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Browser Wars and Other Useless Trivia

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The Big Dawg
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Joined: Fri Nov 10, 2006 10:28 am
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Browser Wars and Other Useless Trivia

Unread post by Hawk »

This may not be of any real interest to anyone but I thought I'd post it anyway. :mrgreen:

I got to wondering about browser usage this morning so I checked the stats for this website. It looks like Internet Explorer has drastically dropped in popularity, at least for visitors to this site; taken over by Chrome and Firefox.
Browsers.jpg (92.04 KiB) Viewed 18277 times
The Pages column is how many pages were accessed by the various browsers.
The Hits column is how many hits there were to the website by the various browsers.
The percentage columns are in relation to all browsers.

Here's the list of Others from the shot above.
Others.jpg (49.4 KiB) Viewed 18277 times
And here's the monthly stats for this year so far.
Monthly Stats.jpg
Monthly Stats.jpg (61.15 KiB) Viewed 18277 times
Here's the stats on the various Windows Operating Systems that have accesses this site. The top line is the stats of all browsers used to access the site. This is just for one month. I believe it was June.
OS's.jpg (104.4 KiB) Viewed 18277 times
Can you believe someone out there is still using Win 95 and Win 3.xx? I find that a bit hard to believe myself, but I guess it takes all kinds. :mrgreen: