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California 2020 (for v1.05)

Maps that were never completed by creators that appear to no longer be active.
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Re: California 2020 (for v1.05)

Unread post by Hawk »

Ray - Since the electricity goals are yearly, as RoR stated, you'll need to check the ledger at the end of the year to see the correct stats, since the stats are wiped clean at the start of the year.
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Re: California 2020 (for v1.05)

Unread post by RayofSunshine »

Thanks Hawk,
And I was just thinking along the same line, to check prior to the ledger. And yes, as the system is completely electric, this GWH would be another challenge. If the goals are not met, it could result in "catrastrophy" of the engines running at a reduced speed until those goals are met. *!*!*!
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Re: California 2020 (for v1.05)

Unread post by RayofSunshine »

I did not have any problems until 2050. The requirement for GWh was not fulfilled. So I went into the Editor and "created" 3 more Uranium or "Deutonium?" mines. Rebooting my previous "save", I was able to get to 2055. Same problem. Again I had help from the Editor, and created another 3 Uranium mines. Don't know haw the requirement progressed, as I ran into another possibly a "mathematical" problem.

In 2056, I got "sent down the track" for not having delivered 10 loads of Autos. Again a reboot from a previous "save". And this time I shortened the distance of haul, from SLC to Reno. That didn't work, although the requirement said that the requirement of 10 Autos to SLC, but also the mention, to be hauled to Utah. Hence I went back to that reboot again, and back tracked the loads from SLC, and finding 2 trains of 5 Autos each, I let the "play" continue, as I watched SLC, and "verified" that both trains "DID" unload "PRIOR" to Oct, or maybe Sept, at which time, I got the "boot".

Guess what? I rebooted again, and this time I located both of those trains, and made sure, that there was ""100%"" of each of the 10 loads of Autos. So that is not the problem.

SO, after all these attempts, there must be some "mathematical" problem.

At this point, has anyone actually been able to get a medal? However, I don't know how those requirements of a 75 GWh increase each year is possible. At least not with the available number of Uranium mines, which has been allotted in this scenario.

Although I don't necessarily enjoy scenarios with such an amount of mountains, I didn't find it of too much problem to navigate them in the "Jim Hill" version, an with this creation of imagination for challenges, I really enjoyed it. !*th_up*!

One last note. This is a 1.05, and I am playing it in a 1.06 patch.

Could use some input. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: California 2020 (for v1.05)

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Majority of Uranium supply should come from the Ports/Warehouses. You will need to deliver Alcohol and Aluminum (renamed to Gold with the custom language file).

There is a specific territory (in the valley some way north of Sacramento) where Autos need to be picked up from. It's colored grey and called something like "Auto Zone". You should build Auto Plants only within that grey area. Probably you understood this.

Feel free to post up the saved game from before you were given the boot and I will take a look.
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Re: California 2020 (for v1.05)

Unread post by RayofSunshine »

Understood RoR on the Uranium. There is also some in the mountains at this late date of 2050s, although it appears to me, that the the requirement is too high, which increases each year.

My problem, if you will reread my last post, is that there seems to be a mathematical problem, as I "verified" 10 Auto loads to SLC, prior to getting the '"boot" in Oct. 2056 or 2057. **!!!**

Question is, have you or anyone gotten a medal? That would indicate to me that I might have a computer problem.
It is one thing to make comments, and another to have actually played. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: California 2020 (for v1.05)

Unread post by RulerofRails »

This map doesn't let you get a medal before start of 2060 (actually don't mind this setup here because it's a empire-building type of game, requiring consistent resource management/transportation and not a dash to the finish). Here's the proof.
California 2020 - medal.jpg
I assume you understand the main target for Auto haulage is 10 per year leaving Autozone for the years 2040 to 2060, for a total of 200 LTD. (Note: you can start on this early if you want.)

There is a secondary target (will help with the Toys/Implants goal) for 30 in total delivered to Utah at any time/from anywhere. But the main target still needs to be fulfilled.

I can't think of a reason why the events wouldn't work properly in 1.06. Shipping at a loss will make the map quite a bit easier than intended though.
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Re: California 2020 (for v1.05)

Unread post by RayofSunshine »

Well RoR,
Thanks for the info. As usual, I had "miss interpeteded" what I thought was the requirement of the hauls of Autoes. So, it is "out of Auto Zone" , and not "into Utah". ^**lylgh
I still don't realize the reason for the "energy" failure. Will have to reassess my playing, seeing that you didn't have a problem. Not a problem with my computer, but ME. ^**lylgh

This is really a challenging scenario and a lot of thought was put into them. A real aspect of a new them of goals. !*th_up*! I hope Mobet will reconsider more creations, even though his decision seemed to be based on time. And time can be a main factor. However, now that he has the "tools" of creation, other scenarios might be less of a chore

>>>>>>>>>>>>This is an edit addition. Being that there is not a tally of Autos "going into" the Auto Zone, I again got booted down the track. This is probably a YTD after 2030, but does make is some what difficult, or time consuming to keep track of such a requirement. !hairpull!

