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Hello from USA

New Members! Please stop by here and introduce yourselves.
Posts: 33
Joined: Tue Jul 26, 2016 10:58 pm

Hello from USA

Unread post by sleepy »

Figured I might as well make one of these posts. I decided sometime over the summer to restart playing this game, as explained a bit in my first post. Interestingly enough, I only had the demo as a kid maybe eight or ten years ago, so I would play the Italy map that came with the game over and over. I've always enjoyed tycoon games such as the famous Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 and even Zoo Tycoon briefly.
For those who are curious, my username comes from my permanently messed up sleep schedule. Part of the blame is on staying up late at night to play video games or code. This game (RRT3) has an appeal that makes it hard to quit, in a Civ one-more-turn kind of way. I hope to spend more time on this forum as I work my way through the campaigns. I haven't even tried out The Archives stuff yet.
