Koristan - Beta

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Koristan - Beta Unread post

Well, at least somebody out there thinks I'm a good man. ^**lylgh

I did a Google search on that saying and all I came up with was the author was Anonymous, whoever that is. :mrgreen:
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Re: Koristan - Beta Unread post

Hawk wrote:I did a Google search on that saying and all I came up with was the author was Anonymous, whoever that is. :mrgreen:
I don't know but he/she has sure written a lot of stuff. Probably the most-quoted author in history.
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Re: Koristan - Beta Unread post

You guys are funny. You should have went into the Disney web site. Anony Mouse is related to Mickey and Minny. LOL
I just finished playing this scenario and found it to be a very interesting concept of creation. It takes a little shuffling around to get most of the regular track overlaid with electric, and the challenges most all lead to some type of bonus. Mostly financial. I was not able to get to the Ruler's temple, but did go into the cheat of "subsidy" to lay the track, just to see what the "appreciation bonus". More financial bonus.
I enjoyed this scenario very much, as I do like this type of terrain. A lot of talent, time, and imagination. :salute: !*th_up*! !$th_u$! !!clap!!
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Re: Koristan - Beta Unread post

I just finished replaying it, promising myself I wouln't cheat if the Monsoons came. This time I bit on the "cheap track" option. You'll be spending upwards of $30-$40 million on electric track, so a 25% savings more than makes up for the occasional cost of replacing bad track. I also took the "no maintanence towers" option, which kept my trains "well oiled" and not having to make extra stops. Bought into the Dye Plantations, and boy, did this one ever turn into a honey-hole. By routing trains from one farm to the next, and finally delivering to a Furniture factory, I was hauling 30-50 loads per year. I also got the Clothing bonus and Paper bonus (after Mills started making paper) almost every year I could. Hotels are a good investment too, especially later in the game.

I'm not sure what the logic is behind the Iron mines that pop up later in the game. There wasn't any coal on the map, so the only steel was at the port down south. There were Rubber plantations nearby, so I built a Tire factory and Auto factory, both of which turned pretty good profits. I could have gotten Gold with 5 years to spare, but instead of double-tracking to meet the quota, I continued over the next 5 years to connect more cities, waiting until November of the last year to lay the last pieces of track to meet the quota. I ended up with CBV of over $160 million and PNW of over $20 million. PNW would have been higher if I tried, but I was issuing stock every year for most of the game, and that kept PNW down. I got hit once near the end of the game with the Monsoon, but had $20 million in the bank, so it was no big deal to rebuild.

All in all, a very nice scenario !*th_up*! !*th_up*! !*th_up*! , but still wondering about those darn Iron mines **!!!**
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Re: Koristan - Beta Unread post

Interesting - I gave this another try and on Expert. This proved very hard as I couldn't make enough money. I tried buying the dye plantations but hadn't the money to build stations at each - nor to electrify the area / trains so went without and went down dismally :evil: :evil: :evil: Never taken cheap track but on next try will note your ideas and hope for better things! Dare I try Expert again **!!!** ::!**!
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Re: Koristan - Beta Unread post

Wolverine@MSU wrote:, but still wondering about those darn Iron mines **!!!**
Wolverine, you've kind of pointed out the way I like to set up a game. I like to present the player with various choices or opportunities. I make it so that not every decision or 'opportunity' is a wise choice, but I have to be careful because I don't want a single bad choice to throw the player so far behind that they can never catch up. The cheap track is a risky choice, but probably a good choice for most games. The cheap track repair cost can hurt a lot early in the game, depending on how often it randomly appears. Since you've exposed the 'honey-hole', I will say that was meant to be a hidden surprise to the player: costly to enter and establish but oh so sweet later on.

The iron mines offer the player a steel making opportunity which could be very profitable depending on how the game seeds the logging camps. There is coal in the neighboring city of Holtan, but it requires lumber for exchange. If logging camps seed so a lumber mill could be built enroute to the city, then the coal and iron could be used for steel. But this would be much later in the game. I did the steel thing once in a test run and it made money.

This is the first time I have tried to incorporate the 1.06V industries of quarries, rock mines, furnaces, pharmacuticals and such. These added new cargo and certainly increased the 'wealth' on the map. I'll never know, but I'm curious as to how many players take advantage of these 1.06V specific industries.
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Re: Koristan - Beta Unread post

Wolverine@MSU wrote:PNW would have been higher if I tried, but I was issuing stock every year for most of the game, and that kept PNW down.
Good reminder about issuing stocks.
Issuing stocks is critical for such a game. I don't see how you can win this game without issuing stocks. When PNW or taking over other RRs is not a game goal - which they are not in this game - then always issue stock every December and again in May or June. (If possible, buy some stock to push up the share price before issuing.)
You have to let your stocks split once of twice during the game to keep you shareholders happy, but that usually happens regardless as your company grows.
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Re: Koristan - Beta Unread post

Well Bel,
If you liked Koristan, you will like Galica. It takes some fore thought, but, and I only used a couple of bonds initially to have revenue for the 1st required connection. The notice indicates that if such a cnn is not made, that an AI will be started. Never gave them a chance in any attempts. Don't know how much it would affect the playing.
What I did seem to find, and I don't know about the % of the bonds, but that the economy seems to respond to the 5%, and the Booming level, IF there are not any outstanding bonds. Just a theory. And I don't play the Expert any more. I find them too restricted on the haul revenues. Getting to the age where I just like fun. LOL
Good with Galica.
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