
Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
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Bharelia Unread post

A problem. As soon as the 1st year was completed, and maybe I went to "save" it, a pictorial popped up, with a person headed down the track, and a comment that I "had lost". ^**lylgh

I had this same problem with another sceanario, and tried switching in and out different engines, as per some suggestions, without any success. Is this the same type of problem. !hairpull!

Sorry to see this happen to what I consider, as very interesting concept of requirements. And especially of the time and imagination which had to be given to its creation. *!*!*!

Anyone, having this type of problem, and/or any suggestions to get my system to accept this scenario. :salute:
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Re: Bharelia Unread post

Sort of an update.

As I am running 3 engines from Harwan A-B, A-C, and B-C, I did save the game a couple time, after placing a "distillery" and "maintenance/sand/water. But it wasn't my "save" that triggered the notification of "you have lost". The notice just triggered itself.

But, then the system triggered, just like that of when you ""normally"" have finished a scenario to its deadline, of, "do you want to continue playing". I pressed the "yes", and was able to continue playing the 2nd year.

At the close of the 2nd year, the ledger page of the "years requirement totals" were completed.

But then, without having any indication in the "briefing" the added indicator of "Electrical Production". Hence I believe that although there isn't any indicator to require such, that eventually the hauling of coal/oil to electric plants will be part of the game. And seeing that the end of the game ends in 1950, the use of electric trans may be the only option.

Any comments.
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Re: Bharelia Unread post

After you have lost you can continue playing but the the medals will not trigger. I haven't played this scenario but it sounds like you failed to meet some specific goal required of you the first year. Try checking the mission briefing.

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The Big Dawg
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Re: Bharelia Unread post

Looks like it might be an error in the lose event. He has it set at current game year<=1950
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Re: Bharelia Unread post

:oops: Sorry! I'll get it fixed as soon as possible tomorrow. (In Denmark it's now 10.30 pm. and I've have just returned from a party) :oops:
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Re: Bharelia Unread post

Well thanks for all the info, and that is the reason I don't do much on "beta" scenarios. If anything goes amiss, I don't know where to look, or how to fix or realign it.

So, I am glad that it is nothing major, and just as glad that it isn't my system.

Get a good nights sleep Arop, and will be looking forward to restart Bharelia, as with all your creations, I find them very interesting or concept and imagination. :salute:
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Re: Bharelia Unread post

A new fixed version of this map is now available.
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Re: Bharelia Unread post

Okay, nothing serious, but there is the problem for a city along the "left" edge called Fewe, or close to it approximately 1/3 down from the NW corner. Even with the "zoom" enhancer, there is not an adequate amount of the "dot" to get it activated into a routing. I have had this in another scenario and the user creator was able to fix it, or maybe the city could just be ""slightly"" moved.

As I had already started the scenario, with a default of having "lost", I continued playing, as I just like ""playing"". Made the cnn of Harman/Gathoma prior 1915. Was just short of the 10,000 GCA in 1935. However, I don't believe I can attain good level requirement except the PNW. The rest, although the map is a mess of tracks, bought up industries, and 'built' industries, with 125 engine operation. So many of the cities only have 1-2 houses, so don't produce must for revenue.

A big problem, but actually in "real time" the result of mines getting depleted of a commodity supply. However, that leaves an engine just setting, until it is recognized the reason. So, a player has to look to see what other industry has been initiated to help compensate for the loss.

Hence this cuts into the revenue for the track and depot maintainence, and the construction to a different location. Real time happenings. Orange46 has some ideas similar to this in his next scenaio.

Having a lot of fun trying to keep things organized. This scenario should bring a lot on comments, as it is a very interesting concept of imagination and creativity, with great terrain features. :salute: !*th_up*! !$th_u$!
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Re: Bharelia Unread post

First of all, an apology, as I have previuously indicated that there wasn't any mention of an Electric Production or GCA. Wrong. Read it, but it didn't set in.

And I didn't need an invitation of medals to play this scenario. Thus, after plaing a number of years before the corrected version, I continued to play.

