed my inaccurate math from above, the principle is still ok, but the numbers are all over the place, so are useless.
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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak V2_4 For Your Comments and Review

Unread post by Shamough »

Looking at William's COMMODITIES it finally dawned on me that he was programming it to have one of them fire eeach year. I munged it up as much as William did in V2-3 by rolling a random number for each EVENT.

Well I DO have the ability to scroll the Trigger EVENTS in EVENT DEBUGGING in my list of upgrades for V1.07.
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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak V2_4 For Your Comments and Review

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Kansas City Fertilizer.jpg
Kansas City Fertilizer.jpg (88.43 KiB) Viewed 201744 times
Just completed a play of this starting with a line from Springfield to Kankakee using 8-car Ten Wheelers which gave me a beginning average speed of as low as 26mph some years, but it was greater than 25, so I got the access. I built minimum possible industries. I did build Hotels, Post Offices, Restaurants, and Taverns, otherwise, I built a Lumber Mill in Memphis, an Aluminum Mill in St. Louis, and I found it necessary to build a Rubber Bauxite Supply warehouse in Kansas City Kansas to get a fertilizer demand there. I could have forced everything, but my goal here was to only use force loading at supply points (using the seeded warehouses as supplies for Fertilizer). The warehouse in Kansas City Missouri that supplies Fertilizer meant that prices were really washed out otherwise. I got the Grain goal "naturally", I set up my routes so that Grain would travel through Kansas City and when it left it would count towards the goal, as opposed to last time when I was building lots of warehouses when I hauled Cotton into Kansas City to be converted into Grain at my warehouses. This time I chose access to Memphis first again, followed by Chicago and then Kansas City. I had no problem with the Oil and Cattle goals as there was a demand for oil in Fort Worth (National Shipping Warehouse, which disappeared just as I was finished the hauls). This served as a suitable collection point, so I had trains on auto-consist collecting Oil to Forth Worth and then for the hauls that counted they would naturally be shipped out to the Goodland Oil Refinery. In order to control the Livestock demand gradients on the map, I approached Dallas/Fort Worth from the north and purposely didn't connect to some of the cities to their east. Of course, I didn't run trains between Dallas & Fort Worth or any of the other double cities as that would have inflated my load count, IMO, unfairly.

It turned out that Cheese from Chicago (there was a Dairy Processor in Chicago itself that never decided to upgrade) was about equal with Goods to Memphis (most of these came from the River Boat port across the river from Greenville) in loads hauled and were the last hauls completed in 1935, just after 100,000 loads at 42mph average overall. However, I was used to all the cargo that the warehouses I used last play were producing, so I bought too many trains, and built too much track. I limited myself to 300 trains here. This helped boost the load count, but some were only marginally profitable and I lost around 93M off my book value in the great depression. In 1922, the commodity investment had paid out for the maximum bonus, this isn't good from a testing perspective, but is fun anyway and helps CBV. This meant I had savings of around 50M, but it wasn't enough and I ended up about 30M in the hole. It took a couple of years to get CBV back up. Wsherrick did a great job of crippling the economy for the great depression, and I was tempted to simply pause all trains as there is no revenue for them to get by hauling anything. Also, industries stop functioning as demands don't draw cargo properly anymore. Without building industry, it would be very difficult to get 1Bln CBV by 1945. I wouldn't say impossible, but it is definitely easier to do the hauls.

Ok, enough about strategy. I didn't see the special Instant Gold ledger. I am not sure exactly how the ledger works, but did you intend to make it visible if your average freight speed is above 40mph? It seems that the events are only set to happen once, maybe it was there once and I missed it, but whenever I was looking for it, it wasn't there.

It's a minor thing, but do you understand how a, city connects to territory event works? I seem to get the notices after placing a second station, for example, I place one in Fort Worth, but not after also building one in Dallas do I get the newspaper.

