Kingdom of Tara

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
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Kingdom of Tara Unread post

Warning folks! You may work like an idiot, fullfill GOLD conditions, but all you'll see is a BRONZE medal! Same story concerning SILVER. Ok - BRONZE is ok. (arop: you create too fast! Have you really played the map by yourself? ... and got a GOLD? or a SILVER? If so, a wonder!!!)
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Re: Kingdom of Tara Unread post

Actually the conditions that need to be met for Bronze, Silver, and Gold are all different, he just didn't make the effects right. He set all 3 for Bronze.
A corrected version has been uploaded.

If you met the conditions for Gold, you got Gold. It just didn't list it as Gold. ;-)
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Re: Kingdom of Tara Unread post

Unless I'm doing something wrong;
The event "cities unconnected" checks to see if the 4 required citied are connected at the end of 20 years. If any one is unconnected it sets "game lost" to true. However when checking Luz for connection it asks if the connection is "true" instead of "false", so if you have Luz connected you lose!

I agree with another post here. It is really, really nice of everyone to make and post new scenarios. !$th_u$! However if you don't have time to test them how about posting them as "beta scenarios" or something? Just an idea?
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Re: Kingdom of Tara Unread post

:oops: Oops! I'll get it fixed. The connection to Luz was added after testing the map. I have only played the map one time and got bronze.
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Re: Kingdom of Tara Unread post

This map has been updated Dec. 14, 2009.
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Re: Kingdom of Tara Unread post

Tried to play this map once more and detected, that the conditions and effects concerning "cities connected" are still - hmm, at least - incomplete. !*th_dwn*! The event "cities connected" should mark the fulfilment (e.g. by the game variable 4), so that the event "cities unconnected" additionally could (and must) look for it! Now, you simply will be a looser after 20 years in any case ... :-(
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Re: Kingdom of Tara Unread post

The way the connection condition is set up, there is no need for variables. The condition is run by 2 events: a) cities connected: Harwan is connected to Mhorcz is TRUE, AND Harwan is connected to ,,, is TRUE, AND years elapsed since game start >=20 years. Effect none. b) cities unconnected: Harwan is connected to Mhorcz is FALSE, OR Harwan is connected to...... is FALSE, AND years elapsed since game start =20 years. Effect GAME LOST. I have used this pair of events with other maps and it works! :salute:
Kingdom of Tara v.1.1.rar
This is my latest version
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Re: Kingdom of Tara Unread post

I played the map (version 1.1) and got the message related to "cities connected" after 12 or 13 years. So I continued to play, but after 20 years I was told to be a loser. At the moment, I've no explanation for that. :oops:
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Re: Kingdom of Tara Unread post

:oops: I think I have solved the problem: The event, "cities unconnected", the looser effect is set for all players. It should be changed to human player only. The AI hos no access to your territory and will trigger the looser effect 20 years from game start! I'm sory for the inconvenience this blunder may have caused :oops:
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Re: Kingdom of Tara Unread post

In my copy of the map I made the "corrections" by means of game variable 4 (as I mentioned above) and it worked fine! Nevertheless - you see once more, that - from my point of view - you "create maps faster than I'd prefer"! Nevertheless, it's good to have an arop !*th_up*! here posting new maps from time to time (I'm also working on a new one, but ...)
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Re: Kingdom of Tara Unread post

Originally, Kingdom of Tara was put onto my "bad maps", as it kept crashing. Well, from other such problem scenarios, I set it aside, and went through a complete inventory of "new engines" and did find a few which were missing. SO, I have just finished, and got a Silver, and the only reason was that I could not fullful the max of the CBV of the $900M, for the Gold. Owned considerable "farm" supply industries, and also up to 4 industrials, in order to increase both the LIP, but also the CBV. I also did not have too many, other than Large Depots, and did very little to help in the Stock Dividend, as I put all my money in the AIs stock. The AIs did have a considerable number of the supply farms,of which I had to incorporate into my "supply to demand" facilities, but just was not able to clear the hurdle to get that Gold in the Medium level.
A very challenging scenario, as a player has to take advantage of everything on the map. :salute:
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Re: Kingdom of Tara Unread post

!$th_u$! for your comments. I'm happy you could make this map work properly! Maybe I have set the requirements to win conditions a little too high this time, but some other playes think that some of my maps are too easy. :salute:
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Re: Kingdom of Tara Unread post

I used to enjoy playing your maps Anders, but I just don't have the time to go through that list of engines and figure out which ones I need to install to get your maps to work. Just like I would assume you don't have the time to list the engines that need to be installed, instead of all the engines used, default or otherwise.
I'm not one of those that will just install every engine available.
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Re: Kingdom of Tara Unread post

:-) It's difficault for me to tell which engines are standard, while I have deleeted some of Bombardieres more unsuccesful engines (I can't accept a steam loco without connecting rods, -just bare wheels). I will try to do things better in the future, making a loco list, (this topic is a map from december, last year), but until then, I ask people to go to the editor and delete all events leading to non standard engines :salute: .
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Re: Kingdom of Tara Unread post

Well I played this scenario again, and was unable to get the CBV of $900 again. However, I have jotted down the engines which I found during play, as that was a problem I had had in 1 of the 1st attempts.
To add to the inventory, the AIs basically use the P8 but do use a couple of S3s.
Player options are: Ten Wheeler -1892 S3 4-4-0
Mastodon -1907 Atlantic - 1910
Pacific -1914 H10
USRA Hvy -1918
P2 -1927 J1a Hudson
U1 -1944
June 1944 EMD E7 - GP7 - GP7 Double

I use a lot of engines to supply the demand industries, and with this attempt had as high as 6 Distilleries at 1 depot. I also had 3 depot at Harwan, with a number of industries, 4 of which were Textil Mills. Even managed to get fair profits from Furnaces and Quarries. And there were a couple of Lumber Mills at a couple of depots. Over all I had a considerable number of Industries compared to my previous attempts. I did fall short on the "farms". The AI had the advantage at the start, and was buying up "farms" faster than my finances permitted. And although my industries provided a goodly profit, I was basically not getting an adequate amount of profit from the ones I had, to bolster the CBV.

Any way, it is a great scenario, although with all the initial routing requirements completed by 1930, it was a race to connect to any farms which had not been "tapped". And there was also an advantage of the AI. I would have to "pause" my system, to look for any new farms. The AI just had to pop them up when the system initiated them

Off to other new scenarios that are in the beta stage. :salute: !*th_up*!
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