Beta test map - West San Diego County

Maps that were never completed by creators that appear to no longer be active.
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Re: Beta test map - West San Diego County Unread post

1. There are twelve different buildings, all of which have the name 'warehouse'. Did you select one that had a recipe that was currently available?
2. If the warehouse used swaps, did the swap turn a profit? E.g. a swap of 1 weapon for 1 wool will never happen. 1 wool for 1 weapon, 4 per year, makes an extremely profitable, highly motivated business.
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Re: Beta test map - West San Diego County Unread post

I probably failed at number one, I'll try again because if I can manually add a port then I can get a tighter rein on how much stuff goes into my SD map.
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Re: Beta test map - West San Diego County Unread post

When counting down the row of warehouses or ports in the editor to find the one you want to use , remember that the first one(#1) is above the bulk of them (in alphabetical order), and the long "list" of ports and warehouses towards the bottom of the buildings list actually starts with port #2 and proceeds to # 12. If your using 1.06 this is made much less confusing with the naming of warehouses/ports option, by renaming the desired port/WH in the "recipe book" using a colon (:) before the desired name in the rename box, and/or using %1 after the name to give it the "port" or "warehouse" title after the desired name.

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Edmund Burke
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Re: Beta test map - West San Diego County Unread post

Thanks for your help on that both of you, that helped it get set up right. Now I've just got to get the beta data out so the new map can be play tested ^_^
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