There are quite a few spelling mistakes, I have seen maybe half a dozen that I can find again quickly. Gumboots noticed them also. I can make a note of them or try to fix them last thing.
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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak V2_4 For Your Comments and Review

Unread post by Shamough »

RulerofRails wrote:It's a minor thing, but do you understand how a, city connects to territory event works? I seem to get the notices after placing a second station, for example, I place one in Fort Worth, but not after also building one in Dallas do I get the newspaper.
There is only ONE Territory indicator ... so once you are connected to a city in that territory and then connect to the second city the EVENT trigers. I never noticed that the Memphis event never triggered. Just the territories with two cities.

For this to work on first connect it would have to be tested:
[target Terr]
Comp stns connect Terr. to Terr. <surounding Terr #>

Memphis is surrounded by South East so there is no need to OR the test for a second abbuting territory.[/quote]
RulerofRails wrote:There are quite a few spelling mistakes, I have seen maybe half a dozen that I can find again quickly. Gumboots noticed them also. I can make a note of them or try to fix them last thing.
If it was something I wrote ... my keyboard has a mind of its own ... I think one thing and it types something completely different.

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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak V2_4 For Your Comments and Review

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Shamough wrote:If it was something I wrote ... my keyboard has a mind of its own ... I think one thing and it types something completely different.
Don't worry, nothing you did. These are mistakes in the original such as the Chicago access award newspaper which says "meat packers HOPEFULLL for cattle".

Any ideas why the Instant Gold ledger still isn't working for me?
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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak V2_4 For Your Comments and Review

Unread post by Shamough »

RulerofRails wrote:Any ideas why the Instant Gold ledger still isn't working for me?
Yuppers ... I set it up with [X] in the ONE TIME ONLY ENEVT. :oops:

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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak For Your Comment and Review

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Did you fix the Instant Gold ledger from "one time only"? Were you intending to tweak the connection newspapers?

I am asking because I want to catch some of the spelling mistakes before I forget about them. Should I correct the version 2_4 or have you made more changes?
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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak For Your Comment and Review

Unread post by Shamough »

Let me know what they are? I'll give it a go.

I've been munching on Atlantic, Ohio & Mississippi.
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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak For Your Comment and Review

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Shamough wrote:There is only ONE Territory indicator ... so once you are connected to a city in that territory and then connect to the second city the EVENT trigers. I never noticed that the Memphis event never triggered. Just the territories with two cities.

For this to work on first connect it would have to be tested:
[target Terr]
Comp stns connect Terr. to Terr. <surounding Terr #>

Memphis is surrounded by South East so there is no need to OR the test for a second abbuting territory.
Shamough wrote:
RulerofRails wrote:Any ideas why the Instant Gold ledger still isn't working for me?
Yuppers ... I set it up with [X] in the ONE TIME ONLY ENEVT. :oops:

The above is what I meant. I can change the Instant Gold ledger pretty easily, but the newspapers for the connections I wouldn't want to touch as I would be more likely to cause a problem than fix anything. It's a pretty minor thing though. The simple question is did you do anymore changes after version 2_4, or should I fix the spelling and remove the Instant Gold ledger "one time only" in that version?
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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak For Your Comment and Review

Unread post by Shamough »

I'm looking at the game now ...
I removed the ONE TIME ONLY [X] and saved it but never updated the forum. !!jabber!!

I'll a;so give a try to fixing the connection reporting so they display on first city connected.

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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak For Your Comment and Review

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Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak V2_5 is here!

Fixed the [X] one time pnly event for INSTANT GOLD message in Status report.
Hopefully fixed the non reporting of Memphis when connected and the need to connect the 2nd city in the key city territories before they report being connected. (There IS one flaw in the way I did it ... IF the player runs a line from a non surrounding territory streight into the city territory they'l not get a connection message.)

BTW read my notes included in the ZIP.

