New map for rrt3 v 1.06 Ghana Railways (beta 1)

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
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New map for rrt3 v 1.06 Ghana Railways (beta 1) Unread post

My latest map (beta) is about railways in Ghana (The British Gold Cost colony). Ghana once had a small, British built, narrow gauge railway system (see the attached map). Today most of Ghana Railways are in a most derelict condition, although plans have been made to reactivate and build a couple of new lines to the north, but nothing has yet come to fruitation. The economy is typical colonial: Raw materials are brought to the nearest port, in exchange with manufactured goods from the European motherland. Ports are very important in this game, and if they disaper or they not are seeded on the map, I have made them buildable. I have added a few towns and cities, which have never had any railway connection in attempt to make this scenario a little more exiting. Any comments, advice or suggestions are, as usual, welcome.
Ghana Railways (beta 1).rar
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Well, I usually enjoy playing the creations of Arop with his concept of challenges, but I do have some reserve comments to them.
!st, there is the "established" AI. Hence that competitor can buy up my shares as fast as myself, and thereby, with the goal of PNV, I find that any funding to my company to attain a high dividend, that the AI has somewhat of an advantage, realizing profits as fast as myself.
2nd, with that said, the AI tends to have sufficient profits to buy up the "farms" into which I am laying track. That depletes my ability toward LIP goals. Also, as those farms are needed for both hauling revenue and the necessary supply, the AI capitalizes more profits from my endeavors.
3rd. So while a player "struggles" to attain the goal of city requirement bonus benefits, the AI just has "fun" buying up farms and stock.
4th. I have yet to see a scenario in which the "industries" are of such a value righ from the start, that a player requires a goodly amount of bonds to purchase them. If not at the beginning of the game, that player suffers the percentage increase during the game itself. Which is part of the system. Just don't know why these industry prices are of such a value right from the start????

Oh, and also the AI knows which supply farms are part of the requirement, so have purchased them even prior to me laying track into that area. Of course, all are computer enhanced as part of the program, which I realized.

Right now I am in 1910, with only 15 of the 30 city requirement, and because of the prices of industries, I believe I have only been able to acquire "1". The rest, when I can actually buy them before the AI "finds out that I am laying track to a given area", I have been able to buy a few farms.

With that said, I have not run into any programming problem. :salute: {,0,}
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Well, all that being said in my last thread Arop,
I did get the Gold in Expert, just missing the 500 with 485 clothing, but only 258 with the produce. I did have a few Distillery purchase, but possibly there wasn't either enough time, of supply to get the 500 requirement.

Although the industries seemed to be fairly high for purchase in the beginning, I did give them a goodly supply, so as to attain the haul requirements. It was not until I attained the 30 cities, at which time the bonus revenue enabled me to start buying the necessary industries so as to attain the LIP goal. For revenue, I did attain the 2 accesses, and I also connected 40 of the 40+ available cities. Once I was able to make connections to those areas, it was an aid to then attain a goodly supply to meet hauling goals. Although I only made the LIP of $111K, and $65K for the PNV. It was a challenge all the way. Well, at least within my capabilities.

Enjoyed the scenario very much, and hope others will find it as interesting. :salute: {,0,}
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As usually, I did it on normal (Gold in 1925).

Somethong strange was the fact, the I had to "invest" $0 for accessing both Togo and Ivory Coast (right at the beginning). Was that intended?

As RoS above mentioned, the behaviour of the AI is somewhat "special". Arop, I played most of your maps with great pleasure, but (not only while playing this map) I think, that the "embedding of AI's into a scenario" is something you should avoid. No offence, but please, think about that!

I'm stlill waiting for things like Arboria, Bird Island, Dawonia, Hibirnia, Pine Island (ok - I'll stop now) from you. (0!!0)
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Re: New map for rrt3 v 1.06 Ghana Railways (beta 1) Unread post

Attached to this answer you'll find Ghana Railways beta 2 and a fictive map, called Ascania, with more cities covering the same area not having anything to do with the real Ghana. The only change in Ghana beta 2, is that the A.I. player has become optional and in case of playing solo, Togo Railways is only a dummy. With acces price "0" is ment to be that there should be no access to the western part of German Togoland before an event triggered in 1922, when the French and the British share the spoils of the former German colony sanctioned by the Legue of Nations.

Besides: my mapmaking will be brought to a temperary halt due to a two week holliday in Germany beginning on Friday 31th. :salute:
ASCANIA (beta1).rar
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Ghana Railways (beta 2).rar
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Well Arop,
German holiday? I would believe that it would be a little early for "Octoberfest". LOL But which ever the holiday, hope it will be an enjoyable one for you, your family, and friends. (0!!0) LOL :salute: {,0,}
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Re: New map for rrt3 v 1.06 Ghana Railways (beta 1) Unread post

!$th_u$! Now I'm back, as I have been photographing and riding steam trains on the many German vintage railways for more than a week. Again any comments, advice and suggestions concerning my latest beta maps are welcome, so I can finish the 1.0 versions and submit them to Hawk. :salute:
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Re: New map for rrt3 v 1.06 Ghana Railways (beta 1) Unread post

Well I didn't find any problems with this scenario Arop. Usually I don't use "purchase ports", but did find them to be of some enhancement to complete some of the requirements. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: New map for rrt3 v 1.06 Ghana Railways (beta 1) Unread post

!!howdy!! Now I have submitted version 1.0 to Hawk for the archives. :salute:
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