If to a stategy, I was able to attain most of the requirement by 1915, 1935, and 1950. The exception was that of CBV requiring $600G of which I attained $488G, and that of the Total Haul of 80G of which I only attained 46G.

I don't know if it was a hinderence by bulldozing depots, after the industry supply was deleted. This was evident with coal, iron, and ore industries. Hence, a player has to periodically check his train inventory, to see if any appear "to be waiting for cargo". Then check the area to see if there is an industry. I did not bulldoze the track.

As I laid track, I would buy any profitable industry along its thoroughofare. By the end of the game, I believe that I had almost every industry bought or built. And tracks laid to most all supplying depots.

I might have made a mistake until 1930, in that of routing of trains, and basically using a 0/5 for intermediate cities, and a 2/5 for greater star cities. But it might have been in the set-up of the route. Route e.g. A-B-C-D-E, would be set up A-C-E-D-B-A. This I believed gave me better revenue for distances. I would build the sand/water and mntnc at 1 end and a sand/water at the other end. In conjunction a regular train e.g. A-E-A. The revenue was not all that bad, but the "haul" was not accummulating fast enough. Hence I switched the routing to every stop e.g. A-B-C-D-E-D-C-B-A. Don't know if it really inproved revenue in the haul.

Some part of play which was a disadvantage, was naturally the supply being on the opposite end of the map to the demand depot/industry. I tried to build an industry closest to the supply, and especially that of the 1st Electric plant. Another one didn't come very fast, and although the GCA came fairly well, I could have built a plant a lot closer to the supply of coal and oil.

Corn was another of such a problem for cattle. And although the chemical and fertilizer plants came late in the scenario, they did help to increase corn commodity to help increase the volume of shipping both to local and "other side of the map" industries.

In all, this scenario was a lot of fun. A little hectic at times with the real time with the coal, iron, ore, and oil, but overall I enjoyed it concept and imagination. The only basic problem which I encountered was that of not being able to get a sizeable "dot" for the city of Fewe, so that I could incorporate it in a routing, even though I "zoomed" it.

So I hope that these hints will help others, and that everyone will find as much enjoyment in this creation as me. Hence a !$th_u$! to Arop and his talents.
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Re: Bharelia Unread post

!$th_u$! I forgot to mention about loops and tunnels, that the best results are achieved when you start from the highest point. Overall in this map, if you build your railways carefully, no grades above 3(%?) are necessary and most bridges can be built without steep embankments. About the bordertown "Fewe" it should be moved a little east, but I do'nt think it is enough to submit a new version to Hawk unless more changes are to be made :-D .
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Re: Bharelia Unread post

Thanks Arop on the info, especially on the tunnels. I may have missed the "folder" in which they may have been shown. A real concept of "engineering. Really neat. So, without my knowledge of them, I just found it less hassle and expense to just build a couple of tunnels straight thru the bottom of a mountain. Will have to try your method the next time your scenario is played. :salute:

Thank you !$th_u$! for the creation, as I found it of interest and a challenge. !*th_up*!
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Re: Bharelia Unread post

There was a couple of days after arop updated the map that I forgot to add the screen-shots of how to build the tunnels.

For those that might have downloaded the map during that time and you didn't get the screen-shots, I've attached a zip with all 3 in it to this post.

To depend on me to take care of minuscule tasks like that is a shot-in-the-dark. ^**lylgh
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Re: Bharelia Unread post

Once more I try to "help"! Specifing the winning conditions seems to be hard! Related to this scenario - BTW a really interesting and challenging one !*th_up*! - the check for reaching gold should be < 1950 or <= 1950. Anything else simply frustrates the "successful gamer". (As being something like a teacher, I know that spending tips on how to do this or that is out of being accepted at all! But, no offence, arop, maybe you remember my PMs about this topic. (0!!0) )
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Re: Bharelia Unread post

:oops: I have found and corrected this error! I will take another look at this map and see if other things can be changed or improved in a version 1.2 including adding stockyards, vinyards and other new buildings, now being standard in my latest maps. I think this new version can be ready within a at the end of next week together with an improved version of Great Southern Railway, that (hopefully) doesn't crash on some computers :salute:
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