GameWeek value?

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GameWeek value? Unread post

Is there a GameWeek value?

I could swear I've used it in the past, but I just can't see it in the (big, long) list of available values in the Event Editor.

For the moment I'm just looking to pop up a dialog at the start of week 4 of December, so that I can sell off a few shares at the inflated end-of-year price before the big annual reckoning. I always end up guessing how long I can let the share price rise, and often wait too long.

If there isn't this value, I could workaround by setting a spare game variable to 1 at the start of Dec and incrementing it every week.

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Re: GameWeek value? Unread post

undertoad wrote:Is there a GameWeek value?
undertoad wrote:If there isn't this value, I could workaround by setting a spare game variable to 1 at the start of Dec and incrementing it every week.
That's the way to do it. !*th_up*!

Actually, I would probably use a Territory or Player Variable for this because the Game Variables are precious. There are certain things that cannot be done with the other varieties of variable in 1.05. For example, an event that tests against a specific Company, Player, Territory cannot be made to apply an effect to a different company. In 1.06, that can be done, but if you have a complex event affecting multiple entities it will still be easier to use a Game Variable. Last reason, in both versions, Game Variables (also Company Variables) have better display options (for example, when used in the ledger) than Player or Territory. They can be displayed as Money, True/False, Complete/Incomplete, etc.

Trick to reliably using a Territory Variable for this is to use "Force Test Against Territory" as a condition. Then select to test against the Territory whose variable you want to use. This needs to be done for the notice event as well.

Personally, I am a fan of event chains that reset themselves when they fire. For example when your notice fires (TV=3), I would include an effect to subtract 4 from the variable. This way the event is setup to fire properly next year.
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Re: GameWeek value? Unread post

Thank, RulerofRails!

That's just the kind of thorough, thoughtful answer that makes this forum what it is :-D .

I'll dig around in the scenario events to check what's free, and use a Player or Territory variable.
RulerofRails wrote:
undertoad wrote:Is there a GameWeek value?
Personally, I am a fan of event chains that reset themselves when they fire. For example when your notice fires (TV=3), I would include an effect to subtract 4 from the variable. This way the event is setup to fire properly next year.
That's a really good practice, in an environment like RRT3 where there's a set number of variables which persist beyond their use.
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