Last edited by Shamough on Thu Dec 11, 2014 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak For Your Comment and Review

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Shamough, I just now realized that there is a big problem with all your versions of this map after 2_1. !*00*! Even when I load the map from the Extras->Editor menu all the buildings are already seeded! !*00*! Make sure I am not seeing things please. I just spent around 3 hours trying to reduce the spelling mistakes, and that would be a shame as you put many more hours into it. Because I was only play-testing I didn't notice this sooner. :cry:
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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak For Your Comment and Review

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RoR, take a PIX of ... say LOGS in a given area where there are a lot of them. Exit the game completely. Restart game and restart scenerio. Check for the LOGS. They should have moved around. Some of the seeding was done before I started working on the map ... industries for example ... but these too should show up in different locations when the game seeds them when starting anew.

ARG! I just loaded it and tried to see what the seeder was doing ... hmmmm ...

I just loaded the original and the seeding is completely different. ... OUCH! 30+ hrs shot full of holes. I'l should have two computer sitting side-by-side and reEDIT the sucker LINE-BY-LINE.

I'll try replacing the map with the original. That can't be done ... file toooo messed up with all of the TAGA chunks for the seeded objects.

That'll keep me busy for the next two days ... !hairpull!

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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak For Your Comment and Review

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I don't know if this is the case in this situation or not, but I learned the hard way that if you're in the editor, then Shift+E into game mode to test, then Shift+E into the editor and make some changes, then Shift+E back into the game and play a while to test your edits, then Shift+E back into the editor and save the map, whatever happened on the map while in game mode gets carried over to the editor and is saved in the new saved map.
For instance, if any industries/farms are spawned while in game mode, when you shift back into the editor, those spawned industries/farms are saved.

Does that make sense? ^**lylgh

I know I messed up my Paphalophagus map doing something like that. That's why it's no longer in the archives.
I keep meaning to fix it and update it, but obviously, so far I haven't got around to it.
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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak For Your Comment and Review

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Hawk, I am sure you are right. In this case there are more than a few buildings on the map. It's basically fully seeded right at the start. That's too bad that your map was ruined this way. If it is just copying events across (I discovered that text can be copied out of the hex editor), I might possibly volunteer my help with that, or is there heaps of other stuff that needs to be re-done as well? There is an option to set up a fake company and confiscate everything and then destroy all those things you don't want to keep on the map, but there will be phantom cargo and likely a few smaller-than-normal phantom demands left on the map. Also some of the vegetation will be destroyed, so it isn't a proper method.

Shamough, do you have two computers? I didn't understand what you said. In windowed mode it is possible to run two games side by side. This works best on a large screen or if you have two. Don't know if that's an option for you. Good luck fixing the map!
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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak For Your Comment and Review

Unread post by Hawk »

What I did was strip the map of everything but the cities. Then just start planting trees and such again; re-do the territories and so on. I left the terrain painting as is.
As for the events, I planned on doing them a bit different. The original map was only a 15 year map and it was pretty easy. Some of the folks that have been around for a while might have played it.
It was originally created for a contest at the now defunct Railroad Tycoon Info forum. I think I won 3rd place - out of 3 maps. ^**lylgh
It had a volcano that caused some devastation and some bad guys that liked to destroy trains and track, along with an old rich coot that kicked the bucket after 'giving' you some cash. His family didn't like that idea so they demanded the cash back.
It was just intended to be a quick fun map to play. Nothing for the series player.

What happened was I ended up with a bunch of phantom farms all over the place. Rather than try to just erase them I just erased everything on the map. I still have the original, and it is playable, it's just all the phantom farms all over the place makes it look strange. It's the farms without the farm houses. Just the fields.
I messed it up back in the days of my indulgence for inebriation. :roll:

I appreciate the offer but I figure I'll get back to it one day.
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Re: Age Of Steam IV-Blue Streak For Your Comment and Review

Unread post by Shamough »

UPDATE: I'm over half way thru updating an original Blue Streak and will post a V3 later. V2_5 is pure trash. ... areas that I didn't touch were really messed up (lots of YTD/LTD and delivery errors that I completely misssed. ... OK OK I really screwed the pooch on the V2_5 map.)

I've got two versions open side by side and am in the middle of doing a EVENT by EVENT edit.

Last edited by Shamough on Thu Dec 11, 2014 12:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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