Now, during previous playing, I did notice an Auto or 2 leaving SLC. And another from some city in the lower cities, but again, did not really miro-manage the "arrivals" to the Auto Zone. A tally would be helpful. ::!**!
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Re: California 2020 (for v1.05)

Unread post by RulerofRails »

I agree that this map is a challenge, not really for outright profit, but resource and industry management. Map is setup so that this requires a solid rail network to maximize potential. A quality effort for sure. :-D
RayofSunshine wrote: Sun Oct 15, 2017 1:32 pm >>>>>>>>>>>>This is an edit addition. Being that there is not a tally of Autos "going into" the Auto Zone, I again got booted down the track. This is probably a YTD after 2030, but does make is some what difficult, or time consuming to keep track of such a requirement. !hairpull!
There is a LTD limit of 10 for this. I agree it would be courteous to the player to warn him after the first delivery (>1), just so he knows that he has neglected to setup consists properly. The reason for this is to prevent players from cheating the loads.

In 1.05, it's easy to just Custom Consist all trains coming into "Autozone." After all there are no houses or other buildings there so sensibly the only deliveries should be Steel and Tires to make Autos. Most trains entering should have no consist (at least that's my strategy, I use this strategy fairly regularly in typical maps to prevent trains stealing from resource "stacks" on industries I own).

In default 1.06, no price islands will make it more likely for rehauls to take place so extra care is needed to make sure that ONLY required cargo can enter this territory.
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Re: California 2020 (for v1.05)

Unread post by RayofSunshine »

Well RoR,
Although I have not used such a strategy in the past, I came up with a similar thought. Direct any train going back to the Auto Zone, to be terminated at a previous adjoining city, then no consist to Auto Zone. That way Auto Zone is sterel.
But it was my fault, as I did not follow thru with the requirement of not more than 10 Autos into the Zone. Thinking that it was for a player to have the 10 into Utah. Old age. ^**lylgh Will just have to retrace my play, and attempt it again. ^**lylgh

But thanks for the info. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: California 2020 (for v1.05)

Unread post by moblet »

I'm the scenario's author. I haven't looked at the scenario or the editor since this thread petered out back in 2009. I gave up on scenario creation due to not getting sufficient engagement at the time and also because of the bugs affecting the behaviour of some variables, and rarely play RT3 these days. I don't have much recollection of building the scenario or of what I was trying to achieve with it. If anyone wishes to make minor or major modifications to this scenario and upload it that's fine with me. I don't require credit for it, though you might want to mention my name if you need to deflect blame for anything you can't get working to your satisfaction ;-)
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Re: California 2020 (for v1.05)

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Good to see you stop by. Thanks for your efforts in making this map! Nobody else reported the difficulty with temporary variables that you did, so I think that this means that you were more creative with their use than most others. !*th_up*!

If you see my post in that thread:, you will see an explanation I made about the bug. It's a game bug relating to the game's auto-generated "unwind" events that appear at the end of the list when a temporary effect is applied. Applies to most other temporary effects as well. Good news is that it's not an issue if you avoid temporary events (some are safe, read the post over there).

You did a great job testing before you put the map here. There are a couple maps in the archive that are bugged by temporary events: Panama Canal and Great China 4 (a TM map). Nobody caught these during beta testing.

Even though the comments may appear like some players are confused, there is no report of a bug. The only take away from that would be that maybe instructions could be clarified a little. I think the main instructions are fine, just in the ledger perhaps put "yearly target" after the electricity amount. Other thing maybe the "side" haulage on Autos and Implants. Perhaps put the text "bonus task" for those. Personally I didn't have a problem since I remembered the original instructions. Otherwise, I think the map is great. Good humor. ;-)

In regards to the archives, you can submit the map yourself. I would be happy to see it there. I think you should get full credit for it! :-D
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Re: California 2020 (for v1.05)

Unread post by RayofSunshine »

A couple comments.
First, I did not have any problem playing in the 1.06 Patch.
Second, I was not having a lot of "crashes', as indicated in a previous tread.
Third, I don't believe that RoR has ever had a problem winning medals. He has a unique system of play.
Lastly, like Belbincoine, I had a problem of shortages of Uranium, coal and iron. Ran short in 5-7 years in each attempt. However, it is a "lot of fun" scenario, with some interesting challenges.
So, although RoR was able to get a medal, I would have to assume that it is possible. But being the case of shortages for some players, that Moblet is authorizing any one to "upgrade" any changes.

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