Over the Carpathes

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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Over the Carpathes Unread post

Another project...

This scenario will be called "Over the Carpathes", but during all of its development phase to this point it has been named Austro-Hungarian Galicia (that's in my mind :-) ). During research for the now published Galicia1870 scenario, I stumbled across this other region called Galicia and a wikipedia page that described a railway built in the late XIX century in that area of the globe.

The two regions stand in opposite extremes of Europe and if I had to guess I would say that the word has a Latin (roman) origin meaning "at the end of our borders". It also has strong resemblance with Gaul (Gallia in Latin), which also meant foreign territory for roman legions for quite a long time. Anyway, er.. sorry, will try to stay on-topic.. 8-)

So, this new scenario is also set to start in 1870. It has some pre-laid track, although most of it belongs to AI. The player needs to go through two stages of play, the first as a small company expanding, the second as heavy-weight mogul who controls transport and industry. There are still events to be programmed, mainly to improve the historical flavor of the scenario but also to curb powerful AI's or to tune up the overall challenge of the map.

For the usual testers and for all curious minds... here's a release of "Over the Carpathes", still in development phase.

Mind that this is not play-tested yet and win/loose conditions are not programmed, but it already works well enough to give a nice feel of what it will become. Any comments are always welcome.

Last edited by brunom on Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Over the Carpathes Unread post

Downloaded it but will be away for a few days so probably cant play for a while
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Well, I have my new eye glasses, but still am not able to see an attachment. LOL **!!!**
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Over the Carpathes Unread post

Ray of Sunshine wrote:Well, I have my new eye glasses, but still am not able to see an attachment. LOL **!!!**
It's there.
Click on image to view full size
Click on image to view full size
Do you see the screen-shot right above this sentence?

Gotta' be something with your computer or your Internet connection/ISP. **!!!**
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Re: Over the Carpathes Unread post

Yes Hawk, its there """"""now"""""". At least now I can see it. And it isn't because of my eyesight. As this is not the 1st time of this...........malfunction? However, thanks. !!howdy!! (and this "howdy", of which is the 1st time I have seen it, although I thought it would be just as a rendering of "hats off" LOL )
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Okay Brunom,
You know how I just like to play, so I readily accepted the $50M for the test.
In 1871 after the connection to Lemburg, I kept receiving the "newspaper" that "Lemberg cnn Cracow".
But then it got rediculous in 1873 in the cnn to Stanislau, as the I not only received continuous "newspaper" notice
of Lemberg cnn Cracow, but also that of now "Stanislau cnn Cracow". Besides that of being able to reach the Danube by train. In order to get any progress for the complete year of 1873, I would have to "pause" the game to do anything. Lay track, install a depot, maintenance, etc.

Now with the good comments. I am now on Stage 2, and although have not proceeded to much progress for the commodities hauling, I like the challenge. Not too such at this point of cnn to the required cities, as I am not able to get much stock purchased of the AIs, which operate into those cities. The alternative of just laying track.

Not really in the liking of mountainous terrain, I find the scenario to my enjoyment. :salute:
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Ray of Sunshine wrote: However, thanks. !!howdy!! (and this "howdy", of which is the 1st time I have seen it, although I thought it would be just as a rendering of "hats off" LOL )
Use it for whatever you want. Howdy! Hats-Off! Airhead! (taking off hat to air out head ^**lylgh ) Whatever you want.
Ya' gotta' think outside the box man. ;-)

And yes, I just added it yesterday.
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So, I've been testing this as well, but with limited time. Anyway, three tries into it, and I noticed a number of things to be sorted, plus improvements still necessary.

- those newspapers were poorly programmed, indeed, and it's been fixed. No more repetitive Lemberg-Cracow or Stanislow-Cracow news.

- AI are overexpanding, be it building UGLY and stupid tracks, be it buying every farm available. I've curbed the liquidity of the two major ones, but ain't still sure if it is enough - need more testing/opinions

- the ledger for stage 2 wasn't working perfectly, as it was counting one city twice - this was fixed as well

- gold, silver, bronze and loss conditions have also been included now

this is the change-log.. the revised version is at the end of the post (yes, Ray, there is an attachment to this msg).

