European Tycoon II - beta

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
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The Big Dawg
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Re: European Tycoon II - beta Unread post

OilCan wrote:You might want to add them to your 1.06 Patch sticky note as well.
Sticky note?
I thought about making that a separate post and stickying it but I don't recall one that's already stickyed. Can you point me to it?
I don't have a PDF writer so I can't add it to the 1.06 PDF file.
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Re: European Tycoon II - beta Unread post

Played the beta 2 today on normal and got gold in 1907 - ok, it could be done earlier, but it was my goal to connect as much cities as possible (especially the four connections giving a bonus). Had CtDs at the end of 1896, but couldn't find out why. (Was repeatedly connecting Hamburg and Copenhagen and always ended in a CtD. Then, did some expansion at another location, which results in having no more problems. :-? ) From my point of view the beta 2 is ready to be made public. Well done, OilCan! !!clap!! BTW - I'll (re)distribute your final version within Molse's forum, of course. :salute:
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Re: European Tycoon II - beta Unread post

The final version, called European Tycoon II, is an improvement on beta2 version. It's in Hawk's map library. The final version has a few extra events not found in the beta2 version.
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Re: European Tycoon II - beta Unread post

I just translated the final version !*th_up*! into German and played this variant (as a test) on normal. Did the oil job, connected most cities - especially the four bonus ones - and got gold in 1901. It's now a really enjoying map. So, I'll distribute it (ENG and GER) within Molse's forum. !$th_u$! OilCan!
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Re: European Tycoon II - beta Unread post

Sugus: You missed the Swiss Rebellion! It was triggered for 1905 I think. Thanks for translating the game.
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Europe Tycoon 11 by Oil Can Unread post

I have played the German version of Europa Tycoon 10, which is entirely different than that which Oil Can has initiated. I enjoyed playing both, well, with the help of some translation from a web site, as well as some member who can explain some translations.

Any way, my initial attempt was in a Medium level, and completed the goals by June 1899, of which the deadline is 1910. I thought that if I can get the goals in such a time duration, that it might be more of a challenge in the Expert level, and with the 3 AIs. The incentive of transporting "oil", was more of a challenge, as even with the "large" station, the oil wells were too far apart for multiple coverage. So much of the haul was single loads. I will leave the method to enhance their transportation to get the quota requirement.

All the requirements are reasonable, and anyone who likes to play, will find this sceanio enjoyable. However, even in the Expert, you "advanced" Tycoons will not find it to be a difficult goal attainment. BUT you will find it to be challenging.

So, "hats off" to Oil Can, both in the translation of the German scenario, as well as the talent, time, and imagination which he has incorporated into this creation. :salute:
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Re: European Tycoon II - beta Unread post

This was kind of a hoot. Quick play. After an initial examination of the map, I self-restricted to rail, and from the start only laid double track. Dukes for freight and Stirlings for express for the first 50 or so locos, except where 3+ grades were prevalent. Then I got lazy/I ran out of flat space to develop and all Dukes on autoconsists. I went back and replaced the freight Dukes with S3's when they came out. I let traffic get a bit heavy, freely adding trains as I periodically checked for under served express routes. I think I connected 70 cities and had 150+ locos running when I cashed out for the win in Jan 1904 on Expert.

So yeah, if you want an explosive map that can be won in 9 years, give this one a try! I didn't even look at industry, the opportunities were so ridiculous.
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Re: European Tycoon II - beta Unread post

I just got an email from low_grade informing me that the links were messed up for the 3 versions of this map - the English, German and Italian versions. :oops:

I'm pretty sure I got this corrected now. :mrgreen:

Mucho Thanks goes out to you low_grade for bringing this to my attention. !!howdy!! :salute: (0!!0)

I replied to your email but since you use gmail there's no guarantee that you'll get it, or it could get dumped into your Junk folder.
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Re: European Tycoon II - beta Unread post

So, has this scenario been taken out of Beta, and put into the Archives, being that there were corrections made in play? OR, am I just misreading what is being put into the treads? **!!!**
:salute: {,0,}
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Re: European Tycoon II - beta Unread post

Yes, it's in the archives.
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