
Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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Amazzonia Unread post

Only the Bronze for this scenario. Did not act soon enough to the many requirements of challenge. And the demands are numerous in scope. Connections of cities, purchasing access to territories, an LIP, and be the sole survivor. Being only a Bronze acquirer, I will leave the surprises to any player. The only suggestion I will give, it that you have to merge to the only AI right at the very end of the game. Otherwise, he will start another railroad.

Good Luck. :salute: (0!!0)
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Re: Ammazzonia Unread post

There is a way to knock down an opponent and assure that they won't be able to start another company. It involves some "dirty tactics" (not cheating), but that what Tycooning is all about, isn't it? The goal is to drive the opponent (AI) into the ground to the point where they don't have the required cash, or purchasing power, to be able to start another company. There are a few requirements to do this though: you have to own a controlling share in your own company (so yo can regain the Chair), you have to be able to buy up a controlling share of the competitor (so you can work their company to your advantage, and the AI's disadvantage), you have to be able to absorb what could be a substantial loss as a result of running the AI (now in your control) into the ground. It helps if the target AI player doesn't own any stock in your company.

It works like this (all the below done with the game "Paused"):

1. Assuming you have a controlling share in your company, buy up at least 51% of the AI's stock and assume the Chairmanship (do not Merge with the AI)

2. Use the AI's assets, including Company Cash and perhaps bonds, to buy back company stock. If you run out of shares to buy back before you run out of money, sell off your shares, 1000 at a time (one round of "Sell") and have the company buy them back. This will drive up the price, so you'll make a pretty big profit when you sell of your shares below. The degree to which you do this (use company assets including bonds) will vary depending on the financial state of your original company, because eventually you're going to have to merge with AI, and you don't want them to be too much of a financial burden.

3. Depending on how much you need to "hurt" the AI, sell off any industries they have, bulldoze a couple pieces of track and build a Post Office to block the AI from rebuilding it, buy and then immediately sell industries, etc. The idea here is to make sure that the AI's share price will plummet after you leave it. It may take a year or two to drive it completely into the ground, especially if the AI has grown to a substantial size before you can do the above.

4. Re-assume Chairmanship of your original company, sell off any remaining stock in the AI company, and short-sell as much as possible of the AI's stock. Remember, the stock price will plummet, so when you need to buy it back, you'll make a bundle here.

5. Resume play, and watch the AI go under. If the AI player has bought a lot of his stock on margin, there will come a time when a magin call will be issued, and he'll go belly up, hopefully with a negative cash balance, preventing him from ever starting another company. Eventually, the AI's company should go bankrupt, so you'll want to buy back into it and merge before that happens. If the company goes into "receivership", I don't think you'll ever be able to merge with it.

If there are multiple AIs, and each AI player has bought into the other AI companies, you may need to attack all of them at once, but depending on how much they own of each other's companies, you may be able to attack them one-at-a-time.

Happy Tycooning!! (0!!0)
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Re: Ammazzonia Unread post

Those are all good suggestion MSU,
But in this case, the 20 years don't give a player much leeway with all the challenges required. I was just giving any player the info that the AIs will start another railway. And I had 75% of the stock, but evidently not enough to keep the AI from having the $100k to start another railway.
However, it is an interesting scenario, with a goo conecpt of immagination and goals. :salute: {,0,}
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Amazzonia Unread post

I am playing Amazzonia and find that it is an interesting scenario with its concept of goals. Now I am not a real Tycoon as some other members, but I usually test a scenario or beta in the Expert level. And I don't usually attain the Gold, but it lets me know if there is any problems at that level. AND Expert does have its drawback in comparison with the other levels, which to a lessor degree of revenue.

What I did find in the Amazzonia, is that revenue is -20% lower on commodities for the 1st 20 years, per the creator. That in itself, plus playing the Expert level is a real challenge.

But my findings is to that of a goal. The "Briefing" shows that the BZ Medal requires an LIP of $5Mk, whereas the year end ledger shows it to be that of $7Mk. Being that the creator is unknown, I don't believe that ethically the change or correction can be made. But just to let other players to know there is that error. If I am able to make such a Medal Award, I will update the goal requirement.

Hope othere members will have as much enjoyment as me with this creation. :salute: {,0,}
Last edited by RayofSunshine on Sun May 26, 2013 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Amazzonia Unread post

Okay, I did manage to find that the LIP is awarded at the $5Mk level as per the Briefing, and not the $7Mk as per the year end ledger. Other than that, I did not find any problems with the programming. Probably not, as this is an old scenario from possibly the Molse web site.

Any way, I hope some members will play it, to enjoy another great scenario. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: Amazzonia Unread post

I've played this scenario some years ago and - as my "RT3 map overview utility" shows - I did it on normal and got Bonze only.
I don't remember the details and all I konw about the author is his nickname: fenox
Anybody knowing more?
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Re: Amazzonia Unread post

Sugus wrote:all I konw about the author is his nickname: fenox
Anybody knowing more?
I think that map came from the old RTI site and that is all the info that was given.
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