Now, for some more general considerations: 2 out of 3 of my tests crashed to desktop - this happens very rarely (next to never) in RRT3 with me, so I am afraid it might be related to the scenario itself. However, the third attempt went fine, despite running over 60 trains by the later years. If you encounter any problems, please report with as much detail as possible.

The only time I ran the test to the end-date the last years were a little boring. Or, at least, not my cup of tea. Lots of trains, 10/20 million profit yearly and yet worrying desperately that a couple of hauls of something wouldn't reach the desired destination on time.. The last 15 years in this scenario require a little micromanagement as well as ability to influence production/demand. It's different from my usual scenarios, but I guess some people will like it more.

Anyway, this is it. I wanted to replace that irksome "pre-release" by a proper beta version, even if still tentative...

Have a good weekend everybody and !!howdy!!

Last edited by brunom on Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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There was an amount of micromanagement with the pre-beta, in order to get the commodities required to the cities involved.

I also found that any AI to get merged, just started up another railroad

No crashes, and only a percentage of "broken down". But seeing that the 1st engines were only of a "poor" reliability I didn't find the 5-7 year of operation out of the ordinary.

I did purchase a number of industries, but did not notice a great number being bought by the AIs.

But there were a couple of progressive AIs.

Am not finishing the pre-beta, as there isn't any problems after the newspaper repitition in 1873.

A great scenario and challenges, and a terrain which I enjoy playing. :salute:

OH, and I do see the attachment for the latest version. ::!**!
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Guess I spoke too soon pertaining to "crashes" in the Over the Carpathes. In Mar 1886 my system hung up. *!*!*! So I went back to my previous save of Jan, and working forward, I ran into the same problem. !hairpull! Best I just start playing the latest version. :salute:
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Re: Over the Carpathes Unread post

Started this. No problems stage 1. Nows the hard part. It looks as though it will be impossible to takeover any AI and I dont like running trains on AI lines to get the carryings targets as sometimes I've found they cant move for years - if ever! Whether I can get enough cash to buy into a territory its too early to say. I've had lots of train crashes - but no game crash (yet?).

Two things which would be helpful. Could the target towns be put in bold on the map? Saves constant checking and - if there is a phase 3 could some idea be given so that the player has some idea of whether entry into other territories is going to be achievable by fulfilling targets or is takover/purchase going to be needed?

Continuation may not be possible for a few days but will try!
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Okay Bel, and Others,
Being just a test, to find "errors or bugs" I am not having the problems in regular plaly, as I am testing with the $50M. Can do a lot with that much cash.

In both the pre-test and this beta test, I have had problems in the 1880s. The pre-test, the system kept "hangin up" I believe in 1887sh, and now in the beta, the system is crashing in the 1882z.

A little info on play. I have found that when I merged in the Poland terr, that Austria and Russia are automatically opened up to access. Then in order to connect Vienna to Pressberg, I merge with another AI. This AI has also another section operating thru Pest, but not connected to the Vienna/Pressberg operation.

With that said, So maybe you can give a thought as to the "reason why". The game plays well until I try to lay down "double track" near the Pest era. I laid dbl track for the Vienna depot without a problem, but did run into a crash with the Pest operation.

This is not conclusive, but I """believe""" that I would not have a crash if I just continued play, without laying that dbl track at Pest. This idea just came to mind, and will have to give it a try. *!*!*!

This also just came to mind. The crash may only occur when playing in the $50M test revenue. **!!!**
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belbincolne wrote:Could the target towns be put in bold on the map?
There is no option in RT3 to make text bolder than other text, however - a label could be added to the target cites/towns.
Not that I'm suggesting it. I'm just stating what is possible. :mrgreen:
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There's one or two scenarios where something is done - all CAPITALs ? and in some cases S P A C E D C A P I T A L s. Certainly helped in those acenarios.
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Hi guys, I've been online for about 10 mins... Just the time to go into the editor and trying some techniques to make certain cities stand out and also to check with a previous save of mine if double tracking around Pest could be the issue for those crashes.

Found out double tracking in Pest may not be the exact issue.

Found out that using CAPITALS is the best method.

Only to return to the forum and find these last comments.. !*th_up*!

Ray, Belb, since you had a look at the file and are playing/testing it - what's the general feel?
(by the way, there is no "hidden" stage 3)

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I like the scenario from almost every aspect, as well as the concept of the challenges.

