
Scenario reviews, strategies, problems, and play technique.
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IndustrialFixerUpper Unread post

Here is a scenario for anyone who has the time. And patience. From its format of creation, although there are a few creators of the same quality, I believe that this one has to be a Gwizz imagination.

Explanation: Gold $20M - Silver $15M - Bronze $10 with a 5 year goal.
Operations: 10 steam engines of 1900-05 parked at random sites. Only $100 cash.
Some Lucrative cities, not connected, and no cash to do so.
The jest? $4.5M in Bonds, and a CCC rating.
By 1901, my cash was --$1.3K, so I sold all the defunct industries to decrease my debt to $400k.
By 1902, my case was --$2.2K

Pull up the scenario and you will marvel at the imagination and the time the creator took to set up this . **!!!** ............... monster?

Although the creator has a method to just make a profit, I would be impressed {,0,} to see a strategy to that end. :salute:

Ray of Sunshine
Grandma Ruth
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Re: IndustrialFixerUpper Unread post

Have you got a link to it? I'm at work at the moment but it sounds interesting, I might have a go over the weekend. I've had a quick look in the archive and can't find it.
Hawk - is there a search facility to the archive that I've missed?
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The Big Dawg
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Re: IndustrialFixerUpper Unread post

Here's a link to the page it's on.

No, there is no search function in the archives. If I ever get the time I might try and add one, but don't hold your breath. You might get a little blue. :mrgreen:
Grandma Ruth
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Re: IndustrialFixerUpper Unread post

All I'm getting is an audio file **!!!**
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Re: IndustrialFixerUpper Unread post

Just place it in the RT2 game's map folder. It should work. It is a small map.
I normal run the map which unpacks it. Then I place it in the games map folder.
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The Big Dawg
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Re: IndustrialFixerUpper Unread post

RT2 uses the MP2 file format, but rest assured, it's not an audio file. It really is a map.
You're not trying to run it in RT3 are you?
Grandma Ruth
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Re: IndustrialFixerUpper Unread post

I missed this post somehow and just found it by chance today. I'm at work now but I wouldn't be at all surprised if that's what's happened - I'll probably find it in the RT3 folder! *!*!*!
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