1 Insustry Supplying 2nd Industry in Same Station Area

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1 Insustry Supplying 2nd Industry in Same Station Area Unread post

I have a tire factory and auto plant being served by the same station. I am delivering rubber and steel to the station, but no cars seem to be produced. I have a train waiting for a load of cars and it never gets loaded. The train sat for years and loaded no cars. Do I need to deliver tires from the same station to itself? In RRT3 the tires would get to the auto plant in this situation, but that doesn't seem to be happening in RRT2.
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The Big Dawg
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Re: 1 Insustry Supplying 2nd Industry in Same Station Area Unread post

Is the tire factory and the auto plant both in the station radius?

In RT2 if they are not in the station radius you will have to build stations at them. RT2 does not deliver cargo by any means other than your trains, unlike RT3 - which will.
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Sorry, I didn't make that clear. Yes they are in the same station radius. I sort of noticed this same thing with grain farms that were in the same station radius as a dairy, sheep farm, or cattle ranch. I expected increased production from them, but didn't see it. I wasn't sure about it though. However, with the tires/auto plant, I haven't seen autos produced even though the rubber is supplied for the tires and steel is supplied for the autos. The only thing I can assume is that the tires aren't getting to the auto plant.

I am running RRT2, TSC. The station settings at the tire/auto plant station is to sell all cargo (green flag). The train waiting for autos is 4 cars and set to wait for full load (red light). I haven't seen any evidence of any autos being loaded at all. Even if they aren't all loaded yet, you see a car go from dull (not loaded) to bright (loaded) and the train will wait until they are all loaded to leave. (but you know that).
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The Big Dawg
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Re: 1 Insustry Supplying 2nd Industry in Same Station Area Unread post

How long has the train been waiting?
Sometimes it can take an auto plant a year or two to produce anything.
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Re: 1 Insustry Supplying 2nd Industry in Same Station Area Unread post

You need to haul the tires away and back again via a waypoint close to the station or put a second station near the tire factory and haul the tires between the 2 stations. If you click on the globe icon on the left hand side to get the list of cargos and then select autos, tires and steel then if you look at the auto plant on the map you should see in yellow the tires and steel needed to make the autos. The number in brackets is the number of loads of each at the plant. You will probably see several loads of steel but no tires at the plant. If there are tires at the nearby station this shows they aren't getting delivered to the factory.

If memory serves correctly cargoes won't move from one factory to another in the same station area without going via a train first. If they went straight to the factory they wouldn't show up at the station.

In RTII production is near instantaneous.
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The Big Dawg
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Re: 1 Insustry Supplying 2nd Industry in Same Station Area Unread post

Silverback wrote: In RTII production is near instantaneous.
That's right. I remember now. :mrgreen: I was thinking RT3.
It's been a while since I played RT2.
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Re: 1 Insustry Supplying 2nd Industry in Same Station Area Unread post

Thanks, Silverback. I thought maybe because the steel and tires were arriving at different times and the steel was coming from a loooong way away that maybe the tires were "expiring" by the time the steel got there. I did something similar to what you described. I set up a station outside the auto factory station and had the steel and rubber dropped off there. Then I had a train make the short haul of steel and rubber to the auto/tire factory. TIres did then show up and the steel disappeared instantaneously. My train still sat there and did not get loaded. Several deliveries of rubber and steel occurred but still no autos on the train. I then bought the auto plant just to see if it was making money. It was making money hand over fist!! Where the heck were the autos going? The only thing I can think is this: The scenario is a user designed Colorado 1915. The Colorado map has Denver as a separate territory from the rest of Colorado. That does not come into play in this particular scenario, but it is still a separate territory. I have a "passanger" station set up that encompasses only the dozen or so houses in Denver. The auto and tire factories are to the West of Denver and outside my "passanger" station but within the Denver territory. I have the 2 factories covered by a second station with no overlap with my "passanger" station. Is it possible that because the auto plant is in the Denver territory that the autos are consumed by the Denver housing as soon as they are made? I am going to try your suggestion and take the rubber into the auto/tire plant station, the haul the tires out to my "auto supply" station where the steel arrives, then haul the steel and tires together back to the auto/tire plant station and see what happens.
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Re: 1 Insustry Supplying 2nd Industry in Same Station Area Unread post

You need to haul rubber to a station with the tire factory in its radius , then when tires are produced haul those to a station with the Auto Plant in its radius.
Steel needs to be hauled to the station with the auto plant in its radius too (or another station with the auto plant in its radius). The autos produced then need to be hauled from the auto plant station to a city. Neither raw materials or intermediate materials will move by themselves they have to be hauled, and they wont be used unless they are hauled. If you see any tires at the station with the auto plant in its radius you wont get any autos as the tires will sit there and decay. You must haul everything in RTII.

If you take 10 loads of steel to an auto plant the auto plant will hold them forever and wont produce autos until tires are hauled there.
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Re: 1 Insustry Supplying 2nd Industry in Same Station Area Unread post

Thanks, Silverback for all your feedback. Here's what I finnally found.

Hauling the rubber to the tire factory/auto plant station, then hauling the tires to a maintenance station I set up outside the radius of the tire factory/auto plant station, then hauling the tires back to the tire factory/auto plant station didn't work.

I then erected a station that just had the tire factory in its radius. This was also within the auto factory station radius so I essentially had 2 stations serving the tire factory. I hauled the rubber to the tire factory only station, then made the short haul from the tire factory only station to the auto plant/tire factory station. Whala! Tires available and autos being produced (the steel was already there and waiting).

Lesson learned for RRT2 - if 2 industries are near each other and one can supply the other, build 2 separate stations serving each industry separately.
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