
Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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Corsica Unread post

Not been playing much because my new computer wont let me install the 06 patch but have tried this several times and cant find any way of getting started. Hills are too steep until you have enough cash for tunnels so you must connect coastal towns and there's simply no traffic between them.

Tried several Industry starts - Textile with wool and Meat Packing. The former was useless both attempts and the latter had an incredible first year then dropped to nothing - and you need to rail or get fined.

Nice map - very much like Corsica in reality I think - but hopeless for RT3 for me anyway.

Anyone else given it a try? Cant see any posts here.
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Re: Corsica Unread post

I am having the same problems, but then I don't like mountainous scenarios. HOWEVER, I do attempt to make some progress with them, as the terrain of such, takes the creator much time in the landscape. And this scenario as indicated by Bel, is much like the terrain of Corsica.
And because of the concept, I do hope that there will be an adequate number of members to make an attempt of playing to get the Gold. It is a nice map, and the goals are within reason, even though the revenue to me is on the lean side. Good Luck to anyone in their attempts, and would like to see more threads. :salute: {,0,}
MArk S
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Re: Corsica Unread post

I just "finished" playing the Corsica scenario today.
Good work to Kardamom. Now I also want to visit the real place.

I have played RRT3 a lot over the last few years, don't ask how many hours.
Tried this scenario and majorly failed the first time: there is not much cargo, cities are far apart, and there are a few mountains to contend with.
In the second attempt I was really careful to buy new industries as they appeared. Mostly Dairy farms and produce. I got a few towns connected and eventually my industry base made it possible to cover the rest of the map.
I was enjoying building through the mountains so much that I kept playing after gold was achieved until most of the cities were connected. Also had a lot of intermediate stations for certain cargoes.

My only recommendation is to add more events to make it challenging or direct the player a certain way.

MArk S
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Re: Corsica Unread post

MArk S wrote: and there are a few mountains to contend with.
Dramatic understatement?

year 22 out of 40 in, can't see how I won't make the gold now on Expert on my first try.

Yes, resources very scarce, and then blocked by mountains so even if on a flat map a few rather distant logging camps could be used to fuel a Lumber Mill, not possible on this one.

First thing was Textile Mill right next to a couple of sheep farms upriver from Aleria, then buy the sheep farms ASAP to make sure they don't go away. It was very slow going until I was then able to build a Brewery in Aleria and buy a couple grain farms. In the year I needed my first 100 miles of rail I was able to run 125 miles worth just to connect Aleria and Ghisonaccia (without crossing rivers.) Next rail was to the Textile Mill. From there up and down the coast, plus a few more depots in the middle of nowhere to gather resources, and another one on a cluster of four houses to "invent" a town. Some more industry like Meat Packing and Dairy Processing plus buying up a couple each of nearby Cattle Ranches and Dairy Farms. By about 14-16 years in things were finally plugging away nicely. But boy, those early years were tough. Still hoping to get $200K in profit in like the 5th year! Investors were not happy! Didn't help I kept issuing stocks every year and eliminated the dividends...

Some unexpected things going on here. Trains are boosted in reliability 2 steps. Industries are unusually productive, almost double? And new resource producing farms/camps/mines/ranches seem to spawn extremely fast once the game gets going, though they're all rare to start with.

Also, beautiful map, incredible mountains, more extreme than I've yet seen on a map. Very intimidating. Sorry to say I'll make the gold without trying to profitably connect to some of the required cities...

One funny thing I noticed about the map, though. The ocean was painted in around the island to many places above sea level, which looks odd. As do the trees and bushes sprouting up from the middle of the ocean. I know making a scenario takes dozens of hours, but one more to polish up these little details would've been nice...

Final notes after pushing to gold in year 25... tunnels are extremely cheap! And when you decide to use them liberally, the mountains are no longer insurmountable obstacles to profitable railbuilding. And in fact, Kardamom set it up so the interior could be rather easily connected with tunnels, no obscene grades required, which much have taken him some planning and testing. Good job with that! Nice surprise at the end, makes me wish I had tried tunnels sooner...
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