Bermuda Triangle for 1.06!

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Thanks RofR for that info. It helps to get some comments from a real Tycoon. Will go back to the initial version and check on those comments pertaining to "coal prices", and check on the "float" access in the water. Just to see what it looks like. Do not know why the coal did not float from Key West after restoring it after a hurricane. OR maybe the "float access" gets wiped out when Key West is destroyed. **!!!**
Then I guess I will download the new version, and start from scratch. Again. *!*!*!

I had an interesting happening last weekend. We had visiting relatives, and my son Tim, hooked up a console to our 48inch TV screen to watch some DVDs. But then you should see the affect of what a 48 inch screen can do for Tycoon. Engines almost look as if then will run off the screen onto your lap. Don't really need glasses to view the happenings. !*th_up*!

!$th_u$! again for the comments of info. I didn't think about not needing "connected" track, although most of the time during play, I will attempt to do so. It does help to make progress for a city count. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

RayofSunshine wrote:OR maybe the "float access" gets wiped out when Key West is destroyed.
Correct. The port is getting destroyed. The port building provides float access. This is completely separate from any cargoes the port building itself produces or demands. The Key West port doesn't produce or demand anything, yet it still works as a real "port" to allow cargoes to enter and exit the water.

The Key West port disappears in the current version. Probably best to wait for Cash on Wheels to finish up the next revision in which he fixed the problem. Glad RT3 works with your large screen. :salute:
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Well RoR,
This is an interesting scenario, so will download the latest revision. If Key West gets destroyed, I usually save games in "increments", so can initiate further progress, until Key West is stable enough to continue with the "float" agenda. Besides, there is any other new scenarios in the works. LOL
!$th_u$! Again for your comments. :salute: {,0,} {,0,}
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Well, maybe I waited too long in the "merger" with Fidel, as he doesn't want to sell his stock.

In the initial version, I was able to make the merge, although I don't know as to when it was done. Fidel has 50% of the stock, so it is a "draw" as to "IF" he will sell, but in the 2nd version, "NO DEAL", even though I maxed out the buying price during a boom economy. He just gets older and more stubborn. ^**lylgh

Any comments? **!!!**

Guess I will just have to start again, as there isn't any way in which to get the coal to Punta de Masai. **!!!**

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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Ray, I PM'ed you a spoiler.
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

:salute: Finally got gold on expert using the investor route. Going to upload the final beta tomorrow.
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

It is not the first and probably not the last with questions on this scenario.

First, although I believed that I was able to build a "common" bridge to Nevua Cerona, but not able to with this version. **!!!**
Second I find that the city named Santiago de Cuba gets to be Guantonamo Bay when connected. *!*!*!

Last, I don't see it possible to bridge adequately in order to get coal to Puerto Rico without Suspension Bridges. **!!!**

Otherwise I am having fun in the play process. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Beta #3 is out. this one is a little easier. territories are cheaper, this is likley the final beta version.

BETA Removed--
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Well Cash on Wheels,
Your scenario has a new "exploration" to have coal "float" between Key West and Havana. Unique imagination. However I see that the Suspension Bridge is not deleted. I probably would get "booted down the track" if I used it between Cuba and Puerto Rico, as that is the only way to get coal to Puerto Rico. That "goal" wold be really a challenge.

I don't know any thing about programming, so this is just a thought.

Program "ONLY" a float can be used between Key West and Havanna, but the Suspension Bridge is acceptable for any other connection between the Islands. **!!!** Maybe some of the other user creators have some ideas as to "HOW" that programming can be accomplished.

As said. It is only a thought.

Am looking forward to your future scenarios of imagination.

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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Back again Cash on Wheels,
And did note prior to my last post, that the city of Jackson. AL was missing as to that of your previous versions. Actually, it is the "71st" city which is needed for the Gold. Cockburn Town and Nassau are not able to be connected, being that the option of the Suspension Bridge is not available. *!*!*!

Now I did do a little "cheating" for Freeport, and "editored" in a city at the other end of the island. Also, being that I was unable to connect Nuerva Geroma with a "common" bridge, I "editored" in a "Park" facility. Otherwise neither of them would be counted for a medal. *!*!*!

I also Noted that the city of Matanzas was noted as "Batabaro Crossing. I don't know the reason, although it might come into the accessable area, but the city name is Matantzas. :?: :?: :?:

I say that Jackson would be necessary, in the breakdown of the cities for the Gold.