BUT, I am still having the problem of crashes, AND it is not due to "double tracking". That seemed to be just a coincidence, as another attempt, without any dbl tracking, still ended in a crash. However, I have yet to discard the merger with the AI operating around Pest, and just lay a track between Vienna and Pressberg, to see what the result. All these problems in both the pre-testing and now the beta, occur in the early 1880s.

I could also try a merger with the AI operating between Cracow and Breslau, to see if It ends in a crash.

It is not plan to me as to the crashes, as in the pre-test, I laid track from Piotrkow to Breslau, as well as from Cracow to Ratari ???? I also laid track from Pressberg >thru> Pest, to conn with both Miskolcz and Kaschau. All these cities being operated by an AI. During those attempts, the system only "hung up". So, I didn't know if it was my system or that of programming.

As Bel doesn't seem to have had the same problem, is it possible that the problem is with the $50M test bonus?

Off to a different project.
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The scenario is playing much better in this attempt using the "regular" test, and not the $50M starter. Well, at least into 1887, which is farther than the attainment playing using the $50M.

With less revenue, I have not yet attempted to merge with any AI, but buying stocks for that attempt. I have leaned toward the Duke to try any eliminate as many "breakdowns" and "crashes" of the Compton"s life reliability of only 4 to 7 years of operations. BUT, don't get much better service from the Duke, and its speed is less at well.

While playing with the $50M, I found that most all the required commodities were more abundant, but that the "furniture" was nearly negative during the initial 6 years to cnn the 3 required cities. Hence in my present attempt, I took an early agenda, to get the logs/lumber/furniture agenda started right from the start.

Although I have made the connection of laid track, I have only received access to Austria, Russia, and Hungry. but not the territory required to attain a cnn to Piotrkow and Breslou. That might be the problem in adequate amount of revenue to merge into that territory. Waiting could be a mistake, as that terriroty may hold a key for the "Goods", of which the territory holds the Iron/Coal/Steel.

Right now I am working at laying track to cnn Presberg/Post/Miskolcz/Kaschau, all required for Gold.

There are good challenges, and as long as I don't run into the system crashing, I am a happy camper. LOL
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Got a bit further. Money rolling in so have purchased two $10m entries and taken over smallest company. Problem now is items like alcohol because there's nowhere with two grain farms in close proximity so my two breweries aren't doing too well. Furniture is doing well beside the only Lumber Mill producing anything. Clothing is sorta o/k. I've completed deliveries to one town and am nearly there for two others. Apart from the huge number of train crashes no problems.

My main problem is that this isnt the sort of scenario I enjoy as there is little to do except sit back and wait. You set up the trains to carry the required goods and look around to see if you can build another factory but really thats it. I know some people enjoy this but I'm not one :cry: Will keep going though and report back later.
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Re: Over the Carpathes Unread post

Industry profits can be a problem. There are times that the supply are of some distance, and many times the demand for an industry's commodity is again some distance. A catch 22. But in this case, seeing that a LIP is not a requirment, I just "sell" an industry with a loss after a couple of years.

When revenue permits, I check the area for both the supply and the industry. Then I will purchase the industry of desire in an area to get the best profit. A problem can arrive with some types of supply to be depleted, and the industry to operate at a loss, and again, I just sell it.

One of the conditions I find in many scenarios, are the locations of supplies. Even with the large depot, the area to get a multiple access, is jjjjjuuuusssstttt short. Hence, a player has to rely on single supplies, and a situation to have an engine "waiting for cargo" to make the haul adequate.

But I guess that this is all part of the fun of playing. Otherwise we could just use "cheat" methods, or use the sand box level. Or one step up, to play in the EASY level. :salute:
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Re: Over the Carpathes Unread post

Well played on and built some distilleries for the alcohol. Went up to 2 completed and several more near. Then Dec of ? the game crashed. If it had been Jan wouldn't have worried but losing a year of custom trains / building Industry is so dispiriting that I dont know if I can bring myself to re-starting. I'd just double-lined though doubt if that was the cause. I'd also mention the number of train crashes - absolutely phenomenal. Hardly had to replace any for age purposes!Probably six p.a.
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