Multiple Stations

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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The Big Dawg
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Clif - Take a look at your post now, in edit mode, and you can see what I did to make it look like mine.
If you click on the 'Quote' link in the post itself
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, then just delete what you don't want to quote, it will come out right.

If you want to do it manually, you have to start with a left bracket ([) then type quote then the equal sign (=), then left quotation mark (") then the author's name, then a right quotation mark ("), followed by the right bracket (]).
Like this:
quote2.jpg (3.67 KiB) Viewed 3651 times
Don't forget to close the quote, like this:
quote3.jpg (1.76 KiB) Viewed 3651 times
RT3 will work in Vista but only up to version 1.03. Version 1.04 (Coast to Coast Expansion) will not work right in Vista, nor will 1.05 or 1.06.
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Re: Multiple Stations Unread post

Hawk wrote:RT3 will work in Vista but only up to version 1.03. Version 1.04 (Coast to Coast Expansion) will not work right in Vista, nor will 1.05 or 1.06.
!$th_u$! Hawk! Now I know how to do quotes like a professional.

About running RRT3 on Vista: What's the fun if I can't use C-to-C Expansion or the 1.06 patch? Any "fixes" in the works? Do I have to clog all the way into the next room and use my old worn-out P4 1.8 GHz XP system??

The soon-to-be-finished Train Master: Will it be a stand-alone or will I need RRT3 installed (and if so, will Train Master work without C-C & later versions?)

-- Cliff in Virginia
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The problem with RRT3 on Vista, as I understand it, is that the later patches need to modify the executable, and Vista is being helpful by plugging a security hole to make sure that our executables stay intact. In other words, M$ Vista thinks you're a hacker when you go to upgrade to 1.04 or beyond, and slaps you on the wrist for being so naughty.

Trainmaster will not be standalone at all. It will require a little bit of know-how, in terms of where to place the "modules" that you want to use (for the most part, it's moving PK4 files into and out of the UserExtraContent folder). This same kind of know-how is what it takes to get past Vista's intolerance, as I think I've seen that some people have been able to get Vista to accept a later-patched version of RRT3 running. Go back and trawl these forums, you may be able to find instructions.

As for me, I've never wiggled a mouse across a Vista desktop, and have no intention to do so. If you've got an older system with XP, you might be able to use the XP install disk to "backdate" your better rig, if you're willing to do so. It won't work if your XP copy is an OEM version... i.e. it didn't come in the full retail packaging, but rather was part of the purchase price of your computer. If you're feeling especially adventurous, you could set up your computer to dual-boot, and have both XP and Vista on the same machine... but yeah, that does take a lot of know-how, too.
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I've been using Vista for a couople of weeks now, and so fat I've not had any problems with RRT3. I have CTC installed, but I am using the 1.04 beta patch. It is working perfectly fine.

The problem with Vista has nothing to do with the exe file. I had patched version copied over from my old system, and the problem is in the exe itself. I can load as far as the main menu before it crashes. I'm still thinking of ways to overcome this problem.

Cliff, Trainmaster is going to be a super mod to RRT3, and it will be fully Vista compliant and capable. In fact, I am going to include the exe I am using in the d/l. The only problem is that you will need the CD to play. If I can get the no cd crack to work, then I'll have that available too.

I go back to the days of DOS 5.0, and DOS Shell. I use Windows Explorer to manage my files and I still consider it to be "File Manager." People who use My Computer and those flaky window with purple and pink pies annoy me. !hairpull! So all the module stuff will be designed to be best accomplished through drag and drop rather than cut and paste. But, customizing your game will be optional, and completely up to the user.

The main differences in TM versus 1.05 or 1.06 is the complete restructuring of the cargo and industry systems. Everything else is thrown in because it exists and is cool. But the main difference will always be that the game, and the supply chain is much more complex. This should be reflected in the scenarios that are created for it.

In fact, as much will come from the construction of the map as with the events. Throw some farming community and mines on a map and put only the gold condition as an event for making a single car, and that would be a very difficult scenario to ever achieve in 30 years. If anything, it will give scenario writers more options, but without some of the better parts of 1.06 for event writing.
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Re: Multiple Stations Unread post

nedfumpkin wrote:Cliff, Trainmaster is going to be a super mod to RRT3, and it will be fully Vista compliant and capable. In fact, I am going to include the exe I am using in the d/l. The only problem is that you will need the CD to play. If I can get the no cd crack to work, then I'll have that available too.

I go back to the days of DOS 5.0, and DOS Shell. I use Windows Explorer to manage my files and I still consider it to be "File Manager."
Thanks a million Ned! (and Thanx WPandP also for your answer). After Hawk answered my dumb question about Vista-RRT3 compatability, I did go and search for the relevant Vista-RRT3 discussions, and am pretty sure I will be able to make the necessary adjustments. [But I wouldn't go so far as to set up a dual-boot system!]

Like you, I am very comfortable with DOS (I forget which was the first DOS version I learned to use -- DOS 2.0 or some such); and "way back when" (in the mid-1970s or so) we used something called cP/M and DTSS "Dartmouth Time Sharing System." But I still have the DOS 5.0 handbook sitting here on my bookshelf, and every so often I have to go the DOS command line and type ATTRIB -h, or DEL *.*

Hawk should probably move this entire little discussion to the Trainmaster forum.

-- Cliff in Virginia
Last edited by Cliff on Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Multiple Stations Unread post

At least they are quality posts ^**lylgh
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Multiple Stations Unread post

I make one small comment and you guys won't let me forget it, will you? ^**lylgh (0!!0)

This isn't the first thread that's got a little (*!!topic ;-) :mrgreen:
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Re: Multiple Stations Unread post

Hawk wrote:I make one small comment and you guys won't let me forget it, will you? ^**lylgh (0!!0)

This isn't the first thread that's got a little (*!!topic ;-) :mrgreen:
Hawk you should never worry about a post being off topic, as long as its a quality post I'm sure no one will mind ^**lylgh
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Re: Multiple Stations Unread post

Back to "Multiple Stations": play the scenario 'Four Roads to Berlin' and you'll see that you even need multiple stations ...
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Re: Multiple Stations Unread post

Talking about two stations, here is some of my work :-)
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So how do you get closely-spaced parallel tracks that bend around the same curve like that? I can understand straight routes (you overbuild and then snip back to the portion you want to keep), but I thought that once you introduce a curve, it will try to snap to the already-laid track.
=Winchester, Paston & Portsmouth=
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Re: Multiple Stations Unread post

You are right. It's not to see at the picture but it snaped, there is a connection between the to lines in the curve.
It looked like a bow first. After that I simply build another branch just before the snap point, parrallel to the curve.

/cu steelm

Edit: more than words
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