Now for some reason, my addition of cities only totals 68, including the 2 cheats, and without counting not being able to connect Cockburn town and Nassau. I will check the count again, as the year end ledger shows 71. **!!!**

The "flow" of coal at this point is going well. !*th_up*! Just wish that I would be able to make the connection to Puerto Rico. !hairpull!

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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

I stand corrected on the city count, as I deducted actually cities of AL as 4 but subtracted it to not count Jackson, AL. WRONG :oops: !facepalm!
Then I forgot to add in the West 2 cities of the Panhandle. :oops: :oops: !facepalm! !facepalm!

So that brings the total to 70, and the need to incorporate Jackson, AL.

Here is the breakdown for analysis. Mexico - 2, Cuba - 20, Jamaica - 2, Haiti - 4, Dominica Republic - 7,
Puerto Rico - 2, E. Florida - 8, W. Florida - 7, Fla Panhandle - 5, GA - 8, and AL - 4, for a total 69.

So if the Island of Nueva Geroma could be connected by a "common" bridge, and Jackson added, that would be 71, and it would not be necessary to "cheat" for Freeport, neither Nassau or Cockburn Town being able for any connection.

As an after thought, if the "idea" of "floating coal" was changed to connect Key West to Havanna, suspensions could be included so as to make connections to the other 2 Island, with the challenge to haul coal to Puerto Rico, that also would be a fairly good challenge. :!:

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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

RayofSunshine wrote: The "flow" of coal at this point is going well. !*th_up*! Just wish that I would be able to make the connection to Puerto Rico.
To get the coal from Cuba to Haiti you need to raze the power plant in Punta de Maisi. An Upgraded power plant has been conveniently placed by the nearest Haitian port. I have not done a speed run with the map So I'm not sure how long it takes coal to get from key west to Puerto Rico. :oops:
RayofSunshine wrote: So if the Island of Nueva Geroma could be connected by a "common" bridge, and Jackson added, that would be 71, and it would not be necessary to "cheat" for Freeport, neither Nassau or Cockburn Town being able for any connection.

As an after thought, if the "idea" of "floating coal" was changed to connect Key West to Havanna, suspensions could be included so as to make connections to the other 2 Island, with the challenge to haul coal to Puerto Rico, that also would be a fairly good challenge.
Yup I counted 71 connectable cities 4 times & 70 another time. Jackson, Alabama should be gone, along with my hometown! :roll: The loss event for building suspension bridges has been removed. However there is a catch... see below
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

No suspension bridges may turn off a few people. So to sooth that I will rename the map.{drum roll} The Bermuda Triangle!

Your cross channels efforts will fall victim to the triangle!

However, you cheaters can still take advantage of the longer routes!
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Hummmm. That's odd Cash, as I only get 70 unless Jackson is restored. And not being able to connect Nassau and Coclkburn Town :?: Guess I will have to make another "count" to see where I could have missed the 71st. *!*!*!

Any way, I saved the scenario of the Beta2 or 3, and just played around with a prospect if you were to add the suspension bridge option. Did not have any problem with using them, considering that you say it is "deleted". **!!!**

SO, there is an Electric Plant on Haiti. SO, does the coal float similar as that between Key West and Havanna? Now there not being an Electric Plant on Puerto Rico, what method is used to get the coal to "that" Island? :?: Guess I am full of question and not able to deduct the process of the programming. LOL

However, I will also go back and use your suggestion on the coal between Cuba and Haiti.

Suggestions appreciated as it is a good imaginative creation. !*th_up*! :salute: {,0,}
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Boy, Burmuda Triangle is some creation, and could be another scenario. LOL

But Cash on Wheels, we have a problem with the count of cities. Originally there was the cities of Jackson,AL and Homestead,FL, of which are not included, as you have deleted them, which could be counted for the total required.

Now I have "written" each city you have indicated on the scenario map, and I come up with 72. But Nassau and Cockburn Town are not accessable. Freeport is, as a player can build a depot on the other end of the Island. At this point, I don't really know if it is counted, as I have checked numbers, and it doesn't show as connected on the yearly ledger.

So, with the "complete" cities indicated, and the 2 inaccessible Island are subtracted, that leave a total of 70.

Here are the numbers I noted: AL - 4, GA - 8, Panhandle - 5, W.Fla, -8, E.Fla - 7, Cuba - 20, Haiti - 4, Dom.Republic - 7
Puerto Rico - 2, Jamaica - 2, MEX - 2, Freeport - 1, Massau - 1, and Cockburntown - 1 = 72.

Now as I mentioned previously, I did manage to common bridge Nueva Gerova in the previous version, but not successful with this version. Although maybe I have missed the possibility of "laying" for the connection, but only totals 70. *!*!*! *!*!*!

What an I missing????? **!!!**
I could copy the list of cities I totaled to see if I am missing "1", or that "some how" the Island can be connected. :?: :?:

All will be appreciated. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Fla panhanlde- 6 West florida-9 East Florida-6 Cuba- 21

74 cities inculding the 3 bahamas cities. So I've counted 71 cities for medals
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Played version 3 through. Reduced access rights definitely make it easier to expand. I welcome the smoothing to allow more realistic rail lines around the islands. In this play I got a buy-out setback which I decided to handle creatively by declaring bankruptcy. Cost me 5 years. Ended up with the DM medal after 25 years.

Anyway, two things I noticed:
1. The ledger has a confusing sentence referring to suspension bridges. Probably when edits were made, the old part wasn't removed.
2. The word "immortality" is incorrectly spelled in one of Castro's newspapers. (Small thing. Really appreciate the spelling fixes you made. :-) )
3. The port in Key West still disappears. !*00*!

I will try to diagnose this problem. The Port's footprint takes up some land underwater as well. If the land that will be hit (destroy event) is touching that footprint anywhere, the port will disappear. The underwater section of the port is in the danger zone. I know it's hard to see underwater territories, but one can get a one-time peek by setting the sea to land while the game is on pause. I don't think there's a reliable way to re-fill the ocean so it's purely for troubleshooting. Here you will see what is going on:
Key West territories revealed.jpg
If you want to eliminate the "Bermuda effect" of bridges ending way off-shore, you might consider placing a strip (can be narrow) of no-access territory just off-shore all along the coast lines where bridges aren't allowed. Also, I prefer the standard procedure of checking the medals every month. The DM medal currently checks end of year. !#2bits#!

I can confirm that the city count is correct. There are enough cities to get the medals without any bridges over the ocean except the small island-hop to get to Nueva Gerona.

The map is setup so that the gradients for Coal to "float" to Cuba are pre-arranged. Of course, the reason for this setup is the placement of the industrial buildings that demand Coal (Electric Plant and Steel Mill). For this route the player needs to do nothing more than drop the Coal at Key West or Miami. However, to get the Coal from Cuba to Dominican Republic/Haiti and finally to Puerto Rico, "floating" is also necessary but the player is responsible for building/dozing industrial buildings to put the demands in the right place for these "floats." Please be aware that one must allow some time to pass after such an action while the gradient adjusts to the new form. Needs a couple years normally. May take some trial and error. Best of luck if you should try it, and remember that you can check the off-shore gradient via the cursor on the price map. If there is a gap of lower price no float will occur.
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

It's Ironic that I got nearly got hit by a hurricane while Beta testing this map with hurricanes. Should have gotten the MO When Tropical Storm Julia formed over my head on LAND also. Anyways I live in suburban St. augustine not downtown/beaches were most of the flooding was. I just suffered arcing power lines, down trees, that fell away from the house. + all of the branches to pick up!

I will do a speed run then submit this to the acrhives.
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Glad to hear Matthew didn't cause any serious damage for you. :mrgreen:
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Re: Bermuda Triangle for 1.06! Unread post

I never thought a house flatting category 4 Hurricane would be head toward North Florida! Naturally the gulf stream killed it off... Since 1851 only 2 hurricanes have had the eye make landfall near Jacksonville. 1898 & 1965.

Back to business. I added a few ship & plane wrecks in the game. Needed to add something I f i'm going to change the game name. Not gonna say the passengers fate....So no karma on me this time. 8-) I did the speed run, It takes about 17 years to move Coal from Key west to Puerto Rico. I goofed with some trains and let them set Idle for a while so that is why it took 20 years on this map.

Here's some evidence!
haiti cuba.jpg
pr dr.jpg

Enjoy the game. Let me know if you happen to run into any trouble.
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